

Study on Technology of Modulating Top-quality Xin Jiang Small Reed Silage

【作者】 于山江·玉素浦

【导师】 艾尼瓦尔·艾山; 郭焱;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文通过对不同生育期新疆小芦苇采取不同青贮方式处理后进行发酵品质和营养成分分析,从中筛选出最优的,然后用消化试验评定其效果。在前期基础上,再制作中型青贮试验,并进行绵羊适口性试验来评价。进而确立出在本地区调制青贮芦苇的最适生育期、最佳添加剂及添加量。试验一:选取不同生育期的新疆小芦苇(鲜草)为材料,采用鲜贮、鲜草+10g糖蜜/kg、鲜草+15g糖蜜/kg、鲜草+2.0ml甲酸/kg、鲜草+3.0ml甲酸/kg等方法进行调制。结果表明:CP含量变化以抽穗期添加糖蜜(15g)组及甲酸(2.0ml)组比原料草分别高出2.05%、2.53%,差异极显著(P<0.01);依生育期的推进NDF和ADF变化趋势是逐渐上升的,但ADF含量在各处理间没有显著;各生育期中甲酸(3.0ml)的pH值最低。试验二:选取不同生育期的新疆小芦苇半干草为原料,采用半干贮、半干草+10g糖蜜/kg、半干草+15g糖蜜/kg,半干草+2.0ml甲酸/kg,半干草+3.0ml甲酸/kg等进行调制。结果表明:在同一生育期中,pH值以甲酸3.0ml/kg组为最低、半干贮效果最差;抽穗期CP含量在各处理组显著高于原料草(P<0.05);各处理组的NDF含量与原料草相比略有降低,但差异不显著(P>0.05);抽穗期ADF含量各处理组显著低于原料草(P<0.01)。试验三:从上述两个试验里选择出效果最好的组,进行了绵羊消化试验(尼龙袋法),评定其在阿勒泰大尾羊瘤胃中的降解动态。结果表明:抽穗期原料草的DM降解率明显高于开花期和结实期(p<0.05);生育期越早,DM的降解率越高;在同一生育期里NDF降解率在鲜贮与各处理之间差异显著(p<0.01),尤其是抽穗期48h鲜贮的为43.79%,比原料草组高57.04%,比半干贮高1.96%;在同一生育期中鲜贮的ADF降解率明显高于原料草(p<0.01)。试验四:以试验三得出的结论为基础,进一步进行了中型青贮实验,在分析发酵品质和营养成分的基础上,进行了绵羊适口性实验。结果显示:抽穗期以半干草加甲酸组3.0ml/kg和糖蜜15g/kg组为最佳;开花期以鲜草加糖蜜15.0g/kg组的适口性显著优于其它组。

【Abstract】 It is an important step for technology of reed silage to improve the rate of usage of as well as promote Xin jiang liverstage. It was carried out to study the technology of modulating reed silage in the local condition.The following experiments were done in experiment.ExpⅠ: The result indicated that, pH changes of the different period of growing, the fresh silage directly, its quality was very poor, at that time adds formic acid(3.0ml) treatment ,its quality was best. The CP content change were following that,In the same period of growing time of reed ensilage crude protein (cp) is bigger than the control group (raw material grass) (P<0.01). The NDF and the ADF change was rises gradually according to period of growing, but the ADF content does not have the remarkable changes in the treatments.In the sum, The reed ensilage adds to the formic acid (Chemical additive) may be reduce the pH value which enhance to ensilage quality. Reed’s best harvesting time to make the ensiling is the period of earing period; The best kind of ensiling ways was the fresh grass +3.0ml formic acid /kg。.ExpⅡ: The result indicated that, in the same period of growing, the decline of pH of the wilted hay + formic acid treatment were quickly and fermentation quality was best, of the wilted silage were slowly, its fermentation quality was very poor, (P < 0.05).On the CP , the different treatments in the same growing period compared to control group were significantly(P<0.05)increase. In the sum, the reed ensilage adds to the formic acid(Chemical additive)may be reduces the pH which enhance to fermentation quality, It was a kind of ideal additive in the ensiling. The best harvesting time to make the wilted-silage was the period of the earing period; The best kind of treatment was The wilted hay +3.0ml formic acid /kg。ExpⅢ: The results showed that:①DM degradability of hay of the the earing period were higher than that in the florescence and the form seed period respectively (p<0.05).②In the same growth period, The degradability of the NDF of the fresh silage were higher than that the other treatments(p<0.01).③In the same growth period, The degradability of the ADF of the silages were higher than that hay(p<0.01).In the sum, the earing period was a good time for making silage.ExpⅣ: The result of palatability shows that the silage of the earing period wilted hay+3.0ml formic acid/kg or 15.0 g molasses/kg、and the florescence fresh hay+15.0g molasses/kg were superior to others treatments.

  • 【分类号】S816.9
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】189

