

Quality Assessment in Business Interpreting

【作者】 左燕青

【导师】 肖晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在全球经济一体化的背景之下,跨国商务交流日益频繁。作为不同语言和文化间沟通的桥梁,商务口译服务面对巨大的市场需求。因此,寻求有效的商务口译质量评估和控制模式迫在眉睫。本文即试图探讨这方面的问题。作者选取了7个具体的评估标准,并提出了“基于商务口译使用者期望及交流效果分析”的评估模式。引言部分介绍了本文的写作思路和框架。主体分为四章。第一章简要介绍了商务口译的基本定义、历史发展和特点。第二章是对口译质量评估研究的历史回顾。二战后,会议口译逐渐为行业认可,伴随其发展,对口译质量评估的研究也初现端倪。一些基本的考量,如信息忠实度、语言质量、速度,等使评估得以具体化。本章简要汇总了上世纪八十年代以来的中西方口译质量评估研究成果,并分别从理论研究和实证研究两方面进行论述。通过分析不难发现,当前的口译质量评估仍然面临着诸多的问题,如:收集真实数据、试验方法的科学性、对变量的控制等。第三章论述了商务口译的质量评估。现有的商务口译质量评估标准主要基于不同的角色划分。但是商务活动多为双向或多向交流,听说者角色定位模糊,因此静态的角色划分评估标准并不适用。新的模式则注重通过分析使用者期望和具体评估指标在促进有效商务交流中的作用两方面进行考量。为获得较为真实的评估结果,作者建议通过实证研究获得评估数据,并对这些数据进行科学的统计和分析。在本模式中,作者即通过数据处理,将各项评估标准的评分百分制化;并以此为基础设计出可量化的评估表。通过表格,商务口译员的整体表现和在具体指标上的优劣一目了然。第四章探讨了提高商务口译质量的对策。自我训练和专业培训是提高口译从业人员和培训者知识及技能的两条并行之路。同时,充分的译前准备也是商务口译成功的关键。

【Abstract】 In this era of global economy, numerous business transactions take place each and every day across country borders. To facilitate such transactions across linguistic and cultural barriers, business interpreting has risen as a service in high demand. Thus quality assessment and control in business interpreting becomes imperative. The current thesis is an attempt toward this endeavor. The author proposes a communication oriented model based on users’expectation, in which a flexible changes of different quality criteria are considered. The dissertation starts with an introduction of the framework and main ideas, followed by four chapters of elaboration.Chapter 1 is an introduction of the basic definition, history and characteristics of business interpreting.Chapter 2 gives a critical review of the history of interpreting quality assessment. Research on interpreting assessment sprang up after the World War II when conference interpreting became a recognized profession. In assessing quality, considerations have been given to some fundamental criteria, such as fidelity, language, speed, etc... The author examines the research on interpreting assessment since the 1980s’from both theoretical and empirical perspectives and points out the existing problems in the field, which include the difficulties in collecting authentic data, experiment desire and control of variables.In Chapter 3 the author proposes a model for business interpreting assessment. Current quality assessment in business interpreting based on position analysis is not applicable as business communications are more often than not bi- or even multi- bilateral, during which the concepts of positions are quite fuzzy. The new model is drawn from the author’s two empirical studies on users’expectation and the criteria’s simulative function to facilitate business communication. With the perspective it is the author’s suggestion that authentic data should be collected from experiment and scientific methodology for statistic analysis should be introduced. Through processing the data collected from questionnaires is transformed into a 100-mark system. Further, an assessment chart is devised to evaluate the overall performance of the business interpreting and interpreters’strengths and weaknesses on each variable.Chapter 4 suggests ways for quality improvement in business interpreting. Self-training and institutional training are 2 ways to improve the skills and knowledge of practitioners and trainees. Preparation for all assignments is further guarantee for the success of interpreting in business situations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【下载频次】449

