

The Amplification and Deviation of the Use Value of the Goods by the the Advertising Communication of Its Symbol Value

【作者】 袁芳

【导师】 刘晔骁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 法国社会学家波德里亚扩展了马克思的商品二价值论,在商品的使用价值和交换价值之外,提出了商品符号价值。符号价值站在消费者的立场上,是商品给其带来的整体价值,而站在生产者的角度来看则是商品能够给他带来的超额利润,从交换价值的层面来阐释符号价值的涵义。随着生产力的发展,产品差异化竞争愈来愈激烈;消费社会的到来,致使符号消费需求与日俱增;生产者为了获取高额利润,除了在产品的使用价值上做足功夫之外,还必须在重新“包装”商品,这些因素是符号价值生产飞速发展的动力。消费者在面临选择时,使用价值已经不再是唯一的选择标准,符号价值成为消费抉择的重要依据从传播学角度看,广告是关于商品信息的传播,本质而言也是一种符号操作行为,是实现商品符号价值的资本,广告就是为商品赋予意义,传播之,进而实现其符号价值的一个过程。使用价值是符号价值的物质基础,受众是符号价值实现的保障,虽然索绪尔认为能指和所指的联系是任意的,进而“能指的漂浮”亦可成立,但是只有以物品本身为根基,巧妙萃取文化中的意义,找到恰当的意指点,符号价值才能实现;从某种程度上可以认为,没有使用价值和交换价值就没有符号价值,符号价值是使用价值在另一种层面的反映;将符号价值纯粹的独立只能是没有地基的“空中楼阁”,现在一些广告中无视商品使用价值,放大或扭曲符号价值,以至于商品本义缺失,不能达到广告的预期目的—实现交换价值。本文试图站在符号价值是使用价值的立场上来进行不分析,审视符号价值,从序言开始导入符号价值在现代社会的一些基本情况,第一章简要叙述了波德里亚关于符号价值的论述,并对符号价值作了概念上的界定,第二章便分析符号价值在现今发展的原因,第三章论述了广告中符号价值运用的规律,第四章介绍了在现今一些广告中由于符号价值赋予不当而导致商品本意缺失,进而不能实现其传播效果和最终的交换价值。

【Abstract】 The Marxism political economy defined two properties of the commodity, use value and exchange value, and that are the basic attributes of goods. Jean Baudrillard expanded the theory of value of goods, the value of goods and exchange value, raised the value of goods symbols. Symbolic value. He regarded the Symbol value a kind of new value independent outside the use value and the exchange value, thought that now the Symbol value should take place of Marx’s use value theory. He had understood one-sidedly the Marx theory, on the value of the exposition that Marx on the value of the view that: According to the physical nature of objects, there was only one purpose and one meaning of the objects, Symbolic value does not contain meaningful components, but do not materialize, but Marx had realized that the value of symbolic significance on the ingredients. The Symbolic meaning of the objects had existed since ancient times, The Symbolic meaning from the objects to the commodity, is one kind of extension, the mark value already exists in the commodity value. Essentially, symbolic value is a kind of refinement of the use value. On the position of consumers, it is the goods to its overall value, and from the point of view of producer ,it is something that can be able to bring themselves extra profits. As the development of productive forces, the competition of product differentiation is becoming more and more fierce, Completion from the product to the brand makes the Symbol value the opportunity increases greatly in the market, The advertisement emphasis shifts from the commodity itself to the building expense atmosphere; The advent of the consumer society results in the increasing of consumer demand, The consumer no longer merely satisfies the commodity regarding physiological drive aspect satisfying, even more regards the spirit and the cultural significance of the commodity; in order to obtain high profits, producers not only enhance the use value of products, they must do "repackaging" of commodities, finding the new meanings of the commodities distinguishes from other competitor’s in the energetic and cultural. These factors are the power the rapid development of symbol value of production. While consumer facing choices, use value is no longer the only criteria for selection, and the value of symbol becomes an important basis for their choiceFrom the view of communication, advertising is the communication of information, essentially it is also a symbolic operation action, the basis of realization of symbolic value of the goods, the advertising is a process as to give meaning for goods, dissemination it, thus realize the symbol value. On the symbol value used in advertisements, there are some rules we must be follow, only to respect the laws and at the same time play subjective initiative, the correct meaning to the goods given, the efficient use of the mass media to spread symbolic meanings can achieve the goals-to realize the value of the exchange of commodities to make its due contribution. Use value is the material foundation of the symbolic value, the audience is the guarantee of the symbol value, although Saussure said that there is no internal connection between the signifier and the signified, thus“the floating of signifier" can be of meaning, but the symbol value can be realized only by skillfully extracted the meaning of culture based on the goods itself to find appropriate meaning but only to the article itself as a basis; in a sense, if there is no use and exchange value, it will be no symbolic value, symbolic value is the reflection of another aspect of use value; The purely independence of symbolic value is the "castle in the air" without foundation, some advertising disregard the use value of goods, enlarge or distorted symbol value, and miss the basic meaning of goods, thus can not achieve the desired goal - the exchange value.To sum up, a correct understanding on the symbol value and its Application in advertisements makes great function, specifically for the businesses in goods, brand marketing; From a macro point of view, it can optimize the market competition, promote the development of brand licensing, all of which have guiding significance. Based on this question, there are several kinds of considerations, as follows: We must carries on the advertisement carefully examined from the semiotics and the sociology , or else, we will not grasp the nature of the advertisement and understand some of the present’s advertizing phenomenon. Then it will be difficult to display in the symbol value in the advertisement. The advertisement\advertising is not only a kind of information transmission, nor the tool for promoting goods only. Secondly, the meaning given in the use of symbols, we must observe the rule, dig and create the meaning of the goods from the social and cultural point of view ,thus, we can transfer the symbolic value. Ignoring the law is bound to lead to failure of advertising.

【关键词】 广告传播消费社会商品符号符号价值
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【下载频次】321

