

Performance Analysis and Coordinated Control of Self-balanced and Energy Saving Attachment of Excavator

【作者】 张中博

【导师】 黄海东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 对普通单斗挖掘机的工作装置稍加改造即可获得一种自平衡节能型单斗挖掘机。所谓自平衡是指当斗杆或动臂绕其枢轴转动时,工作装置的质心保持不变。因此,在作业过程中,工作装置的重力势能保持恒定,不消耗额外的机械能,既节省能量,又减少了液压系统的发热和回转轴承等处的动载荷。在机重相同的前提下,作业稳定性提高,可获得更大的作业半径或铲斗容量。这对改善挖掘机的性能、节省燃料有着非常重要的意义。本文以拉挖式自平衡节能型挖掘机为研究对象,主要完成了下面两个方面的研究工作:1)对自平衡节能型挖掘机工作装置的原理进行了分析,在此基础上对自平衡节能型挖掘机工作装置运动学和动力学进行了系统分析,并对挖掘机轨迹规划问题进行了研究。2)对卷扬马达和斗杆油缸协调控制问题进行了研究,分析了卷扬马达和斗杆油缸协调控制的问题,并以此设计了实现协调控制的液压系统和电气控制系统。由于挖掘机工作装置的结构及其工作方式与工业机器人相似,因此,可以将其作为一个工业机器人来进行研究。应用齐次坐标与齐次变换的概念和D-H法推导出了自平衡节能型挖掘机工作装置的运动学方程和动力学方程,应用矩阵代数来分析工作轨迹。本文的研究成果可以用于自平衡节能型挖掘机工作装置的设计。

【Abstract】 Apply high technology to transform traditional industries is the main directions of the further development of manufacturing, the wider use of robotics, computer technology and electronic information technology has become the main means of technological advances in many industry. Construction machinery industry is a typical representative. Therefore, the State 863 Project makes the engine robot research project as especially single topic. The other hand, with the further expansion of the scale of the project, the construction machinery has broad market demand and broad development prospects. However, the current domestic situation is: Domestic products are technologically backward, low competitiveness, foreign products have occupied the market seriously. How to improve the competitiveness of excavator products in the domestic market, protecting national industries, become one of the important tasks of scientific and technological workers, because of this, this paper is of special significance to the study.A self-balanced and energy saving attachment of excavator can be obtained when a fixed bob-weight and a movable one are mounted behind the axle pin of the arm. The gravity potential energy of the attachment does not change while the excavator works. No extra mechanical energy is consumed by the attachment. Not only the energy is saved, but also the hot of the hydraulic oil and the dynamic force of the turning bearing are decreased. Using this attachment, the stableness of the excavator is increased with the same weight, so that a bigger working radius or a bigger bucket volume can be obtained. This has a very important significance to improve the performance of excavators and save fuel.The paper mainly research self-balanced and energy saving attachment of excavator. The structure and working of excavator are like those of robot, so we may research excavator by looking it as reboticized excavator. We can get kinematics and kinetic equation of work equipment and work trace of roboticized excavato.It will improve the excavator’s capabilities of the best trace layout, kinetics and so on.The research as the following:First. Excavators kinematic and dynamic analysis. First abstract excavator structure as a 1R-3P system, the rotary turntable from the base joints, boom relative to the turntable rotating joints, stick around the end of the rotating arm and bucket joint struggle around the end of the rod to the four degrees of freedom rotary joint robot model . D-H robot model used to establish law and D-H coordinates, analysis of the solution model of the robot kinematics and inverse kinematics problem. On this basis, solving the effective work of excavators. Finally,using Lagrange equations to fix the dynamic equations of the robot model.Second. On the basis of establishing kinematic and dynamic model of excavator working device, introducing the concept of robot path planning, principles and methods used. Analyzing the three factors affecting the efficiency of excavator and excavator under the three different operations,level three is to investigate mining operations along the slope formation found in the pit trajectory control, after the discuss simulation results are given.Third. Introducing the stick tank and the winch motor coordination and control of the basic tenets. Analyzing the process of stick tank and the winch motor coordination and using a hydraulic control system design. Analyzing the electro-hydraulic proportional valve and its characteristic curve and the direction of the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic system.Forth. According to the control process and the constitute of hydraulic system, design a reasonable hardware. Hardware include input channel signal processing circuit, microcomputer control circuit, proportional valve control circuit (including slope signal generator, oscillator circuit detection, PID controller, Voltage and power amplifier circuit), and gives jamming technology design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】TU621
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】198

