

The Cultural Selection of Feng Zikai

【作者】 常海

【导师】 白杨;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 生活于中国现代转型期的丰子恺在思想上深受中国传统文化影响,儒道释文化思想在其文学世界里交融并存,因而在其文学创作中体现出的是走向传统文化的表象。但在对其散文进行解读时,展现的却是充满现代意味的反思。在“新文化”运动勃兴的氛围中丰子恺在对儒家思想的坚守中表达着现代性的思考,包括他对家园的不断书写,都市兴起背后对家园失落的反思,也饱含着他对中国传统儒家艺术观念的认同。在对佛教思想的阐扬中体现出现代民族国家建构的渴慕,在佛教“共难”、“斥妄”、“显正”的教义引领下对不合理的社会现状给予批判,对新的社会主义制度加以讴歌,同时在其人生意义的思索中表达了美善观念统一在现代社会的合理性诉求。在道家文化的坚守中彰显着“自由”精神对于现代理性的反拨。丰子恺对传统文化精神的选择表明了他在社会转型期中的文化立场,这也可视为中国走向现代化过程中的一种思考向度。但不可否认的是丰子恺的人生经历和文字表述中也体现出某些消极的意味。

【Abstract】 As a late modern country, China was forced to go in for modernization. Thus in the process to modernization, traditional Chinese culture, which was ruptured, had to face the challenges from modern culture. In such a situation, China’s intellectuals were confronted with the self-selection of cultural value, and Feng Zikai, who lived in China’s transitional period of modernizing, had to face such a destiny. As an artist in modern China, Feng got involved in many fields, such as drawing, music, calligraphy, appreciation of epigraphy, architectural art, art theory, prose writing, classical poetry etc. and made some achievements in almost every field he covered. He was proficient in several foreign languages and translated many books. So his orientation of selection is really worth thinking about that a man who lived in modern language circumstances should choose to persist to traditional culture. Meanwhile he also expressed in his prose the reflection to modern city culture. Therefore, I compose my thesis with the starting point of Feng Zikai’s different attitudes towards modern culture and traditional culture.As a writer with a particular style of writing in modern Chinese literary world, Feng was influenced much more than other contemporary writers by traditional Chinese culture. His art style and art spirit are exactly the embodiment and continuation of traditional Chinese art spirit. In his work The Three-Storey Building, Feng put religion on the top. In China, there is no doubt that Buddhism and Taoism are religions. In fact, we can also look on Confucian culture as Confucianism, and maybe Feng Zikai’ belief in traditional Chinese culture is his belief in religion. In modern language circumstances, we need to think about the modern implication showed in Feng’s expression of traditional Chinese culture. Sometimes the expression is not direct, but is hidden behind more subtle descriptions. Whereas in his prose works he expressed after all his own value judgment and culture orientation.Firstly, I focus on Feng’s pursuing for modernity, which is showed in his continual descriptions of Confucian culture. Beginning from the formation of his Confucian thought, I research into his family education and the influences from three masters in the history of modern Chinese culture, namely Li Shutong, Xia Mianzun and Ma Yifu. He formed his main cultural thought during his study period. The three masters also lived in the transitional period to modern society, and their thought itself includes the thinking of tradition and modernity, which would certainly influence Feng Zikai’s attitude towards culture. I therefore mainly discuss his confirmation for Confucian culture in the atmosphere of New Culture, and appreciate the traditional implication in his concept of Nation. Feng Zikai considered Nation as a unity of household, family and homestead, so he started from his descriptions of household and homestead, which he made the main body of his writing, to show his feeling for reality. In fact, all these should be looked on as descriptions for the Nation. On the early days when he entered the literary world, Feng focused just on family chores and romance, but from 1930s, as the political situation changed, he added in his prose the contents of facing up to society. Even his descriptions of homestead are connected to the destiny of the country. At the same time, Feng’s feeling was deeply attached to the folk society. He had a critical attitude towards the different aspects of city culture, especially estrangement and isolation between people in modern cities. He showed his boredom and agony for the modern urbanites’ using different means to isolate people from each other. All these could be seen from his attaching to the warm natural-soil feeling and his descriptions of the ugly phenomena of modern cities. He gave deep thought to the uprooting of homestead, which happened in the process of the rising of modern society. Meanwhile in the aspect of educational concept, he also recognized the artistic pursuit of Confucianism, which showed especially in his works created after the 1930s, in which he carried out inflexibly his art concept of Living For Others, pursued a unity of beauty and good, sought the model of constructing modern society, hoped that in the process of China’s transition from ancient society to a modern one, traditional Chinese culture could be inherited using the concepts of good and beauty. Although he made himself stay in his little art world, Feng also showed his thinking for the country’s stepping process to modernity, that is, the continual confirmation for Confucian thoughts and ideas in modern society.Secondly, I want to interpret his modern understanding for his ultimate thinking of Buddhist meaning of life. Feng Zikai, both of whose grandmother and mother believed in Buddhism, began to accept Buddhist thought from early age. During the years from his childhood to teenager period, which was a time of turbulence and confusion, several of his brothers and sisters died because of congenially deficiency, malnutrition and emotional reasons, and additionally his teacher Li Shutong was there to guide him the way, so it acts harmoniously for Feng Zikai to choose Buddhist culture as his spiritual homestead, which was connect with the background of times. Yet his religious sentiment is not a concern for a future life, still it is the care for reality. Facing the losing of modern city culture and the crisis of the nation, he questioned about modernity in the childlike innocent world of Buddhism, which in his prose embodies inbeing and reality. First of all, he always psychologically retained children’s nature far more strongly than other ordinary people. Feng Zikai upheld an absolute sincerity of childishness and threw all his interest and concern into the children’s world. He made joy, anger, grief and happiness of the children and the marvelous world in their mind remarkably true to life in his works. From Feng Zikai’s point of view, there was no hypocritical and cruel corrosion, no the fetters of fame and wealth and no suspicious and jealous depression. Children’s world was the world which was innocent and pure. Feng Zi Kai felt as if he was visiting the world of children with obvious Buddhist color evidently, but he was familiar with fickleness of human friendships and went into the chronic illness of society deeply. Therefore, his adoring children’s world and lashing out at the adult world interacted as both cause and effect. It was because he wasn’t satisfied with the social phenomenon, in which everyone felt insecure and was unable even to fend for himself, and had inability to protest that he held himself aloof from the world and appreciate the detached human nature. However, his praise of childishness was not ignoring reality and blind, nor is it purely moral principles of the Buddha graphic, but including his sincere hope--less hypocrisy, craftiness and deception in the real world and more sincerity, honesty and loving care of childishness.Meanwhile, I would also like to analyze Feng Zikai’s pursuit of nation in his seeking Buddhism spirit, (a) The construction of modern nation in psychic combination of Buddhist "sharing sorrows together" and fighting against violence. Though state hate-hatred brought about painful feeling for him, it made him go into the society from study, which widened his horizon. When the Chinese nation was confronted with foreign aggression, inspired by the spirit of unity in the war of resistance, he abandoned the individual and altered his mood in his works to depression and discontentment from sadness. It could be seen clearly in his essays, "Returning to Yuanyuan Tang", "Taking leave of Yuanyuan Tang", "Informing Yuanyuan Tang’s soul in heaven", "Care for the compatriots" and "China is like a big tree", (b) The combination of the Buddhist "exclusion of absurd" and patriotism. Feng Zikai’s negation and criticism of the dark society in his essays maybe was based on the artist’s characteristic childishness and integrity and his conscience being gradually influenced by Buddhism, not the political consciousness, but he implied the social pursuit of current society. The times rainstorm made him sober up from "the Buddha disciple" and "anchorite", and by that time, he had become a fearless writer. He showed his sober patriotism feelings in works such as "Story of suppressing bandits in Kouzhong", "Five Yuan’s words" and "corrupt cat", (c) The combination of the Buddhist "encouraging healthy trends" and deep love of the new China. Here, I’d like to discuss that Feng Zikai combined the thought of the Buddhist "encouraging healthy trends" with the praise for new China. He expressed this kind of emotions in his essays such as "Your speech makes me up", "West lake sketch", "transforming into soil to nourish the flower" and "New Year’s informal essay". But we should see clearly that Feng Zikai influenced by the Buddhist is in the free condition on political impact, and he didn’t go to close politics for his own admiration of modern nation-state construction with full of passion. However, we were also undeniable Feng Zikai from his religious sentiments of the humanitarianism, and commended the modern nation-state construction in mind with his efforts.Thirdly, appreciate Feng Zikai’s spirit of the pursuit of freedom by using his interpretation to the concept of traditional Chinese Taoism culture. Feng Zikai adhering to the Taoist culture can be regarded as the modern derivative anti-allocated of modern society transition. His prose respects for sincere, personality, interest and world states, and the style of writing advocates the natural color and pursues plain light. All these characteristics embody what his has written in children, world, nature and memories of personal life experience and the creative process in the article. Feng Zikai is indifferent in fame and gain in his life. He is just honest, high hearted, and unique to draw painting and write articles. Although he has general readers and won certain reputation in the society, he still lived a simple life in the countryside as "richness and honor in my life as the floating clouds". He doesn’t like government and not struggle for energy. The happy scenery is addicted to idle peaceful. In "To my children", "Bringing the diary", and "Children", "Sending A Bao out of the golden age", "The inspiration from the children" and other popular children’s themes in his works, Feng Zikai envies the innocent and artless children, admiring their selfless and fearless and praising their simple and transparent hearts. He appreciates Tao Yuanming’s life, sincerely indifferent to fame or gain, returning to nature and self entertainment with poems and liquors, which also flashes in the destitute escape and the wartime environment, such as " The fleeing of Art", "Good wine in Shangping" and "Meeting explosion in Yi Shan", and so on. Regardless to the harmony appreciation of the Confucian family ethics or the spirit writing of Taoist transcendence, they both have shown his cultural choice in society transition. He persevered in the traditional culture spirit in the process of moving toward modern society.Feng Zikai was demonstrating his cultural pursue with his tranquil prose world and the indifferent cartoon. I put his explanation of traditional culture thoughts as the construction idea of my own paper, and looked forward to get rid of the repeated past traditional theory, making Feng Zikai return modern language situation to ponder.

【关键词】 丰子恺佛教思想儒家思想道家精神现代性散文
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】184

