

The Research on Pricing Strategies and the Pricing Model of Portal Web Advertisements

【作者】 孟令圣

【导师】 赵树宽;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络广告的飞速发展,人们对网络广告效果评价方法的研究逐步深化,并在此基础上,涌现了一系列网络广告定价方式,除了CPM(每千人印象成本)、CPC(每千人惦记成本)、CPR(每回应成本)、CPA(每行动成本)外,还存在PFP(按业绩付费)、CPL(以搜集潜在客户名单多少来收费)、包月方式等多种网络广告收费模式,出现了百家争鸣的局面。但每种定价策略都有自身的不足,要么先天不足,要么实用性不强,这就在一定程度上制约了我国网络广告的进一步发展。本文从网络媒体特性入手,逐步深入,先发展到网络广告的一般性特征及网络广告类型,然后引出了网络广告效果评价方法,并在此基础上简要阐述了网络广告的传统定价。在传统的各种定价策略中,根据消费者心理的发展过程,即注意——兴趣——欲望——行动,选取了比较有代表性的CPM、CPC、CPR、CPA四种定价策略进行了较为详细的分析,概述了它们各自的优点,揭示了其自身的不足之处,并以此四种定价策略为指标,构建了综合定价模型。该综合定价模型是以对网络广告产品的正确分类为前提的。首先把网络广告产品按照消费者的介入性和感情投入程度两个维度分为高度介入的功能性产品、低度介入的功能性产品、高度介入的表现性产品和低度介入的表现性产品四种类型,并依此作为网络广告差异定价的基础。然后,在所构建的门户网站网络广告综合定价模型的基础上,对网易的网络广告定价策略进行了改进研究,揭示综合定价模型的优势所在,并指出所遇到的问题,以期早日统一行业标准,并找到一种统一、规范的网络广告定价方法。

【Abstract】 Web advertising in our country grows up rapidly as the internet develops, and goes into our field of vision as the fourth biggest media-advertising after newspapers and periodicals, TV, radio. Along with the rapid development, people are taking the study more and more thoroughly on evaluating the effectiveness of web advertising. Going with it, a series of pricing models on web ads are coming forth. Except CPM(Cost Per thousand Impressions), CPC(Cost Per thousand Click-through), CPR(Cost Per Response, CPA(Cost Per Action), there are also other pricing models, such as PFP, CPL, month-method and so on. As all the pricing models have some shortages, or congenitally deficient, or not applied, this restricts the deep development of web ads in some way.This paper begins from media traits, penetrating step by step. Firstly, penetrates into the normal characteristics and kinds of web ads, then into the methods of evaluating effectiveness, and on basis of this, penetrates into the traditional pricing methods of web ads. Based on the consumers’mental development, notice——interest——appetite——action, the author analyzes carefully the representative pricing models CPM, CPC, CPR, CPA, and summarizes their strengths and shortage, and constructs the integrated pricing model on base of this. This model acts on the premise of product category. Firstly, products are classified as High involvement-functional products, Low involvement-functional products, High involvement-expressive products and Low involvement-expressive products. Then on basis of the integrated pricing model, the author takes deep research on the pricing of“Netease”, which can opens out the strengths of the integrated pricing model, as well as show the potential problems. Through this, we hope the trade standard will be unified, and a unified, normative pricing model on web ads will be found as soon as possible.This paper is divided into six chapters.The first chapter:Introduction. The first part is the issue raised and the significance of research. Through domestic and international network ad pricing strategies related issues comprehensive study of literature, and on the basis of qualitative analysis about various pricing strategies, the author puts forward a online advertising pricing strategy including four varivables CPM, CPC, CPR and CPA to measure the spread effect of Internet advertising. And this strategy is applied to the example of Netease Web ad pricing strategy, to verify the practical significance of existence. This is followed by domestic and international research actuality and major research content and structure.The second chapter: Portal online advertising and its effects evaluation summary. First of all,the author introduces the media and the knowledge of portal briefly. Secondly, the author introduces the development course of Internet advertising, Internet advertising features, advantages and types. Finally, on the basis of relevant knowledge, the author analyzes the means of the effectiveness evaluation of online advertising, including the number of ad exposure, click rate, rate of consumer behavior, and further analyzes the linkages between the evaluation indexes,which does a good bedding for the next chapter about the online advertising pricing strategy.The third chapter: The research of network ad pricing strategy. This chapter introduces the main traditional pricing methods briefly, and further analyzes their respective strengths and the weaknesses, and introduces the improving vision of portal online advertising pricing strategies. First of all, the author analyzes the cost per thousand impressions(CPM), the pricing strategy measures Internet advertising effect by browsing number of the online advertising pages.The homepage or advertisement requested by the user is viewed once, is called one impression. This pricing strategy once prevailed, but has obvious flaw, which is beneficial to the site publisher, but the not fair to advertisers. Secondly, the author analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of cost per thousand clicks. The pricing strategy is web ad pricing model, which is linked to related web sites or detailed pages 1000 times by advertising graphics. For example, advertisers to buy 10 CPC, means the ads can be clicked 10,000 times. This pricing strategy is opposed to CPM, which is negative to the publishers. Next, the author analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of cost per response and cost per action. CPR has its own shortcoming: the reaction of target audiences is difficultly to quantify, which is inevitable to have some effect measruement error. In addition, to play a role in building brands of CPR pricing, advertisers need to invest more resources to enable the interaction between the audience and products timely and effective. The biggest drawback of CPA is: it clearly measures the sales effect of network ads, but completely denies the brand-building role of web ads to companies or products.The fourth chapter: The integrated pricing model construction of the portal online advertising. Before the establishment of model, the author classifies advertising products: According to the involvement of consumers and feeling degree, the advertising products are divided into four styles: High involvement-functional products, Low involvement-functional products, High involvement-expressive products and Low involvement-expressive products, And then constructs the integrated pricing model which can measure web ad effects correctly, and has a description and analysis on CPM, CPC, CPR, CPA. The pricing strategy combines with the advantages of various pricing strategies, and undermines the weakness of a variety of pricing strategies, and notes the defect.The fifth chapter: Case study of Netease online advertising pricing strategy. First of all, the author analyzes Netease online advertising pricing status quo, including Netease advertising business overview and ad pricing system, and analyzes the characteristics and existing problems of Netease online advertising pricing strategy. Finally, the author does the improvement research on Netease online advertising pricing strategy, including the need of improvement research and concrete improvement measures.The sixth chapter: Conclusions and prospects. This chapter summarizes the main research result of this paper, and pointes out the existing problems and shortcomings, puts forward some advice about how to improve portal network ad pricing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】F713.80;F49
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1434

