

A Study on the Integration Models of the Internal Supply Chain

【作者】 杨圣雪

【导师】 顾穗珊;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 企业在面临激烈的市场竞争时需要迅速发展以求得竞争优势,但于此同时,也产生了企业发展与企业内部管理无法协调的问题。本文用供应链管理理论作为理论基础,将企业内部的运营和管理看作企业的内部供应链,对企业内部供应链的整合模式进行分析研究。企业在进行内部供应链整合时采用的典型模式分为两种:利用信息技术来进行整合的模式和利用业务流程再造(BPR)进行整合的模式。对这两种模式进行比较分析,得出各自的特点和存在的问题。对于利用信息技术进行整合的模式来说,如果忽略了流程的优化和再造,就会导致信息系统在提高管理效率方面的失效;利用BPR进行内部供应链整合的模式也存在忽略企业中人的因素、技术与流程无法匹配、管理机制无法与流程再造同步等问题。在此基础上,提出基于“市场链”的企业内部供应链整合模式,这种模式具备前两种典型模式共同的优点,也能够克服它们存在的问题。本文从成本费用的角度对市场链机制的理论依据进行分析,为了使企业过高的管理费用降低,在企业内部引入市场机制,用内部交易费用来替换大部分的管理费用,主要通过控制考核费用来使内部交易费用保持在较低水平,而考核费用主要取决于商品价值的考核,这样,可以通过制定公平合理的内部价格体系来控制和降低商品价值的考核费用,从而使内部交易费用也相对较低。这样便可以保证企业在进行基于市场链的内部供应链整合的有效性。

【Abstract】 Along with the times developing, China’s enterprises are facing competition and markets home and abroad. Searching for the proper management models which could help to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises is of strategy importance for the enterprises. Besides the two means of reducing the production cost and the expanding sells to seek for the profits, management educational world become more and more interested in the management pattern and methods which could be able to reduce the cost and enhance the customer satisfaction degree.Based on this, this article proposed the integration models of the enterprise internal supply chain, explained and analyzed the enterprise interior process with internal supply chain theory, tried to find the right integration model of the internal supply chain to make the enterprises develop well and promote competitive power.The first chapter elaborated the research background and the significance, analyzed and summarized reading related literature, proposed that the present academic circle also had some flaws. The flaws were: researches which unified information technology’s integration function and models and the conformity plan of strategic plane are quite few; researches about enterprises internal supply chain integration are quite few; there wasn’t explicit classification of the types of integration models; comparative analysis researches of the internal supply chain integration models from the from the cost expense angle and system angle are extremely few.Chapter 2 elaborated the theories foundation, explained the concepts of supply chain and supply chain management and established the supply chain structure model. In this chapter, there came out the concept of internal supply chain ---the supply and demand network composed of raw material suppliers, production manufacturers, Chu salt merchants, retail merchants and final consumers involved in the internal product manufacturing and circulating processes. The supply chain integration refers to the processes from raw material suppliers to the product final users, including outsourcing, manufacturing, retailing, stock management, transportation, warehousing, customer service and so on, coordinated and reformed all the processes to enable the enterprises in this supply chain achieve the most benefit. According to the above concepts, there came out the concept of internal supply chain integration---coordinating the supply chain is to optimize and regulate the supply and demand flow inside the enterprise to make the transfer of the goods or service in process more rapid, more nimble, more economical, and more effective and enhance the business efficiency and competitive power.The third chapter analyzed the typical integration models of the internal supply chain which were the model based on information technology and the model based on BPR. The integration model based on IT namely refers to raising the enterprise efficiency, strengthening departments’ communication and coordinating flow operation through building IT platform and using IT to communicate within the enterprise. This model could solve the problem of the reduction of the information efficiency and information distortion which can not get along with the changes of the markets. These problems could be caused by the time lag between production planning and production in“push mode”. This model can also provide an answer to the bullwhip effect aroused by the Information e-way transmission in“pull mode”. The integration model of internal supply chain based on IT can increase the efficiency and the ability to react the markets. The Shanghai Jingyi Textile Product Processing Factory’s case could give a good example. The other typical integration model based on BPR coordinates the internal supply chain by optimizing the business process of the enterprise. The case of a military industrial enterprise applying BPR to optimizing the process of material acquisition in supply chain and the case of Philip small household electrical appliances services department can explain the model clearly. At the end of this chapter, the paper pointed out the existing problems of the two typical models after comparative analysis.Chapter 4 composed a new integration model of internal supply chain---the model based on“market chain”, and its concept and specific property and original background. The construction mainly has two steps: first, the integration of the internal organization and business processes. Second, the establishment of market chain of business processes. The integration of the internal organization and business processes are compose of regulation of internal organization, the foundation of the internal processes of the core processes, the foundation of the internal processes of the assistant processes. The establishment of market chain of business processes has the steps as followed: the integration of core processes, the integration of core processes and assistant processes, the integration of exterior market resource and internal processes, the establishment of“post in debt”manage system. This chapter also studied the theory basis of the“market chain”which could be regarded as a manage system. The integration model of internal supply chain based on“market chain” introduces market mechanism into enterprises; replace the huge management cost caused by the big size of the enterprise with interior treatment cost. This model can reduce the management cost sharply by using IT and BPR methods. The management cost turns into organization integration cost. At the same time keep the interior treatment cost at low level. The main part of the interior treatment cost is the product value inspection expense, which can be reduced by reasonable pricing strategy.The last chapter of this article summarized the questions easy to appear of when applying integration model of internal supply chain based on the market chain, gave the corresponding countermeasure, and proposed the research forecast of this study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】806

