


【作者】 姚慧

【导师】 金经言;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 少数民族歌唱家是为了满足中国特定历史时期的特殊国家需要而产生的、在国家和少数民族地区政府特殊文化政策的培养下成长起来的、具有中国特色的歌唱家群体。在中国音乐史上,55个少数民族能歌善舞,民间歌手层出不穷,她们传承创造着民族艺术,连缀装点着音乐文化,成为了丰富中国音乐史不可或缺的重要元素之一。少数民族歌唱家这一群体是新中国成立后的特殊产物,是国家需要、国家培养和国家使用的特殊人才。因此,少数民族歌唱家的艺术道路展示给我们的不仅仅是他们的个人命运,而且从历史的侧面反映了新中国成立以来少数民族音乐的发展脉络以及被接受和被使用的过程,在某种程度上也是新中国成立以来现代化进程的一个折射点,其在中国少数民族音乐史上占有重要地位。本文的研究对象著名蒙古族歌唱家德德玛是少数民族歌唱家群体的典型代表,是蒙古族音乐文化的重要象征,是每一位研究当代蒙古族音乐史的研究者无法逾越的重要人物,她的成长历程在某种程度上反映了新中国成立以来内蒙古自治区和蒙古族音乐的发展轨迹。因此本文以德德玛的成长历程为个案,以音乐社会学的独特视角,应用社会学家埃利亚斯提出的社会规范相关理论对德德玛的艺术生涯进行一定的学理分析,试图从中探寻少数民族歌唱家的成长历程与国家介入的密切关系,力图追溯一个人在国家政治背景下的人生走向,以及在国家、社会、文化不断变迁的大形势下他们如何应对纷繁复杂的社会关系、如何调整自我适应社会、如何解构价值观选择自己的人生等一系列问题。

【Abstract】 Chinese ethnic minority singers trained by the national and local governments constitute a group which has originated from a special need in the country during a given period of time. In Chinese musical history, folk minority singers are uncountable and an ever-present component. The role of such singers has become even more significant since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China and because of the attention given to them by the government. As a result, their careers not only show us their personal life, but through their experience it is also possible to observe processes whereby ethnic minority music has been received and used. At the same time, their careers are a mirror of China’s modernization. Therefore, their personal stories play an indispensable role in the ethnic minority groups’ music history.The research object of the present dissertation is Mrs Dedema, a typical representative of these singers. She is an important symbol of Mongolian musical culture and an outstanding personality in Mongolian musical history. To some extant, her career reflects the line of development of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Inner Mongolian Music. By taking Dedema’s career as a case study, the present dissertation will attempt to find the interaction between the ethnic minority singers’ careers and the needs of the country. The perspective adopted in the research and analysis is that of the sociology of music, in particular the social theory of Norbert Elias. Furthermore, particular attention will be placed upon answering questions such as how ethnic minority singers choose their life, how they adjust to social and cultural changes, how they rework their role in the face of changing and complicated social relationships.

  • 【分类号】J605;K825.76
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】222

