

【作者】 刘冬

【导师】 刘月琴;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际关系, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 人口跨境迁移作为全球化进程中最为活跃的因素之一,正在对我们生活的世界产生越来越大的影响,并同国际政治形势的变化纠葛在一起。法国是欧洲移民大国,境内拥有众多穆斯林,但随法国经济的衰退,穆斯林问题渐成为困扰法国社会的突出问题。移民问题的产生是复杂的,但因为伊斯兰世界同西方世界关系的日趋紧张和“文明冲突”论的流行,法国穆斯林问题往往被文化唯一论所解释,而这种论调却不利于法国穆斯林同主流社会关系的改善,也同样不利于缓解国际形势的紧张。本文利用西方社会学中研究族群关系的社会排斥理论和文化认同理论从内、外因两个方面入手研究法国穆斯林问题产生的原因。经研究发现,法国穆斯林移民问题产生的外部原因是复杂的历史、经济、政治、文化因素所导致的穆斯林移民在政治、经济、社会文化等方面为法国主流社会所排斥的状态;内部原因则是穆斯林青年文化认同中不同于他们父辈的法兰西成分。而正是具有法兰西认同的穆斯林青年对自由、平等地追求,才使他们不满于被排斥的现状,并引发了今天的法国穆斯林移民问题。

【Abstract】 As one of the most active elements in the process of globalization, cross–border population migration is now having greater and greater impacts on the world which we live in and it also being entangled with the changes of international political situation. In Europe, France is an important country to immigrants who has a considerable Muslim population. However, with the French economic recession, Muslim problem has become a prominent issue which plagued French society. Immigrant problems are of multi-facet factors, but as the tension of Islam-Western relation is growing and the epidemic of the“clash of civilizations”theory, the French Muslim problem is often been explained only by cultural factors. However, this argument do have little aid in improving the relation between Muslim community and the mainstream society, and it also do have little aid in reducing the tension of international society.By using Western sociological theories of social exclusion and cultural identity which study ethnic relations, this article tries to find out the reasons behind French Muslim problems from internal and external causes. Then this article will show that the external causes of French Muslim problems is the state that Muslims are being excluded in political, economical, social and cultural life by French mainstream society which is due to complex historical, economic, political and cultural factors; while the internal reason is French ingredient in the cultural identity of Muslim youth which make them different from their parents. And it is precisely the pursuit of freedom and equality by those Muslim youths with French identity make them can not keep quiet before exclusion, thus cause Muslim problems in France today.

  • 【分类号】D756.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】481

