

The Research of System of Subdivision of Optical Encoder with MCS-51

【作者】 刘春宝

【导师】 王剑钢;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 光电轴角编码器是一种以高精度计量圆光栅作为检测元件并集光、机、电于一体的数字测角传感器。采用光电转换技术可将机械轴的角位置信息转化成相应的数字代码输出,因而可实现对角度、速度、直线位移和其他机械物理量的测量。光电轴角编码器相对于其它型式的传感器具有精度高、耗能低、无机械磨损、稳定可靠等优点。近年来,随着计算机技术、光通信以及光电子器件的发展,光电编码器的研制水平进一步提高,新产品不断出现,尤其在欧美、日本等一些发达国家,其产品不仅技术性能好,而且成本较低,品种齐全,处于领先水平。由于光电编码器具有较高精度、高分辨力、低能耗、非接触测量技术处稳定等优点,因而在现代的军事、航天、机器人工业、医学、生物工程等各个领域的精密测量与控制设备中得到了广泛应用。编码器是数控技术必不可少的核心元件。数控技术首先始于发达国家,它的发展和运用,开创了制造业的新时代,使世界制造业的格局发生了巨大变化。数控技术是提高产品质量、提高劳动生产率必不可少的物质手段,它的广泛使用使机械制造业生产方式、产业结构、管理方式带来深刻的变化,它的关联效益和辐射能力更是难以估计。数控技术是制造业实现自动化、软性化、集成化生产的基础,现代的CDA/CAM、FMS、CIMS等,都是建立在数控技术之上。基于MCS-51单片机系统的光电编码器应用于数控机床的伺服控制系统,与传统的光电编码器不同的是,它采用了MCS-51单片机系统,是将MCS-51单片机用于编码器的细分电路,通过软件的细分能提高编码器的分辨率和克服了过去编码器采用电子法等细分电路的缺点。其一:光电轴角编码器结构紧凑,受到码盘直径的影响,码道个数受到了限制。其二:根据不同的分辨率,光电编码器的硬件和机械结构就要不同,给生产实践造成诸多不便。采用MCS51单片机就能克服上诉的缺点,并且采用了对径相加技术在光电式编码器中的应用,降低了对编码器的机械加工、装调及使用环境的要求,并提高了其精度和可靠性。整篇论文介绍了基于MCS-51单片机光电编码器细分系统所涉及到的理论知识,提出了在传统光电编码器应用于数控系统中存在的不足,并且其系统中受到机械加工、装调和环境温度影响较大的问题,然后通过改进光电接受系统的方法来加以克服。经过实验及仿真表明,该系统能够进行对数控伺服系统实现控制,提高了数控机床的加工精度和稳定性。

【Abstract】 In the course of industrial measurement and control,Often requires rotating spindle from the perspective of information,On the need to use as a rotary encoder sensors. Photoelectric encoder servo system is an important component of,Through its information collection point or displacement. According to the acquisition of different signals, servo system to adjust. The servo system is the core of the NC system. So its entire manufacturing sector is of great significance.Breakdown in industrial control in the important practical significance, based on the MCS-51 SCM photoelectric encoder breakdown of the circuit, is the view of the current sub-circuit the shortcomings of the sub-circuit system were studied. Circuit from light source, slit, receiving components, plastic surgery to enlarge, A / D converter, MCS-51 system, D / A converters, drives and other components of output. Receiver components of the change of perspective or displacement transmitted to the MCS-51 sub-output system. Sub-circuits can be called multiplier circuit. Mohr grating on the fringes of the signal frequency methods are widely the study of law, machinery, electronics, computer software and other law approach. The traditional frequency circuit in the actual application of the following limitations: 1. Multiplier number can not be too much2. Measurement complex structure, size, and some can not be measured for dynamic3. Modular production in poorSo the traditional encoder breakdown of the circuit design a new frequency circuit, much of it has overcome the limitations of traditional frequency circuit, is of important value. CPU module using low-power MCU AT89C52 as a master. Master to complete the acquisition signals a breakdown detection device output processing. In the SCM software design, modular software design, signals the completion of the collection, processing, and other parts of the preparation process, commissioning work.In logical, intelligent control, the MCU is irreplaceable advantages. At present, the SCM has been widely applied to the photoelectric rotary encoder data processing system design, through the flexible design of the SCM software can be achieved A variety of logic operation and control, use of top-down system design methods to shorten the development cycle, improve the efficiency of the design. 80 C196KC take full advantage of the high-speed mathematical treatment capacity so that it can better achieve the larger scene of the conditions for real-time digital processing and precise control. This structure has been successfully applied to photoelectric rotary encoders, made a good practical results.This shows that the design and practical application there is still a certain gap. In the future work and learning in a more in-depth study. Mainly in the PC integrated information processing module and the use of EDA approach to systems design, reduce the circuit design and circuit board design and the difficulty of the workload and improve the response rate Titong efforts.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】TN762
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1499

