

On the Path Planning Algorithm for Central Vehicle Navigation System

【作者】 赵东

【导师】 田彦涛;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文研究得到吉林省科技发展计划项目《车载信息系统研制开发》(20050326)资助。本文主要完成了车载信息系统中的路径规划功能,使导航系统正常运行。对于路径搜索范围较小的情况,采用经典的A*算法进行搜索;对于路径搜索范围较大的情况,提出了基于A*算法改进的分层路径规划算法;针对规划后路径转弯次数多的情况,提出了基于Dijkstra算法改进的最简单路径规划算法;同时针对交通阻塞,禁行,分时通行,单行路等道路状态信息进行处理;在完成了路径规划任务的同时,还需要与原有的车载信息系统进行融合,将路径搜索部分作为一个服务器端加入到整个车载信息系统中,编写相应的数据传输格式,通过编程实现局域网内的数据传输。

【Abstract】 With the fast developing of technical and large usage of vehicle, peoples want the vehicle have more and more function. The products which have the function of navigation are very popular .Without the navigation of vehicle , some people can not go out by driving. The system of vehicle navigation has a series of function which make people work easy and safe.Route programming is the key technology of CDRGS(Centrally Determined Route Guidance System) ,and it determine the real-time ,feasibility, agility .it is also a very important factor for the system. The relation technologies contain: route programming in different map format and the route programming for some special demand, including the information of the road, the problem about transmission of the data by communicating.Design of the static route programming arithmetic in the CDRGS, layered search arithmetic based on the digital map,“Simplest”Paths arithmetic, route arithmetic including the information of the road, data transmission by internet are researched in this paper. The main content will be introduced as follows:1 Arithmetic of static route programming: studied the classical A start arithmetic, classical Dijkstra arithmetic, accomplish the arithmetic on our system by programming.2 Layered search arithmetic based on the digital map: because of the character of the digital map which is offered by digital map company, this paper give a layered search arithmetic. Layered search arithmetic assort the map into detailed map, summary map. Through switching the maps, accomplish the problem of searching time too long, dynamic memory too big, path search too complex. Accomplish the layered search arithmetic on our system by programming, and have a good outcome.3“Simplest”Paths arithmetic: Considering the desire of the driver, this paper give a“simplest”paths arithmetic for cutting down the possibility of getting lost, cutting down the complexity of the path. Accomplish the“Simplest”Paths arithmetic on our system by programming, and have a good outcome. About cutting down the turning times,“simplest”paths arithmetic is better than the classical Dijkstra arithmetic. The turning times of“simplest”paths arithmetic is 41.66 percent of the turning times of classical Dijkstra arithmetic. Comparing the outcome,“simplest”paths arithmetic accomplish the expect outcome.4 Route arithmetic including the information of the road: Considering some special traffic problem, for example traffic jam, forbidding pass, time-sharing pass, and so on, this paper give the route arithmetic including the information of the road for advancing the system’s feasibility and variety. Accomplish the route arithmetic including the information of the road on our system by programming,and have a good outcome.5 Transmission of the data by internet: Because of the CDRGS’s need, this paper give a data transmit format for resolving the problem of data transmit. Through programming, accomplish transmission of the data by internet, and make a route programming server in our system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】U463.6
  • 【下载频次】102

