

The Research on Principle of Law Reservation

【作者】 尹夕阳

【导师】 江国华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 法律保留原则作为公法学的一个基本原则,是指在特定范围内对行政自行作用的排除,其作用在于划分议会立法与行政立法的界限,避免行政行为侵犯立法机关的权限。随着法律保留原则的发展,它同时也起到了防止立法机关怠慢立法的作用。法律保留原则虽然意义重大,但是,我国对法律保留原则的研究很晚,也很不充分,这与国外及台湾地区对法律保留原则的高度重视形成鲜明对比。我们应充分认识到法律保留原则的重要性,在借鉴国外及台湾地区成熟理论的基础上,抓紧其本土化研究。鉴于此,本文从以下五个方面对法律保留原则作探讨。第一部分是法律保留原则解释,其中包括法律保留原则的由来、概念、内涵及法律保留原则与法律优先原则的比较。第二部分是法律保留原则的法理基础。法律保留原则的明确提出是在19世纪,但是它的提出受到了启蒙运动和欧洲自由宪政运动的影响,同时,法律保留原则有其深厚的理论基础,包括“法治国”理念、民主原则、分权原则、基本人权原则及新近提出的功能结构理论。第三部分是法律保留溯及范围学说及简单评价。法律保留范围的理论很多,影响较大的有以下几种理论:侵害保留说、全部保留说、重要保留说、国会保留说及权力保留说等,并对这些学说做了简单评价。第四部分是法律保留原则在给付行政中的适用。由于给付行政是否需要法律保留的争论最大,也是当今法律保留领域的热点问题,所以本部分专门对给付行政领域需要法律保留的理由、法律保留与行政自由裁量权的关系、法律保留原则下如何处理给付行政与行政紧急权力的关系等问题作了探讨。第五部分是法律保留原则在我国实践。其中包括法律保留原则在我国法律中的体现,法律保留原则对我国立法的意义及法律保留原则在我国实践的不足之处,并对其进行检讨。

【Abstract】 The principle of law reservation, a fundamental principle in public law, is meant to eliminate actions in a self-serving manner of administrative authority within some specific area.Its function is to distinguish congress legislation and administrative legislation and avoid infringe on legislative power by administration behaviour. Also, with the development of law reservation principle, it functions as preventing negligence by legislature in legislation process.In spite of the significance of law reservation principle,the study on it began late and has not been conducted adequately in China,forming a striking contrast to the highly emphasis of it in Taiwan area and abroad.We should fully realize the importance of law reservation principle and, based on the mature theory in Taiwan area and abroad, strengthen the study on its localization.In view of this, this dissertation studies on law reservation principle in the following five parts.The first part is about basic theory of law reservation principle,including definition,concept,contrst to other law priority principles.The second part is about the legal principle theory of law foundation of law reservation principle.The law reservation principle, influenced by the Enlightenment and free constitution movement in Europe,was put forward in the nineteenth century.The law reservation principle has profound theoretical basis,including“rule by law”,democracy principle, principle of separtaion of powers, basic human rights principle, and newly-advanced functional structure theory.The third part introduces the theories of scope of law reservation and gives brief comment.There are much theories of law reservation scope,among them are several influential ones:encroach reservation theory, full reservation theory, importance reservation theory, congress reservation theory, power reservation theory, etc.The fourth part is about application of law in paying administration. Paying administration is a hot study object in the contemporary law reservation field, and there has been much heated debate on the reservation of it. This part includes study on the follwing problems: reason for law reservation in the field of paying administration, relation between law reservation and free judgement in administration, how to coordinate the relation between paying administration and emergency administration power in the presence of law reservation principle.The fifth part gives an introduction of the practice of law reservation principle in China.The content includes the existence of law reservation principle in China’s legislation, its significance to legislation, deficiency of the principle’s practice in China and the reason for it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D90
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】822

