

Study on Blacksoil Degradation in Songliao Plain Based on RS and GIS Technology

【作者】 邢宇

【导师】 姜琦刚;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 松辽平原黑土带是世界上仅有的三块黑土区之一,是国家重要的商品粮基地,是极其重要的战略资源。但由于多年来自然因素和人为活动的影响,黑土在不断退化,其主要表现在黑土数量减少和土质下降两个方面。黑土数量减少主要是由于人类活动对土地性质的改变(主要指建筑用地和道路的扩建),以及自然条件下空间面积(冲沟新生和扩大)以及垂向(厚度减薄)变化造成的;黑土质量下降主要是由于长期过度耕种造成的,表现在黑土土壤肥力下降,作物养分减少并失去平衡,土壤理化性状恶化等方面。为了探明松辽平原黑土资源状况、了解它们的区域特征及变化规律,本文首先基于RS与GIS技术对地表信息进行监测,从而实现黑土面积变化的研究;其次,通过遥感定量反演、比较土壤有机质含量来实现黑土质量变化的研究;然后,结合DEM(数字高程模型)数据,引入冲沟密度概念,利用三维遥感建模及系列计算对提取的黑土数据(数量和质量)进行详细地综合研究;最后,总结松辽平原黑土退化特点和时空分布规律,对黑土退化影响因素进行分析,预测黑土退化趋势,为黑土资源的利用与保护提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 Songliao Plain Blacksoil Zone is one of the only three pieces of blacksoil land on the earth, which mainly lies in Heilongjiang Province, Jilin Province and a small amount of the land spreads across Liaoning Province and Innermongolia Autonomous Region. Its total area is about 5.956 million ha, including 4.438 million ha farmland. Since it is fertile, rich organic matter and strong nutrient supply capacity for crop growth, blacksoil is called as“the king of soil”. China is a country with a large population and only 43 percent of the arable land of the world for each person. Therefore, the blacksoil in Songliao Plain is extremely significant and strategic resource.Due to natural factors’restrictions and human activities’effect over the years, however, blacksoil degradation has become increasingly serious. The degradation of blacksoil is mainly in amount and quality. The decrease of blacksoil area is mainly related with human activities (including the expansion of construction sites and roads), changes of spatial areas in nature condition (gullies rebirth and enlarge) and soil erosion (the decrease in thickness and area). The degradation of blacksoil quantity is mainly caused by long-term excessive human cultivation, which is shown on declining in the blacksoil fertility, reduction of crop nutrient, loss of balance, deterioration of blacksoil physical and chemical properties that are the main characters of blacksoil quality decline.In order to explore the blacksoil resources in Songliao Plain, understand its regional characteristics and the change rules, this paper aims to research the technique using RS and GIS technology, which is based on the following thoughts:①Chose MapGIS as a software platform for information extraction of blacksoil area degradation, TM, ETM and ASTER remote sensing data (key areas) as major data resource, according to field investigation and remote sensing images interpretation keys, so as to interpret the area of blacksoil, gully, construction and road, etc. The change of the blacksoil area is obtained through GIS spatial analysis in different period represented by different RS image data. The strength classification of the blacksoil area change has been achieved by calculating the reduce area in unit area of the blacksoil. Otherwise, the author chooses the representative zone as a key area to investigate in detail, using 2005 year’s ASTER remote sensing data to monitor the area change of blacksoil in recent years, to analyze the rule of spatial and temporal evolution of blacksoil in Songliao Plain.②Establish the retrieval model related to remote sensing data reflectivity and soil organic matter content in blacksoil, to calculate soil organic matter content using the latest ASTER remote sensing data source, the TM data in the 1990s and the limited soil sample. Based on field samples and analysis of soil organic matter content which sampled in the spring of 2006 and 2007 year, as well as using ASTER remote sensing data in the spring of 2005 and 2006 year as the data source, the author calculates the organic matter content in blacksoil by retrieval. Through soil organic matter content of the second census in 1980s and 1990s, as well as TM data in the early 1990s, the author calculates the organic matter content in 1990s’blacksoil by retrieval. By comparing the change of soil organic matter content in blacksoil in different period, the author gets the information of quality degradation of blacksoil.③Using DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data and socio-economic statistical data, the author calculates the elevation, slope, slope length, aspect, gully density, etc so as to carry on detailed and comprehensive study on extracted blacksoil data (quantity and quality). In addition, the author discusses the blacksoil degradation characteristics, the regulations of spatial and temporal distribution, analyzes the mechanism and tendency of the blacksoil degradation and determines the borders of blacksoil. The research results will be the scientific foundation for protecting and using of blacksoil resource.The research results of this paper are as follows:1. Blacksoil zone in Songliao Plain lies in north from Nenjiang County Heihe City, west to Gannan County Qiqihar City, east arrives at Bin County Harbin City Heilongjiang Province and south reaches Changtu County Tieling City Liaoning Province. The West border is contiguous to the chernozem and sali-alkali soil in Songnen Plain. The east border extends to the verge of Sanjiang Plain, the valley of Xiaoxing’an Mountain and Changbai Mountain, etc. The shape of blacksoil is like an arc and stripe along the Beijing and Harbin railway. In 2000, the total area of blacksoil zone in Songliao Plain is about 85698.82km2, and blacksoil area is about 54989.92km2 which accounts for 64.17% of the total area of blacksoil zone; the gully area is about 24490.98km2 which accounts for 28.58%; the construction area is about 6217.92km2, which accounts for 7.25%. About 73.03% and 22.19% of the blacksoil zone area distributes in Heilongjiang and Jilin Province respectively.2. The interpretative results of different period remote sensing image illustrate that the area of blacksoil in Songliao Plain has reduced by 3765.21km2 in the past 10 years, with an average annual decrease of 376.52km2. The decrease tendency of blacksoil area is gradually weakening from north of the central (Harbin and Suihua City)of blacksoil zone to the south. The blacksoil degradation has mainly occurred in these areas, such as river cross-strait, the near district of larger construction sites and the sali-alkali soil.3. Organic matter content in blacksoil is higher in the northern region than in the southern, in the eastern than in the western. What is more, organic matter content is gradually increasing along with latitude (longitude) becoming high.4. Topographical condition is the primary factor in the process of the blacksoil degradation. The blacksoil degradation mainly concentrates on the middle and lower part of sloping land, the elevation about 100~300m, the average elevation about 227.87m, the average slope about 1.69°and the average slope length of 14605.51m. The blacksoil reduction in eastern and western slopes is worse than in other directions. And the blacksoil decrease is greater in southern slopes than in northern slopes.5. The area of gully has expanded by 2602.66km2 and the blacksoil has decreased by 3765.21km2 from 1990 to 2000 year. The area of gully increasing derives from the area decreasing of blacksoil; the amount of blacksoil decrease is closely related to gully density. The density of gull has been increased in the past 10 years. The situation of blacksoil degradation is worse than in 10 years ago.6. The major reasons for area decrease and organic matter degradation of blacksoil are mainly related with urbanization and other human activities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 10期
  • 【分类号】S158
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】296

