

Research on Access Control of Encrypted CAD Model Based on Task and Role

【作者】 张国庆

【导师】 张三元; 张引;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络与CAD技术的迅速发展和不断广泛应用,产品数据安全已经成为一个新的研究领域,而协同环境中共享CAD模型的数据安全对于产品的开发和全生命周期管理显得尤其重要。其中现在广泛应用的技术有CAD模型的信息隐藏、数字水印和访问控制技术,而访问控制技术则是其中的关键技术。在产品全生命周期管理中,由于人员和模型的复杂性,需要有良好的访问控制机制来保证数据访问的安全性。但是现今CAD系统只在数据文件层面上设置用户角色与访问权限,没有针对CAD模型本身的安全机制。针对此问题,本文首先分析了现有的访问控制模型,并提出了一个专门针对CAD模型的基于任务和角色的模型加密的访问控制模型,本模型除了继承了传统的基于角色的访问控制模型和基于任务的访问控制模型外,还对用户角色赋予关系URA、角色任务赋予关系RTA、任务权限赋予关系TPA等关系进行实际研究。在研究任务和权限的时候添加的任务状态图和权限状态图。使其实现了权限与角色的动态调整和动态激活。与传统的访问控制模型相比,它除具有基于角色的访问控制模型和基于任务的访问控制模型的优点(如支持职责分离原则、最小特权原则、数据抽象原则)外,还支持权限动态更新以及模型的保密性等优点。在对模型加密的算法上,选择用DES加密和解密,由于DES的加解密主要由密钥构成,所以在模型中,还增加一个密钥生成和管理体制。同时本文还对提出的模型的理论和技术难点做了研究。在模型的实际应用中,本文结合现今比较流行的SolidWorks软件,利用SolidWorks的二次开发技术为基础,将模型的部分功能做成一个插件,并结合数据库为主要存储工具来实现模型的功能。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development and widespread application of the Internet and CAD technology, product data security has become a new field of research. Sharing CAD model in collaborative environment of data security and product full life-cycle management is particularly important. Information hiding, digital watermarking and access control are now widely used in CAD technology. Especially, access control is the key technology of these. In the product life cycle management, the complexity of staff and the model particularly need to have a good access control mechanisms to ensure the security of data access. However, the current CAD system uses only in the data file level set user role and access, not give the CAD model of its own security mechanisms.Address the issue here, the paper firstly analyzes the existing access control model and then proposes a specific CAD model based on the Task and Role model encrypted access control model, the model inherits the traditional Role-based access control model and Task-based access control model. Secondly it gives User-Roles Assignment (URA), Roles-Task Assignment (RTA), Task-Permission Assignment (TPA), and other relations in actual research. To achieve the permission of dynamic activation and dynamic adjustment, the model adds the task and permission of state manager. In contrast to traditional access control model, the model not only has strengths of role-based access control model and task-based access control model, such as support for the principle of separation of duties, the smallest privileges principle, data abstraction principles, but also supports the permission dynamically updated and model encrypted. In the model encryption algorithm, we choose DES. For the DES encryption key is a major problem in the model, we need to set up a key management system. This paper also makes research on the theory and technical difficulties of model.In the practical application of the model, we use SolidWorks software. With SolidWorks API, we have made a plug-in feature, and use database as the storage tools.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】TP391.72
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】130

