The Study of Mr. Guo Nai’an’s Achievement and Biography Brief
【作者】 吴璨;
【导师】 崔宪;
【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士
【摘要】 郭乃安先生是我国当代杰出的音乐学家,他理论研究涉猎广泛、学术成就硕果累累,对他生平传略及学术成就的研究,有利于梳理过往民族音乐学等的发展脉络,藉以理解和把握当今音乐学的若干研究视野和思考进路。本篇文章沿着郭先生追求音乐理论过程的进路和方向,采用深入访谈与查阅资料档案相结合的方法,通过适当与其他相关研究进行比较,在郭乃安的学术及思想等方面作了一定的探索分析。首先本文分时间段记录了郭先生从求学到当代的成长历程和音乐生活。紧接着对“山歌社”的相关音乐活动及其影响进行概述,并试图从中寻找作为“山歌社”骨干之一郭先生的有关作用及影响。进而本文对郭先生主要参与编写的《民族音乐概论》进行了分析比较,以期寻找该书对中国传统音乐产生的影响;最后本文通过对郭先生的论文集《音乐学,请把目光投向人》中的文章进行梳理,归纳了郭先生在文中表达的主要学术观点和思想。通过本文的论述,本文得出初步的结论,郭乃安先生是一位具有鲜明时代特征的音乐理论家、其学术观点体系是一个长期思考中的发展过程、先生对于中国音乐理论研究所产生的影响具有长期的不可动摇的稳定性。
【Abstract】 Mr. Guo Nai’an is considered to be the outstanding master of musicology in contemporary China. His theoretic researches are profound with great achievement. To study his achievement and biography brief is good for understand the development of national musicology before, which is helpful and useful for mastering and comprehending the visions and thinking of current musicology.In this paper, tracing the direction and process of Mr. Guo’s research on musical theory, through using method of interview and reading documents and files and comparing with other relevant research, it explores and analyzes Guo’s learning and ideology. Firstly, the paper chronologically records Guo’s growth and pursue for music from his school days to his contemporary adult years. Then it introduces the musical activities of "Folk Songs Association" and its influences generally. Meanwhile, it tries to seeking for one of the key member in "Folk Songs Association"—Guo’s functions and influence. In order to expound its impact on the birth of Chinese traditional music, further it makes a contrast analysis of General Introduction to National Music, which is mainly compiled by Mr. Guo. Finally, the paper summarizes Guo’s main opinions and ideology expressed in his book through briefly going into his thesis collection --Musicology, Please Focus on human.After the discussion and analysis, the paper draws an elementary conclusion that Guo Nai’an is a master of musicology with evident features; his view system is a developing process after long-term consideration and his influence on research on musical theory in China is stable, long-lasting and irreplaceable.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 中国艺术研究院 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
- 【分类号】J609.2;K825.76
- 【被引频次】4
- 【下载频次】194