

Study on the Fertilizer Applying Parameter and Water-nitrogen Coupling Model of Hop

【作者】 嵇云

【导师】 盛建东;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 土壤学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过肥料效应和水氮耦合效应的田间试验,利用反射仪速测植株硝酸盐技术,土壤硝态氮的动态监测,进行氮素营养诊断以及采用土壤剖面的分析法,建立啤酒花的施肥和水氮耦合模型、氮素营养诊断指标,初步研究了啤酒花的施肥参数和吸肥规律,确定合理的施肥量及灌溉量,探讨了施肥和灌溉对土壤硝态氮的残留影响。研究结果如下:1.肥料效应模型:Y= 1827 +0.63N+4.44P+0.95K-0.014NP+0.021NK-0.011PK-0.000047N2 -0.0018P2-0.015K2 (其中N、P、K分别代表尿素、三料磷肥和硫酸钾),预测最佳施肥量尿素188kg/hm2、三料磷肥179kg/hm2、硫酸钾96 kg/hm2,最佳产量为2355 kg/hm2。2.水氮耦合效应模型Y=1558.3+0.2X1-0.00002X12+1.0X2-0.002X22+0.0002X1X2 (其中X1、X2分别代表灌水量和尿素),预测最佳施尿素量为181 kg/hm2,最佳灌溉量5319m3/hm2,最佳产量为2483kg/hm2。3.啤酒花的养分系数分别为N 7.5~8.6 kg;P2O5 2.9~3.7kg;K2O 10.3~11.3 kg,三要素N︰P 2O5︰ K2O之比约为1︰ 0.4︰ 1.3。氮肥利用率37.5% ,土壤碱解氮校正函数曲线为Y=0.0018X2-0.22X+7.91,( X为土壤碱解氮mg/kg ,Y为校正系数)。4.肥料效应试验研究确定球果形成期和成熟期0~30厘米土层及成熟期30~60厘米土层土壤硝态氮临界值分别为12~32、10~19、14~35mg/kg,推荐施尿素量分别为138~268、165~274、157~265kg/hm2。确定啤酒花开花期和球果形成期植株硝酸盐临界值13.2~13.6×103、10.8~11.1×103mg/kg,推荐第一、二次追施尿素量分别为55~108、70~115kg/hm2。全生育期总施尿素量为200~298 kg/hm2。土壤和植株氮素营养诊断均可推荐啤酒花的氮肥的施用量。在水氮耦合效应试验研究中确定了现蕾期、开花期、球果形成期植株硝酸盐的临界值分别为9816~9926、9783~9955、8584~8932mg/kg,推荐第一次追施尿素量20~63kg/ hm2,第二次追施尿素量为22~55 kg/ hm2。全生育期总施尿素量为117~193 kg/hm2。5.对肥料效应—土壤硝态氮空间分布的研究表明,在开花期和球果成熟期硝态氮存在不同程度的淋溶现象,施尿素在150~300kg/ hm2时硝态氮无明显积累。水肥耦合效应研究各时期土壤硝态氮的积累与垂直分布表明,土壤剖面的硝态氮含量及积累总量随氮肥施用量的增加而增加;随灌水量的增加,其淋溶程度加深。研究残留的土壤硝态氮剖面分布表明,距主根系的距离越近,残留硝态氮的浓度越低。根系的分布与吸收利用对硝态氮分布有重要影响。

【Abstract】 The paper based on field experiments of the fertilizer and water-nitrogen coupling effects combined with technology of the plant quick test methods by the nitrate test strip. Dynamic monitoring on nitric nitrogen in soil and nitrogen nutrition diagnosis was implemented and soil profile analytical method was adopted. Fertilization model, water-nitrogen coupling hop model and the index of nitrogen nutrition diagnosis were established. The fertilization parameter and fertilizer absorption rule were studied ,the reasonable fertilizer and irrigation amount were confirmed, the soil nitrate nitrogen residue effects of fertilization and irrigation in soil were discussed. The results were as follows:1. Fertilizer effect model:Y= 1827+0.63N+4.44P+0.95K-0.014NP+0.021NK-0.011PK-0.000047N2-0.0018P2-0.015K2 (N、P、K represent urea and triple super-phosphate, potassium sulfate, respectively.) Prediction of the optimum rate of fertilizer application were urea 188kg/hm~2, triple super-phosphate 179kg/hm~2、potassium chloride 96 kg/hm~2,optimum yield 2355 kg/hm~2,respectively.2. Water-nitrogen coupling effect model:Y=1558.3+0.2X1-0.00002X12+1.0X2-0.002X22+0.0002X1X2 (X1、X2 represent irrigation amount and urea amount). Prediction results of the optimum application were optimum urea 181kg/hm~2, optimum irrigation amount 5319m3/hm~2, optimum yield 2483kg/hm~2 respectively.3. Results of nutrition coefficient were N 7.5~8.6 kg;P2O5 2.9~3.7kg;K2O 10.3~11.3 kg, respectively.The results of the N︰P 2O5︰K2O was 1︰0.4︰1.3. The Utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer is 37.5%. Correction coefficient equation of alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen is Y=0.0018X2-0.22X+7.91,(Y is correction coefficient X is alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen )4.Studying fertilizer effect, each of the critical value of soil nitrate nitrogen was 12~32 and 10~19, 14~35mg/kg; the recommended urea rate was 138~268 and 165~274,157~265kg/hm~2 under condition of 0~30cm soil cone formation and 0~30cm soil cone autumn, 30~60cm soil cone autumn. The critical value of plant nitrate on hop flower and cone formation were 13.2~13.6×10~3 and 10.8~11.1×10~3mg/kg. The first and second top-dressing urea amounts were 55~108 and 70~115kg/hm~2. The total urea amount was 200~298 kg/hm~2 during whole growth period. Both of the soil and plant nitrogen nutrient diagnosis could recommend for nitrogen application of hop. Studying water-nitrogen coupling effect, each of the critical value of plant nitrate was 9816~9926 and 9783~9955, 8584~8932mg/kg under period of bud and flower, cone formation. The first top-dressing urea recommended of quantities was 20~63 kg/ hm~2.The second top-dressing urea amount was 22~55 kg/ hm~2. The total urea amount was 117~193 kg/hm~2 during whole growth period.5. On fertilizer effect, study of the spatial distribution of soil nitrate nitrogen shows that soil nitrate nitrogen on flower and cone formation has different degree of leaching phenomenon; soil nitrate nitrogen had no significantly accumulation when urea application was 150~300kg/ hm~2. On water-nitrogen coupling effect, study of different period of soil nitrate nitrogen accumulation and vertical distribution show that nitrate nitrogen content and accumulation on soil section increased with increasing of nitrogen fertilizer application; the degree of leaching phenomenon increased with increasing of irrigation requirement. Studied on the section of distribution of rudimental soil nitrate nitrogen, it showed that soil nitrate nitrogen content was lower when close to the main root. The distribution of root system had very important effect on the distribution of soil nitrate nitrogen.

  • 【分类号】S571.9
  • 【下载频次】73

