

The Discovery and Research about the Suolun Sign Symbol

【作者】 刘振春

【导师】 冯恩学;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 蒙元牌符的发达有其深刻的社会和历史根源。考诸辽金、西夏牌符制度和文化,借助史料、已有实物和蒙元牌符的管理机构及使用情况,对索伦牌符进行了研究。索伦牌符是目前为止世界上发现的元代牌符中唯一的一块金质牌符。它对蒙元牌符制度和文化的研究意义重大。牌面八思巴文字译成汉文是:“靠长生天的气力,皇帝名号是神圣的,谁若不从,问罪、致死”。索伦牌符发现过程偶然,流传时间较长,保存状况较好,由于它的唯一性和典型性,从而决定了研究它的历史价值、文物价值和文化价值。本文从形制、质地、装饰、类别、文字及断代等方面对索伦牌符进行了考证,为索伦牌符定名为“元代金质阴刻八思巴字传令平素长牌”。索伦牌符的独特使用方法与以前的牌符使用方法相比,体现在传递信息方式的创新和保密功能的创新上。这两个亮点的发现和研究,使我们对蒙元牌符制度和文化有了更深入地了解,同时,对我们今天的创新思维和保密工作都有借鉴、启发和指导意义。针对索伦牌符上的汉字:“张字九十六号”,说法众多、百家争鸣,本文也对一些说法进行了研究并予以否定,明确了自己的观点。通过对“张字九十六号元代金质阴刻八思巴字传令平素长牌”发现过程的记述和使用方法的研究,从而唤起更多的人增强保护传统文化的意识,保护国家文物的意识。做一名文明的传承者,文化的传播者,这也是本文的一个目的。

【Abstract】 The Mong and Yuan empire is a military administration unites, the foreign expansion, the territory to be broad, sign symbol developed empire. Mong and Yuan sign symbol has profited from Liao, Jin and Xixia sign symbol system’s foundation, innovates unceasingly in the sign symbol culture and the application method, enables Mong and Yuan sign symbol to develop, the usage to be common rapidly. Its type many, the use broad, the method, big influence has surpassed successive dynasties all previous dynasties especially, has achieved the sign symbol use prosperous time. The Suolun sign symbol is the typical representative of this kind of unique sign symbol culture , so we can understand the prosperous reason of it’s developed politics, the military and the social root thoroughly the researching Mong and Yuan sign symbol. Thus we can understand the military administration secret and the sign symbol culture of Mongolian Yuan empire.First, Phags - pa Scripts on the Suolun Sign Symbol and it’s Meaning.About this sign symbol in writing, Professor Bao Xiang of the Inner Mongolian University research institute exegesis is:The first step is to transcribes the phags-pa scripts on the card into the phonetic and it’s musical notation is: Second step is to translate into Chinese and it’s meaning is: Depending on the immortal god’s physical strength, emperor the given name is sacred, if who from, doesn’t condemn, lethal.Second , the Research of the Suolun Sign Symbol.From the sign symbol system and culture at start, through Yuan sign symbols have been kept at the collation and research. This paper studied mainly the Suolun Sign Symbol from the shapes, texture, decoration, category, words, carved and broken power generation, and other aspects of licensing. And at the same time, this article will try to give a preliminary discussion about the Suolun Sign Symbol’s using methods and the use of Chinese characters on it.Sign symbols has been used at the record since China’s Tang Dynasty. After the Liao, Jin, Xixia, such as the use of and improve the Song, Yuan said that sign symbol can be used both at the universal and developed. The Suolun Sign Symbol is the only gold card through world’s website has been found in the Yuan Dynasty sign symbol. It is very precious, and contains rich historical information, not only on its historical value, cultural value, cultural value, but also its historical significance and practical significance.Judging from shape system, the Mong and Yuan sign symbol has two kinds long plate and round plate , and the Suolun Sign Symbol is long plate. Judging from texture, the Mong and Yuan sign symbol has gold quality , silver , silver gold character , copper , irony gold character , irony several kinds silver characters , the Suolun Sign Symbol is a gold one. Judging from decoration, the Yuan sign symbol has two kinds, one is decorative and the other has no decoration , and the Suolun Sign Symbol has no decoration, so it belongs to the second kind. From the category perspective, the Yuan sign symbol devited into office licence, identity card, Chuan token, the licensing Station, and the Suolun Sign Symbol belongs to Token. From the language speaking, the Yuan sign symbol of only one kind of language on it or many kinds of languages on it together,. the Suolun Sign Symbol has only phags - pa script words carved on it . From carving methods speaking, the Yuan sign symbol has two kinds of ways to be carved ,one is called intaglio and the other is exactly the opposite(also be called back carving), the the Suolun Sign Symbol belongs to the first one . Since the phags - pa scripts on the Suolun Sign Symbol are put into use from 6 years after the beginning of Yuan dynasty to the end of the Yuan dynasty , the Suolun Sign Symbol must belong to the Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, the Suolun Sign Symbol should be named as "The Yuan Dynasty Gold Quality Intaglio Phags - pa script Transmitting Orders No Decoration Sign Symbol ".Three, the Usage of the Suolun Sign Symbol.The Suolun Sign Symbol is used to communicate emperor’s confidential army and government order mainly, it is selected transmitting orders of emperor by way of respectively big sweat of emissary is national or every courier station going through makes plate, transmit orders the emissary relies on this plate may advance freely and gains everywhere help , the mission communicating emperor secret order until being completed. About the method of transmiting orders by this kind of gold medal is that the person outstanding characteristic about this gold medal transmits orders is that way is directly , keep secret transmit orders nature is strong. The way of transmits order is: Select the emissary (the Han nationality) to confer a gold medal (traffic permit) emperor secret order dispatching messenger service to prove effective looking at a pillar-box reading the execute an order emissary out to self face bringing back a report. Keep secret nature demands: The emissary who has been selected must a Han nationality person , he may read phags - pa script only , but he may not knowing the meaning of the words. But the official who accepts order most probably is a nobleman or His Royal Highness, meaning being able to understand an emissary reading secret order out although they knowing phags - pa script not ncessarily. Transmit orders for guarantee on passage safe , transmit orders the emissary may go through let gold medal be unobstructed , the emperor gives secret order to the queen who already, seals off in the pillar-box , gets to a destination at the same time transmitting orders writing before the emissary, imperial decree having Phags-pa script , the official who carries on order needs to check that the pillar-box hermetic sealing is intact or not first , only meeting executes an order under the condition ensuring hermetic sealing not to had opened. This way the person keeps secret level that nature demands to have reached height suitable already, make people find everything fresh and new from today’s point of view also.Fourth, Words on the Suolun Sign Symbol.There are many kinds of guesses about the Chinese word on the Suolun Sign Symbol "Zhang character No.96 ",and this article proposed through the analysis research the center writing carries on the classified serial number according to "Thousand-character classic", then provides the management structure according to the sign symbol to carry on the unification serial number the conclusion.The investigation and discussion about words explanation and reading, naming , usage and the number of Chinese character "Zhang character No.96 the Yuan Dynasty Gold Quality Intaglio Phags - pa script Transmitting Orders No Decoration Sign Symbol "and the information that contained on it and the secret ot the Mongol nationality army and government of the Yuan empire that it brings about to us has been discusses in this article. On this piece of gold medal, maybe, there are may be much more secrets , and they are waiting for descendants to go and probe , lets us adopt a wait-and-see attitude.

【关键词】 蒙元文化索伦牌符八思巴字
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】K876.4
  • 【下载频次】81

