

Comparison between Substantial Standards of the Antitrust Regulation of Cross-border Merger & Acquisition in the European Union and the United States

【作者】 范建红

【导师】 龚宇;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 企业并购是企业兼并和企业收购的统称。跨国并购的概念是由企业国内并购的概念引申扩展而来的,是企业国内并购在经济全球化进程中的跨国延伸。经济学基础决定了跨国并购天然存在着损害有效竞争的可能性,对跨国并购的反垄断规制也因此成为以维护有效竞争为目的的反垄断法的核心内容。欧盟和美国对跨国并购的反垄断规制已经经历了相当长的发展而渐趋成熟,而国内现有的对企业跨国并购的反垄断规制的研究基本上还处于早期阶段,因此笔者试图对欧美的跨国并购反垄断规制实体标准进行比较研究,以期对我国跨国并购反垄断立法提出建设性建议,为我国企业跨国并购反垄断规制提供可行的研究结果。除引言和结论外,本文分为四章:第一章——跨国并购及其反垄断规制之一般原理。在本章中,笔者从介绍跨国并购的概念及类型入手,进一步揭示了跨国并购与垄断的关系以说明对跨国并购进行反垄断规制的必要性,最后从经济学的角度阐述了跨国并购反垄断规制的理论基础。第二章——欧美跨国并购反垄断规制简介。在本章中,笔者分别简要介绍了美国的跨国并购反垄断规制和欧盟的跨国并购反垄断规制,并在此基础上对欧美跨国并购反垄断规制的发展趋势进行了归纳。第三章——欧美跨国并购反垄断规制实体标准的比较分析。欧盟并购反垄断规制的实体标准经历了三个发展阶段,目前为“严重妨碍有效竞争(SIEC)标准”,而美国的并购反垄断规制实体标准则为“实质减少竞争(SLC)标准”。欧盟的“SIEC”标准与美国的“SLC”标准之间既存在着区别,也存在着趋同的趋势。第四章——欧美实体标准对中国跨国并购反垄断规制的借鉴意义。在本章中笔者介绍了跨国并购的中国现状以及我国并购控制立法和实体标准的现状,在此基础上指出我国的跨国并购反垄断规制需要向欧美学习先进的立法经验,由此得出本文结论,即欧美跨国并购反垄断规制实体标准对我国的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Cross-border Merger & Acquisition is the core of Antitrust Law whose destination is to protect workable competition of the market, which is due to the native possibility of impairing competition of the mergers that is lying in the economics fundamentals. The studies on the Antitrust Regulation of Cross-border M&A in China are still on the early phase. The author tries to compare the substantial standards of the Antitrust Regulation of Cross-border M&A in the United States and the European Union as the most developed countries in the world, so as to provide constructive suggestions to our legislation.There are four chapters in this thesis, except the introduction and the conclusion: Chapter One——Fundamental Theories on Cross-border M&A and Antitrust Regulation, the contents are as follows: the definition and classifications of Cross-border M&A, the relationship between Cross-border M & A and monopoly, and the theoretical basis of antitrust regulation of Cross-border M&A.Chapter Two——Introduction of Antitrust Regulation of Cross-border M&A in the United States and the European Union, the contents are as follows: the introduction of antitrust regulation of Cross-border M&A in the United States, the introduction of antitrust regulation of Cross-border M&A in the European Union, and the trend of the antitrust regulation of Cross-border M&A in the United States and the European Union.Chapter Three——Comparison between Substantial Standards of Antitrust Regulation of Cross-border M&A in the United States and the European Union, the contents are as follows: the standard of“Significantly Impedes Effective Competition(SIEC)”in the European Union, the standard of“Substantial Lessening of Competition(SLC)”in the United States, and the comparison between them.Chapter Four——References to Antitrust Regulation of Cross-border M&A in China, which are concluded from the substantial standards of the antitrust regulation of Cross-border M&A in the United States and the European Union, the contents are as follows: the present situations of Cross-border M&A in China, the existing antitrust regulation and substantial standards of the antitrust regulation in China, and the references to antitrust regulation of Cross-border M&A in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】370

