

The Ecophysiological Study on Seed Germination and Stress-resistance of Wild Apricot (Armeniaca Vulgaris Lam.)

【作者】 王蕾

【导师】 海利力·库尔班;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 果树学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 天山野杏(Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.)是天山野果林逆温层的宝贵野生果树资源,生长在独特的自然环境下,具有较强的抗逆性。本研究以野外收集的野生苦仁杏(橙黄杏(Armeniaca vulgaris f. aurantica L. Wang et D. F. Cui.)、甜仁杏(Armeniaca vulgaris f. glyeyosma L. Wang et D. F. Cui.)种子和二年实生苗为实验材料,研究野生杏种子萌发过程中储藏物质、淀粉酶的动态变化、赤霉素对野生杏打破休眠的效应。探索不同类型的野生杏对田间自然干旱的响应机理,主要分析研究了野生杏在干旱条件下的膜完整性、叶片相对含水量、渗透调节、以及膜保护酶系统的活性变化。讨论了种子萌发与野杏田间干旱的生理生态学问题。研究结果表明,赤霉素可以打破天山野杏的休眠,其中对甜仁杏的作用更为显著。种皮膜透性两次增加对应了种子萌发的第一相快速吸水阶段和第三相种胚突破种皮的阶段,甜仁杏和苦仁杏的种皮对赤霉素处理的响应存在较大差异。种子萌发之前子叶中可溶性糖含量显著增高,而种子萌发之后迅速下降。苦仁杏的可溶性糖含量高于甜仁杏,较高的可溶性糖含量保证了萌发的代谢供给。野杏干种子中具有一定量的α-淀粉酶和β-淀粉酶活性,萌发的种子中α-淀粉酶的活性比未萌发的种子活性高。可溶性糖含量与α-淀粉酶的活性成反比,说明可溶性糖对淀粉酶的活性有反馈抑制作用。种子萌发之前具有较高的β-淀粉酶活性,并且未受高浓度可溶性糖的抑制,萌发之后活性显著下降,推测β-淀粉酶对种子打破休眠有一定的作用。对于二年生实生苗叶片的渗透调节和抗氧化系统的研究表明:持续干旱使叶片相对含水量下降,质膜相对渗透率先上升后下降,野生甜仁杏1号的叶片相对含水量始终比其他类型的天山野杏高。野生甜仁1号和野生苦仁2号的钾离子含量首先升高,野生甜仁2号和野生苦仁1号的钾离子含量也在40天开始升高。各类型的钠离子含量在第40天显著高于对照,之后离子作为渗透调节物质含量有所下降。有机渗透调节物质的含量在干旱胁迫20天后显著升高,升高的时间早晚不同,按照由早到晚的顺序依次是:可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、脯氨酸,但类型之间还有差异。渗透调节的有机物升高以后膜透性下降明显。田间自然干旱植株除了受到水分胁迫外还受温度变化和空气相对湿度的影响。不同的阶段起清除H2O2作用的酶不同,干旱前期主要是CAT活性增高,干旱后期POD活性才缓慢增加到最大值,说明膜脂过氧化程度加重。持续干旱的前40天野生苦仁杏2号丙二醛含量升高的最缓慢,并在40天显著低于其他类型,说明它的膜受伤害程度最低。不同类型的野杏,适应能力也不同。综合来看,野生甜仁杏1号抗性较强,野生苦仁杏号2次之,野生甜仁杏2号的抗性最低。

【Abstract】 Wild Apricot(Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.)is a precious resource of wild fruit trees, and resistant to the environmental stresses. In this study, we collected different types of bitter and sweet kernel wild apricot seeds (Armeniaca vulgaris f. aurantica L. Wang et D. F. Cui.; Armeniaca vulgaris f. glyeyosma L. Wang et D. F. Cui.). Study on the dynamic changes of storage material and amylase during the seed germination, as well as effect of GA on wild apricot breaking dormancy, and the drought stress resistant mechanism of two-year old seedling of wild apricot. Study conserned to leaf relative water content, cell membrane permeability, osmotic adjustment, inorganic and organic solutent, activity of antioxidases in the wild apricot under drought stress condition.The result shows that, GA could break the seed dormancy of wild apricot. There were different responsive changes in cell membrane permeability between bitter and sweet apricot seed caot to GA treatment. Cell membrane permeability increases for two times which are firstly corresponding to the rapid water absorpsion stage and second to the phase of embryo breakthrough the seed caot during germination. Cotyledons before seed germination of soluble sugar content was significantly higher, but after the rapid decline in seed germination.There wereα-amylase andβ-amylase activity in dry seeds,α-amylase on germination seeds was haiger than no germination seeds. Soluble sugar content andα-amylase activity is inversely proportional, that showed soluble sugar on the amylase activity feedback inhibition. There was highβ-amylase acitvity in seeds before germination, andβ-amylase acitvity was unaffected by high concentrations of soluble sugar. The activity ofβ-amylase significant decline after germination . Speculate thatβ-amylase acitvity have a certain role to break the dormant seeds.The biennial seedling leaves osmoregulation and antioxidant system studies showed that persistent drought could decrease leaves relative water content and the change trendency of membrane permeability increased at the first and decreased following. Relative water content of sweet apricot-wild 1 leaves higher than the other types of always wild. Sodium and potassium ions of sweet apricot-wild 1 and bitter wild- apricot 2 increased more rapidly in the stress. Organic osmolyte content in the late stage of drought significantly increased, but they increased at the different time following the order of soluble protein, soluble sugar proline. But there are differences between the types. Osmotic regulation of organic matter increased after the membrane permeability decreased significantly.The water stress also was affected by changes in temperature and relative humidity of the air except drought in the field. The different enzymes afforded functions at different stages to eliminate peroxidase: CAT activity increased mainly at the early drought period but POD activity increased at the late drought period as the lipid peroxidation increase. MDA of bitter wild- apricot 2 slowly increased during drought 40 days, and in 40 days was significantly lower than other types, that showed that it hurt the least. The physiological changes of the different types of wild apricot were different. Overally, sweet apricot-wild 1 and bitter wild- apricot 2 have strong resistance sweet apricot-wild 2 has the least capacity to adapt to the environment.

  • 【分类号】S662.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】254

