

Farmland Dynamic Monitor and Its Driving Power Analysis Based on RS in Siping City

【作者】 赵希

【导师】 杨德明; 王冬艳;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 土地资源管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类经济活动的日益发展,作为人类生存与发展的根基——土地,其利用现状和变化规律成为各国政府为了制定宏观决策所必须掌握的内容之一。本次课题研究以四平市农用地作为主要研究对象,采用遥感监测手段,分析四平市农用地与其他类型用地以及各类农用地之间的相互转化,揭示近年四平市农用地利用情况及用途转变状况,并结合实地调查所得资料,对现有农用地资源做深入的分析,研究四平市的农地利用动态变化的背景,探讨农用地利用类型转变的自然及人为因素,并分析此种转变的驱动力,为合理利用土地资源提供科学的理论基础。

【Abstract】 With the increasing development of human being’s economic activities, the land has been seen as the foundation of human’s survival and development, and the governments must grasp the land’s recent situation and its changes in order to formulate a macroscopic decision. "Land use dynamic monitoring" is to conduct a comprehensive survey of land, and control its quantity, quality, ownership, the using situation and other information. And then investigate and monitor the land regularly.The research on land use dynamic monitoring should reveal the process and mechanisms of changes in land, which asks for the information reflecting the process of dynamical changes and the treatment in dealing with it. The remote sensing technology develops rapidly, and provides a timely and effective technical means for getting the information of the land resource types and their changes and it has been widely used because of its advantages and characteristics such as macroeconomic, timeliness, dynamic and informational, the computer processing of digital, that the conventional land survey and land dynamic monitoring technology can not be compared with.This thesis researches mainly on the farmland, and it uses remote sensing technique to deal with picture processing including the TM image in August 24th, 1991 and the ETM image in August 11th, 2001. In order to reveal the recent situation of the farmland used in Siping City and to announce its evolution characteristics, this thesis analyses the changes which are not only from farmland to other kinds of land but also among different kinds of farmland by reading the various aspects of statistics that have been collected in the former work. Rely on the result, this thesis combines to the investigated data to make in-depth analysis on the existing farmland in recent years, and find out the background of the dynamically changing farmland in Siping City, which helps us to discuss the natural and human factors affecting the types of land use. In the end, this thesis analyses the driving power of such changes and provides the scientific basis of the theory for the rational use of land resource.Through a preliminary study, the following understandings have been reached:1. Analysis on evolution characteristics of farmland in Siping City(1) From 1996 to 2005, the total area of farmland did not change a lot in Siping City, while the rate of change was notable each year. Especially in 1999, the total area of farmland reduced more than 500 hectares than that in 1996. The interpretation result of remote sensing image shows that: the major part of reduced farmland was occupied by the construction sites.(2) During the decade from 1996 to 2005, the area of farmland was affected mainly by the area of arable land and woodland, while the area of other types of farmland played a negligible part in changing it. About in 2003, there was a huge change in the area of arable land and woodland because of the implementation of the work of large-scale returning arable land to forests in Siping City(3) Generally speaking, the area of farmland in each region of Siping City had changed more or less from 1996 to 2005. It was Yitong County and Gongzhuling City that the area of farmland had changed a lot in. As a result of returning arable land to forests and natural disaster damage, the area of farmland had reduced 209.51 hectares in Yitong County and increased 281.9 hectares in Gongzhuling City.(4) As a whole, the area of arable land had reduced1972.50 hectares in Siping City, and most of the reduction was mainly the result of returning arable land to forests ecologically, construction sites occupying, natural disaster damage and destruction of agricultural restructuring, in which returning arable land to forests ecologically take the most important status.The research on the reduction of arable land of each region in Siping City shows that: returning arable land to forests ecologically happened mainly in Lishu County and Yitong County, where the area of reduced arable land reach to 740.44 hectares and 674.27 hectares respectively. The areas of arable land among different regions that occupied by construction sites were not dramatically different from each other, in which the one of Yitong County was the biggest, that was 166.29 hectares, followed by the one of Gongzhuling City, which reached to 144.95 hectares. The reduction caused by disaster and destruction of agricultural restructuring distributed in Yitong County only, with an area of 122.97 hectares and 18.41 hectares separately.2. Analysis on the driving power of the agricultural land evolution in Siping City:(1) The changes in the area of farmland in Siping City were affected by both human factors and natural factors, and the former had a main impact on them. The reduction of farmland appeared because of being occupied by construction sites, degradation and so forth, while the area of farmland made an increase through the activities such as land development, land reclamation and land improvement. In addition, due to natural disaster damage, the reduction of agricultural land reached a certain number, and happened mainly in Yitong County.(2) The human’s activities have a tremendous influence on the farmland resource, which asks for our paying attention to the rationality when we develop and use the farmland resources, so that we can make an effective protection of the existing farmland resource and achieve the target that the sustainable use exists in it.

【关键词】 遥感四平市农用地动态监测驱动力分析
【Key words】 RSSiping CityFarmlandDynamic MonitorDriving Power Analysis
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【下载频次】185

