

Singapore B2C E-Business-Analysis and Design of Singdragon E-Shop

【作者】 龙铮

【导师】 王理平;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网在全球的普及,网上的电子交易日益频繁,正在逐渐取代以往直接前往商场或者通过电话和传真等的购物模式,而且企业间的交易模式逐渐从利用传统方式的交易模式转变为利用互联网的交易模式,交易费用也大幅度降低。电子商务不仅仅展示出未来的主要贸易方式,而且也成为全球经济的最大增长点之一。类似于EBAY,淘宝之类的B2C,C2C的网站日益盛行。新加坡政府在分析自我国情后,也制定了大力发展电子商务的总发展目标。经过仔细分析新加坡的社会环境和网络环境,并研究新加坡众多成功与失败的网站案例,应用所学过的工商管理学知识,开始策划一个面向新加坡大众的电子购物网站,利用互联网进行商品买卖并提供物流运输服务。这个网站将用户群暂时设定为广大时尚网络用户,用户只需要在网站上浏览商品信息,提出自己的疑问,得到满意的答复后,再根据个人喜好来下订单,此外还可以选择是否需要送货服务,并约定送货时间,于是足不出户便可以购买到物美价廉的商品。网站通过在线销售网络以及物流配送系统来达到获利的目的。网站包括了商家信息管理,会员管理,在线讨论(论坛及留言板)三个大模块来实现其具体功能。本文通过对在新加坡进行电子购物网站开发的意义、背景以及在建设和推广过程中的问题加以分析讨论,并结合新加坡目前的现状阐述了该网站在新加坡的可行性。经过认真地调研,对网站的开发进行了全面的需求分析,并且对新加坡的同类型网站做了细致的对比分析,通过对系统的业务流程图、数据流程图的描述与定义,确定了网站的总体框架。在本文系统的介绍了网站的总体结构、功能模块划分、网站的总体流程、数据库的设计以及网站的开发特点。同时详细介绍了网站的实现,并对网站系统进行了相关性分析,阐述了网站运行的可行性。最后通过对网站的测试与功能完善,以及在设计制作和推广过程中遇到的问题做了详细说明。该网站采用康盛创想(北京)科技有限公司(Comsenz Inc。)的ECShop B2C独立网店系统,该网店系统适合企业及个人快速构建个性化网上商店。系统是基于PHP语言及MYSQL数据库构架开发的跨平台开源程序。该网店系统不仅设计了人性化的网店管理系统帮助商家快速上手,还根据普通网络用户的购物习惯改进了购物流程,实现更好的用户购物体验。该网店系统已经有两年的开发历史,无论在产品功能、稳定性、执行效率、负载能力、安全性和SEO支持(搜索引擎优化)等方面都居同类产品领先地位,已经成为最流行的购物系统之一。

【Abstract】 Under the trend of pervasive internet practices around the globe and substantially increasing electronic transactions replacing existing telephone and facsimile, the transaction model between enterprises are transferred from traditional business mode to business mode through internet which makes the cost lower dramatically. The system may focus on the middleman in the field of Electronics, that is to say, the users of the system take no responsibility on the production and assemble of the product. Such as eBay and TaoBao which is type of B2C, C2C e-business website, is increasing rapidly. Singapore government has made e-business develop planning under it analysis its own country situation.After analysis society situation and internet situation in Singapore, and also including e-business case of success and failure, we start to planning to build a e-business website which face to Chinese studying and working in Singapore by using what I learned in MBA classes. The organization makes max profit by making a deal online, deliver products and service to customers. The client base is young and fashionable customers who often use the internet. Customers can select product by browsing this website, and than make an order for this product. And one more thing, client can decisive to whether to be deliver products or not. Clients prefer to purchase online, rather than go to a real shop, because better way to save time and convenient for shopping. This website including three modes, there is supplier information management, member management, discusses online (BBS).This essay can be illustrated may as follows, which made a feasibility analysis for Singapore e-business market, based on some domestic excellent Purchase Information system. We summarize the meaning and the background of developing the system, and the basic theory and features of Singapore e-business market. It elaborates the meaning and feasibility of studying the system. And then define system’s total process by describing and defining business flow chart, data flow chart and data dictionary. Introduce system’s full form, the division of function module, process, the design of data base and the features of system’s development. Explaining the realization of the system, analyses the system, and elaborates the implement of the system. Finally, it is the system’s test and function perfection; it explains the test process of every part of the system and the solution of the problems appearing in the process. The SinDragon used ECShop e-business e-shop system which developed by Comsenz Inc. This system is free system and based on PHP and MYSQL. It is a human-based system and improved the process of purchasing.

【关键词】 B2C网络商城星龙在线购物物流配送
【Key words】 B2CE-shopSingDragon.comOnline ShopDistribution
  • 【分类号】F713.36
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】479

