

The Design and Implementation of Material Management Module in Operation Management System

【作者】 王冰

【导师】 秦贵和;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,计算机技术的快速发展推动了国内外石油行业的信息化建设浪潮。到2000年左右,国内各油田和石油企业都基本完成了本地的信息化建设任务。以网络为依托的信息管理也取得了明显的进步。但是,随着本地的信息化建设取得成功的同时,各地区和各成员企业之间的信息资源却还处于分散孤立的状态。制约了企业间、部门间信息交换的效率,造成了石油行业信息的割裂。为此,中国石油天然气集团公司自行开发了一套生产运行管理系统来满足行业的需要。物资管理是石油企业降低成本、提高管理效率的重要环节。在生产运作管理系统中,物资管理是整个系统的一个重要子系统。本文以物资管理子系统为研究对象。运用SOA面向服务的分析方法制订解决方案。并采用用户体验层,应用服务层和数据层的三层结构。本文在分析了系统设计方法和SOA、MVC、ORM、DAO等相关技术基础上,对系统的需求做了详细分析。对物资管理业务流程、系统分析、以及总体设计和实现进行了详细的描述。

【Abstract】 Since the 1960s when computer technology was applied in exploration and exploitation of oil fields and oil processing, IT has played an irreplaceable role in increasing oil and gas exploration and improving their processing and so on. In the middle of the 1990s, internet technology boosted informationization construction characterized by building network in oil industry at home and abroad. Around the year of 2000, every domestic oil field and every petrochemical enterprise almost finished building enterprise network.However, there are many malpractices which should not be neglected while oil and petrochemical enterprises in oil industry in every part of China have almost achieved informationization of local business. On the one hand information resources of member enterprises under one group are in dispersion and isolation on the other hand applied system and information of every business department within one enterprise are in dispersion and isolation as well, restricting the efficiency of information communication among enterprises and among departments.In the face of the acceleration of the process of global economic integration and the competition from big foreign oil companies, China’s oil enterprises should timely organize and adjust product production structure, fulfill integral optimization in the process of production and operation, strengthen enterprise competitive power and solve information isolation and fault problems as soon as possible in line with changes and requests of the market so that more economic returns could be achieved in market competition. Hence, China National Petroleum Corporation independently developed a set of operation management system to cater to the industry request.Operation Management System (OMS in short) integrates the following five specialized services in one management system—geophysical prospecting, well drilling, well measuring, well logging and subsurface well. At the same time personnel, equipment, materials and documents needed in production operation should be put under centralized management as public part. Therefore, every specialized service could be coordinated with one another and production trends in relevant work of other specialties will be learned in time, getting beneficial production information and completely solving information isolation and fault problems and so on.The material management system studied by the thesis is a subsystem under the huge operation management system, i.e., the public system of the whole system. The five specialized services included in the operation management system will apply this public material management system to carry out centralized distribution and centralized management on the materials of the five specialized services in order to help managers analyze and process a large amount of dynamic and complicated data and information in time and exactly, make a scheme in advance about material operation activities, control halfway and feedback finally. Hence, enterprises can make an essential progress in management measures and management level and keep up with the information era by rationally utilizing enterprises’resources, cutting down stock, decreasing fund occupation, strengthening enterprises’adaptable power and market competitive power, and raising economic returns.Material management system is in conformity with design ways and techniques of operation management system, adopting SOA as fundamental thinking and principle of system design.SOA is a service-oriented framework model which is able to deploy, combine and use loose coupling thick-scale application components in distribution mode by network according to the need. SOA with ubiquitous standard brings better reusability to enterprises’assets or investment now available. SOA is able to establish another application based on the latest and available applications; clients and consumers receiving service will be exempt from influence resulting from changes of service; a single service or consumers receiving service can be updated without rewriting the whole application or retaining available system which is not applicable to new need any more.The system based on SOA application framework is classified into the three standard strata-users’experience stratum, application service stratum and data stratum.1. MVC users’experience stratum: users’experience stratum adopts best practice in the industry-MVC model. MVC is Model-View-Controller, i.e., separating the processes of input, processing and output in one application in the light of model, view and controller. Hence, one application is divided into three strata-model stratum, view stratum and controller stratum. The purpose of MVC is to increase the reusable rate of codes, decrease coupling degree of data expressions, data description and application operation, at the same time, to greatly boost software maintenance, repair, expansibility, agility and encapsulation.2. Application service stratum: application service stratum adopts Service Gateway to fulfill service response and request. This stratum encapsules complicated functions of application service, and uses simple and unified interface to expose service. The interface adopts SOAP, one light, simple, based on XML protocol to encapsule request and response. When Service Gateway receives a request from users’stratum, it is able to find the correct service in line with defined corresponding relation and transfer and process it, finally return the result. 3. Data stratum: as an independent stratum with all data information, data stratum is one of the most pivotal parts in application program in a distribution mode. In system application framework, data stratum adopts O/R Mapping technique based on J2EE to encapsule all the data visiting details so that operation logic stratum could be absorbed in fulfilling operation logic, increasing development efficiency, cutting down development cost, simplifying codes, reducing bug amount, segregating data source and converting data bank conveniently.According to several modes of material management in every oil field, the unique characteristics of oil industry and the demands from every department, the functions fulfilled in material management should be set, including coding management, application management, warehousing management, stock management, consumption management, dangerous articles management, emergency material management and so on. Therefore, the traditional manual accounting will be completely replaced by informationization, networkization, standardization and scientification in material management will be achieved, managers will control plan, speed up logistic reflection and economize production cost.The material management system, a subsystem under operation management system, will be integrated with other subsystems and form public part with personnel management, equipment management and document management to provide services for such five production departments as geophysical prospecting, well drilling, well measuring, well logging and subsurface well. Operation management system integrates five production departments with the basic information of personnel, equipment, materials and documents. Therefore, every specialized service and departments could be coordinated with one another and production trends in relevant work of other specialties will be learned in time, getting beneficial production information and completely solving information isolation and fault problems and so on.

【关键词】 SOAMVCORM物资管理
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】98

