

Research on the Credit Evaluation System for Science Technology Enterprise Based on Technology Value

【作者】 孙文君

【导师】 杨刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 会计学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 科技企业是各国发展高科技产业和建立国家创新体系的重要主体,也是推动产业升级、提高经济综合竞争力的基本力量。与普通企业相比,尽管科技企业产品技术含量高,创新能力强,但由于新技术发展的不成熟性,以及未来市场的不确定性,科技企业在发展过程中的信用风险难以把握,从而出现了融资难的局面。因此,建立一套能够充分反映科技企业特点,可以客观、全面、科学的评价科技企业信用的评价体系,对科技企业和信息使用者具有重大的现实意义。基于此,本文在借鉴国内外企业信用评价理论的基础上,充分考虑科技企业的特点,围绕影响科技企业信用的因素,把科技价值这一概念引入科技企业信用评价体系中,建立起一套能够合理反映科技企业信用的评价体系,并且进行了实证分析以检验该体系的可行性。

【Abstract】 With the development of civil economy and technology, a lot of Science-technology enterprises appear, as the representative of the new economy, those science-technology enterprises have played an increasingly important role in our economy. The industry’s contribution to the growth of economy is on the rise and has become a main force pushing the economy forward. However, emerging technology enterprises has faced a great uncertainty due to the immaturity of technology development and the vagueness of the future market, even the uncertainty of its own development. Thereby, it’s hard to master these enterprises’ credit risks in the economic business with them. Because of the importance of credit risk of the enterprises in the marketing economy, and it make science-technology enterprises in the problem of difficult financing.For science-technology enterprises, it’s the value of this new technology that supply a big business chance for them. Because technology is the center of funds and talents, and the driving force to support science-technology enterprises, and the foundation of the development of them, the main source of long-term competitive advantages which they get..On the one hand, science-technology enterprises have potential credit risk, on the other hand, their new technology have tremendous commercial value. How to estimate the credit ratings of science-technology enterprises to make it standardized and legal and make them get suitable financing channels are main content to research for this paper.Our nation assess the credit grade of science-technology enterprises by the index system of assessing the credit grade of the traditional enterprises at present, but because science-technology enterprises have great difference from traditional enterprises in growing up characteristic, financial characteristics or the factors of credit grade, etc. What assessed the index system of assessing the credit grade of the traditional enterprises emphasize on the assessment“to now in the past", science-technology enterprise is the characteristic with high development, risky, so the index system of assessing the credit grade of science-technology enterprise particularly emphasizes on the assessment" from now in the future", if we continue to use the index system of assessing the credit grade of the traditional enterprises to science-technology enterprises, the result of credit grades must inequitable, not objective. So, this paper began from technology of science-technology enterprises, on the base of traditional credit grade, introduced the science-technology’s value to the system of credit assessment, and based on science-technology’s value, with the research of science-technology enterprises credit at home and abroad, analyzed the assessment of science-technology value, the assessment method the system of credit index and the model, and constructed the theoretical system for science-technology enterprises’credit evaluation and credit rating model. The theoretical system is of practical significance to the establishment of a uniform, scientific credit evaluation pattern, which is fit for the non-governmental science-technology enterprise characteristic of China’s situations, and standardizes the management behaviors.This paper has four parts as following:The first part:“research on the method of enterprise’s credit evaluation”, on the base telling the research of this paper’s background and the development of the credit evaluation industry both home and abroad, systematically researched the method for enterprise’s credit evaluation, which is the base for the system of science-technology enterprise’s credit evaluation.The second part:“the method of assessment for technology value of science-technology enterprise”, quoted“technology value”to this paper, and definited the technology value. on the base of comparing the methods of value assessment, with the characters of science-technology enterprise ,made sure the real options approach as the method for technology value of science-technology enterprise.The third part:“the system for science-technology enterprise’s credit evaluation based on technology value”, this part analyzed the system for science-technology enterprise’s credit rating, it is the focus of this paper. first, overviewed the principle, process, methods of science-technology enterprise’s credit evaluation, and then put the focus on the design of the credit evaluation indicators and establishment for the model of credit evaluation. Took the technology value into the credit indicators, analyzed the relation among science-technology enterprise’s life cycle, technology value, and the credit rating indicators, and then design the qualitative indicators and quantitative indicators of science-technology enterprise, including the qualitative indicators and quantitative indicators reflecting the technology value, insolvent capacity, profitability capacity, creation, development capacity. Established the model of credit evaluation for science-technology enterprise. Adopted AHP to get reasonable weight for indicators, adopted fuzzy theory in the credit evaluation, and get the conclusion to be quantified.The forth part:“Case Studies”, the purpose is to test the availability of the model, this paper chose one listed company——Shiji Network to assess its credit.On research approaches, this paper was combined the qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis and the academic research with applied research. It adopted fuzzy theory and Mathematics statistics in the analysis and quantity for the indicators. It formed a reasonable weight, reflected the character and real status of the credit rating system and concluded the certification.As the construction and perfection of our national social market based economy system, the credit evaluation system for enterprises, as a service agency, will play more and more important role in the economy development.The credit evaluation system of science-technology enterprise based on technology value shall also be continuously updated and optimized.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】229

