

Effect of Increasing Potassium Nutrition or Spray Hormone on Growth and Physiology Characerristics of Cotton on Liquid Foster

【作者】 雷荣荣

【导师】 盛建东;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 土壤学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先以新陆早13号和中棉36号为试验材料,通过水培试验动态监测两种棉花全生育期的生长状况,探讨了低钾、高钾中棉花生长发育、生理特性的试验;高钾的状况下,对新陆早13号和中棉36号喷施九种不同浓度配比的激素,苗期、蕾期时,观察喷施激素对两种棉花生理特性的影响。最后,研究钾高效新陆早6号、新海16号、新陆中15号,钾低效石K7号、新陆早10号,在缺钾、低钾、高钾水平下,苗期和蕾期生长发育及生理特征的反应,结果如下:1、高钾对新陆早13号和中棉36号的生长发育及生理特性具有显著的促进作用,且中棉36号的生理表现特征都比新陆早13号要强。低钾处理中,新陆早13号的总吸收面积大于中棉36号;2、①喷施IAA-0ug/L, GA3-50ug/L,Z-0ug/L时,能够促进新陆早13号和中棉36的株高生长。②喷施GA3-50ug/L、IAA-80ug/L、Z-50ug/L时,能促进新陆早13号苗期叶绿素的合成。③喷施GA3-50ug/L、IAA-40ug/L、Z-50ug/L能促使中棉36号根系活力的增强。④喷施GA3-0ug/L、IAA-40ug/L、Z-0ug/L可以提高新陆早13号茎、叶中的钾积累量。⑤GA3和Z对棉花的叶中内源激素的影响比较大,而IAA对棉株中的根、茎、叶都有促进作用;3、①钾高效棉花新陆早6号、新海16号、新陆中15号比钾低效棉花石K7号、新陆早10号生长时更易吸收钾②钾高效和钾低效的叶绿素合成不只是在高钾中的含量很高,在低钾中的含量有时比高钾的含量高。③苗期,钾高效棉花品种的根系表面积、根系活力比钾低效的要高,存在极显著的差异④苗期时:钾高效棉花的根、茎、叶的养分含量随着钾浓度的升高而提高,说明施钾对钾高效棉花具有促进作用。⑤蕾期,钾高效和钾低效棉花品种的内源激素含量在低钾中、高钾中,叶、茎、根的含量都比较小。

【Abstract】 In this paper,takeXIN LU ZAO 13# and ZHONG MIAN 36# for example to study growth and development,as well as physiological in the light density and heavy potassium ,by monitoring grown states of cottons which cultivate by liquid foster. In the heavy density, the effect physiological characteristic on XIN LU ZAO 13# andZHONG MIAN 36# by spraying nine kinds of different density hormone ,in the seedling stage and the bud times.At the same time,it is necessary to study XIN LU ZAO 6#,XIN HAI 16#,XIN LU ZHONG 15#,which they are in the heavy potassium,and SHI K 7#,XIN LU ZAO 10#,which are in low states potassium, in lack ,in light,and heavey potassium ,which are experiments growth and the physiologicalcharacteristic’s response,in the seedling and bud times.we find :1、In the heavy states potassium ,It is remarkable promoter XIN LU ZAO 13# and ZHONG MIAN 36# growth and the physiological characteristics, and ZHONG MIAN 36# physiology characteristics absorption more potassium thanXIN LU ZAO 13#. In the light potassium processing, XIN LU ZAO 13# total areas are greater than ZHONG MIAN36#.2、In the heavy states potassium①it can promote XIN LU ZAO 13# and ZHONG MIAN 36# plant high ,when spray hormone IAA-0ug/L, GA3-50ug/L, Z-0ug/L.②it can promote XIN LU ZAO13# seedling stage chlorophyll content when spary hormone ,GA3-50ug/L, IAA-80ug/L, Z-50ug/L.③it is to be abLe obviously to urge ZHONG MIAN 36# root areas enhancement,when spary hormone ,GA3-50ug/L, IAA-40ug/L, Z-50ug/L④when hormone GA3-0ug/L, IAA-40ug/L, Z-0ug/L to be possible to enhance XIN LU ZAO 13 stems, leaves potassium accumulation quantities.⑤GA3 and Z the hormone’s influence are quite greater to cotton’s leaf, but IAA to cotton plant’s root, the stem, the leaf has the promoter action. 3、①XIN LU ZAO 6#, XIN HAI16# and XIN LU ZHONG 15# in the absorption more potassium than absorption in SHI K7#,XIN LU ZAO 10# light potassium②The potassium is high state and not onLy the potassium light efficiency’s chLorophyll synthesis is very high in heavy potassium the content, but in the light potassium’s content.③The seedling stage, the cotton in the highy potassium , root system surface area, the root system vigor must be higher than the potassium light, and existence extremely remarkable difference④potassium accumulation quantities, when seedling stage: in the potassium heavy cotton along with the potassium density’s enhancement, nutrient content must be greater than the potassium light nutrient content, showed that it explanted the promoter action to the potassium heavy cotton.⑤The bud times, the heavy potassium in cotton and light potassium in cotton endogene hormone content in the light potassium medium and heavy density potassium, the leaf, the stem, the root content is quite small.

  • 【分类号】S562
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】188

