

Research on Safety Assistant Lane Change Pre-warning System of Automobile Driving on Highway

【作者】 杨双宾

【导师】 金立生;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国高速公路运输得到迅速的发展的同时,也面临着更为严重的交通安全与道路畅通问题。与国外发达国家相比,我国高速公路上各类交通事故更为频繁和严重。虽然由换道引起的交通事故占到总交通事故的比例很小,但是由其引起的事故所造成的交通延迟却占总延迟时间的相当一部分,给人民的生命、财产都造成了重大损失。汽车行驶安全辅助换道系统是汽车安全辅助驾驶的重要组成部分。针对我国高速公路汽车换道引起的各类事故所造成的各类问题及安全辅助换道领域研究进展情况,本文开展了高速公路汽车行驶安全辅助换道预警系统的研究,对解决相关交通事故问题具有一定的理论意义和实际价值。首先,在对车辆换道操作过程进行相关分析后,提出了车辆避免发生交通事故的基本条件;随后,对不同的车道变换过程,由相邻车辆间不发生碰撞为基本要求推导出了车辆问应满足的起始最小纵向安全距离,并建立了最小安全换道距离模型。在此基础上,本文基于Matlab开发的仿真分析软件,对不同安全换道模型进行了仿真比较,分析了本文模型的优缺点;然后,基于本文建立的安全辅助换道模型,根据驾驶员换道操作的急切程度,建立了较为合理的安全辅助换道预警逻辑准则,并对安全辅助换道系统危险状态等级进行了划分;最后,通过对国内外常用车载传感器性能分析比较后,本文建立了安全辅助换道预警系统,并以本课题组拥有的CyberCar车作为试验平台对本文建立的安全辅助换道预警系统进行了低速条件下的简单道路试验。仿真分析及道路实验表明,本文建立的辅助换道模型在一定条件下反应了驾驶员的实际行为特性,所丌发的系统可为未来进一步研究不同危险状态下的汽车辅助换道预警系统提供一定的技术基础和支撑。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of China’s national economic, the construction of our country’s highway has been a great development. However, as the rapid growth of the amount of automobile and the improvement of the speed of vehicles on highway, traffic accidents happen frequently, and road safety, road smooth become a very complex social problem. Although the traffic accidents caused by lane change account a small percentage of the total accidents, but the delay caused by this kind of accident account a large part of the whole delay caused by all kinds of accidents. It seriously affect the efficiency of the road transport, and have a very negative impact of the national economy. As a very important measure which can improve the traffic safety, advance driver lane change assistant system caused a widespread concern. In foreign countries, there are many scientific research institutes and companies have invested a great deal of manpower and resources on this field, and had made many important achievements. But in our country, there are no company or scientific research institutes invest any resources.Because of the complexity of lane changing and the restriction of traffic safety management on vehicles, there is not any modeling method successfully applied on vehicle development and traffic accident avoidance as yet, the lane change warning system has not been used successfully on the automobile. So safety warning and collision warning are the most useful technology. To sum up, facing on the problem which caused by lane change in our country, basic on the study of our group in the field of lane departure warning system, in this paper , we make some research on safety lane change assistant system.The following research work has been done:1. we illustrate the research situation in the field of lane-changing model, then put forward the conditions which can make the vehicles avoid accident. Basic on this, we built automobile lane change model. After analysis, we found that our model can fully reflect the operating characteristics of the driver.2. Using Matlab to built the simulation platform which faced on our model. Then we made a simulation of our model on this platform. Through the simulation and contrasting with an other model, we find that our model have some advantages, such as lane-changing time is much shorter, velocity has no sharply change, very suitable for a comfort driving.3. According to the safety evaluation indicators which Suzanne E.Lee put forward when studying the urgency of lane change, we divide the safety grade into three level. They are respectively the red, the green and yellow. Then we modify the driver’s habits in the field of evaluation logic processes, developed a more reasonable logic processes. At last, we established a human- machine interface.4. We study the current sensor performance which used on model vehicle, and then introduced the effect and the location of the installation. Then , we formulate the multi-sensor fusion technology advantages. After that , we choice the best coordinated scheme——the CCD and microwave radar. Based on the study of the lane departure warning system, The paper established the safety lane change warning system. It is constructed by vehicle condition detection system, environment perception system, safety assessment system and human-machine interface. We design the microwave radar system which use in surveying the distance between vehicles. Then a experiment had been done to test the system.These results together with appropriate sensors and equipment on board of vehicles could be used to assess the safety of lane changing maneuvers and provide warnings or take evasive actions to avoid collision.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】U491.6
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】794

