

Status-quo and Countermeasures of Intangible Assets Publishing Enterprises of China

【作者】 王丽芳

【导师】 王关义;

【作者基本信息】 北京印刷学院 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 知识经济时代,知识的价值正在并必将超过物质经济的价值,并且在国民经济中占据着日益重要的地位和作用。企业赖以生存和发展的核心价值正由有形资产向无形资产演变。同样地,在出版物相对过剩的买方市场中,一个出版企业所拥有的无形资产的数量与质量决定了其在市场中的竞争能力和竞争优势,比如各出版社生产的同类图书产品,在质量和功能上已经有差异的情况下,出版品牌、出版社的信誉、销售网络及服务已成为市场份额和市场业绩大小的关键。因此,无形资产已成为影响当今出版企业发展方向、升级定位、转变更新的主要决定力量。能否有效地开发、使用和管理出版企业的无形资产,将决定我国出版企业的市场竞争力和出版业产业化的发达程度。所以,对我国出版企业的无形资产的基础理论和管理实践进行系统而深入地的总结研究,是时代赋予我们理论界的新课题,具有十分强的针对性与现实意义。无形资产是重要的经济资源。随着科学技术的发展,无形资产的功能越来越重要。而我国出版物对无形资产的管理却相当落后。由于无形资产具有无形性特征,管理不善极易流失。为了使这些无形的财富发挥出最大的经济效益,应采取有效的措施对其进行计划、组织、指导、控制。因此,我国出版业应加强对无形资产的保护管理。

【Abstract】 The value of knowledge economy will preponderate over that of material economy and will surely play an increasingly important part in the growth of GDP (gross domestic product). The kernel value on which enterprises rely is changing from materiality to immateriality.Similarly, in the relatively surplus market of today’s publication, the quantity and quality of the immaterial assets a publishing enterprise owns determine its capability and preponderance of competition.The brands, distribution nets and good service ,for instance, are the key to the market share and sale for similar books produced by different publishing houses.Immaterial assets have become the crucial factor for the direction upgrade, update , orientation or transformation in the development of publishing enterprises.Therefore, it is very meaningful and important to make a further study of the basic theory and management practice of the immaterial assets in our country’s publishing industry. With the development of science and technology, the function of immaterial asset is becoming more and more important, while the management of it in our country is still far behind others. As its feature shows, immaterial asset is easily lost if it is not managed well.In order to take advantage of the immaterial asset, Publishing industries should take efficacious measures to enhance the management of it.

【关键词】 出版企业无形资产管理研究
【Key words】 publishing enterprisesimmaterial assetmanagement
  • 【分类号】G239.22
  • 【下载频次】359

