

The Function of Chinese Characters

【作者】 李晓

【导师】 李守奎;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 汉字是汉语的书写符号系统,汉字的主要功能是记录汉语。但是汉字作为书写符号系统的同时,由于其社会历史范畴特征,也在其他方面体现其不同的特殊的功能。本论文从汉字的文化功能、信息功能艺术功能三方面对汉字的的特殊功能进行新的阐述。汉字的文化功能是从汉字生成和变化过程的角度来看,我们认为汉字同汉语言一样具有文化功能,是文化的重要组成部分。汉字在不同的历史时期产生,所以不同历史时期出现的文化内容也随之融入汉字书写的形体变化之中。这方面主要是在汉字书法上体现出来。汉字的信息功能指汉字或汉字构件不仅携带关于其本身的专业信息,同时汉字中还储存了百科信息。汉字的专业信息主要是汉字本身或是汉字的构件体现出来的关于汉字或汉字学方面的信息。主要表现在整体体现的汉字生成信息、构件体现的语音信息和语义信息三个方面。我们认为汉字还具有艺术功能。首先,汉字的生成过程是一个含有技术与思虑的过程。汉字的产生经过了漫长的历史时期,是劳动人民在长期的历史过程中共同创造的。汉字的生成过程是一个含有技术和思虑的过程。其次,汉字书法具有审美价值。汉字定型后,人们在使用汉字记录语言时,不再仅仅局限于规规矩矩地使用它,而是开始艺术地使用。第三,汉字书法能够表现创作者的思想和感情。字不仅反映人第修养素质,同时也是书者志向的外化,反映书写人的意志、情趣、追求。所以汉字是一种特殊的艺术形式。

【Abstract】 Chinese characters are a system of Chinese writing symbols. The main function of Chinese characters is to record Chinese. But as the system of symbols at the same time, because of its social and historical category characteristics, Chinese characters have also embodies its own special functions in many other areas.Previous studies majored in Chinese cultural functions, and mainly discuss about what the cultural content of the Chinese characters embodies. There is no problems with this discussion. However, we found that, until today, through several thousand years of development, Chinese characters still needs a new perspective in many ways: For example, the idea of building modern subject of Chinese characters; prompted us to think about the issue of Chinese history. Chinese history is not only an integral part of culture, contains culture, what’s more important, it retains the culture. The past few times, we merely talk about Chinese characters’information function. We still can not directly see the discussion about the information function of Chinese character in the present works. We concern that the Chinese characters maintains the two major reservations about information. One is professional information, including information about defining characters, prompting voice and semantic information. On the other side, generating characteristics of the Chinese characters also reflects the Chinese cultural functions, mainly manifested in Chinese calligraphy .With the development of history, the original characters which do not have art function like Oracle, Jinwen, Zhuanshu, Lishu, Kai, also show the characteristics of art function because of their compared difference.The whole text is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction, mainly introduce the theory basis,studying subjects and researching methods, and this passage will come to the basic conclusion.The second part is to discuss the cultural function of Chinese characters. We do believe that Chinese characters have culture function. Like other languages in the world, Chinese characters are an important part of culture. At the same time, for Chinese special formation characteristics, Chinese characters contained the culture. Chinese characters are produced in different historical periods; as a result, it contains cultural contents of various historical periods. It shows cultures of the currency, Marriage, dress, transport, music, war and other aspects of cultural contents in Chinese history. In addition, Chinese characters are the preservation of cultural functions. When we examine the Chinese characters with reviewing attitude, it preserves and retains cultures in the last period. If we look at Chinese characters with a forward-look posture, it will also have to preserve our culture today. Here, we proposed a view of“historical Chinese characters”that we deem the retained value of "historical Chinese characters”is that they are culture characters. They preserve today’s non-mainstream culture.“Historical Chinese characters”is an important basis for us to research culture and history of culture. It is beneficial to our researches on characters, culture, folklore, and many other aspects of the study.In the third part, we put on discussion on the function of Chinese characters. We believe that the Chinese characters do have information function. Chinese characters or its members not only carry their own professional information, and also store the information of Chinese encyclopedia. Chinese professional information itself is Chinese characters or Chinese characters elements reflected in Chinese characters or Chinese characters’information. It mainly reflects three areas, which are the overall performance of the Chinese character generation, the voice component of information and semantic information. Those are from characters themselves that all the information facts about methods of defining Chinese character. The information entered on the horizon, it was only because of people’s awareness of the role, if no one is in the cognitive, this information exists as well. For example, pictographic-defined method, generally speaking, directly portray the image of things. Of course, not only like this, they also sometimes manifest the concept related to the object. Hui Yi characters as well, We list the forms of“仁、休、忍、忘”as examples. like“”,“小篆‘仁’from‘人’, follow the meaning of‘二’.‘仁’is the two people combined, regards two as one. By‘二’are compatible with both honest and virtual, that is honest to others, then we will get close relationships. Both can be compatible with consistency, it means as themselves, intended for‘亲’. "Pictographic Chinese characters from development from Hui Yi, shows its table-components. We found that, through their own transmission, the two methods of the characters construction, like, the style are different as things are similar. That is themselves are transmitting information. Chinese characters and its members, especially The Chinese component embodied in the word voice prompts or the role of semantics in the entire Chinese characters. The most typical performance is that the sound function of sound shapes of the characters and the indicate function of shape part, which is the performance of Chinese character information function. Chinese characters also store a large number of encyclopedias of information. Today, a lot of encyclopedia of knowledge we received are closely related to the contribution of Chinese characters.The fourth section is about the art function of Chinese characters. We believe that Chinese has art function. First of all, the formation of Chinese characters is a process with technology and thought process. It is created after a long historical process by working people. the formation of Chinese characters is a process with technology and thought process. Secondly, after Chinese stereotyping, in the use of Chinese characters, people used to record language, no longer just confined to the regular use of it, but began with the use of arts. Take cursive as an example, we discuss its aesthetic value. Cursive play the function of recording language, meanwhile, a greater extent, as a form of art when surviving. Thirdly, Chinese calligraphy performs the creators’ideas and feelings. Not only words reflect the quality of self-cultivation, but also the aspirations of writers, Writing reflects people’s will, interest and pursuit. Therefore, Chinese is a special form of art. The formation of Chinese characters is a historical process. It is produced in the labor process of people. With the needs of labor, it is created as writing symbols the system on the basis of human wisdom. As the development of social history and Chinese characters, Chinese characters shows strong aesthetic functions, and as a special form, it reflects the performance of its artistic features in a different way.The conclusions and the added discussion are in Part V, It is mainly a general conclusion on the perspectives we have reached, and raises the issues not discussed in the passage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】H12
  • 【下载频次】560

