

Research on the Safety-guard Duty of Social Activities

【作者】 沈香秀

【导师】 朱泉鹰;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 民商法学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 社会生活的发展不断向法律制度提出新问题和新挑战。本文从现今社会生活中存在的现实问题,即在社会活动过程中,组织者怠于采取合理的防范措施而使他人遭受人身或财产的损害时,受害人却无法获得全部、及时的赔偿这一问题出发,探讨了理论界较少研究的经营活动之外的其他社会活动安全保障义务。除前言和结语外,本文主要分为以下四章进行论述:第一章,研究现状分析,阐明安全保障义务的概念争议及我国法规范上的安全保障义务体系,进而指出规范中存在的问题,突出了除经营活动外的“其他社会活动”安全保障义务应有的理解。一切认识、知识均可源于比较。本文第二章,国外法比较分析,通过对国外法的纵横比较,论证国外安全保障义务已扩展适用于经营活动以外的其他社会活动领域,明确我国应借鉴此种安全保障义务理论。第三章,基础理论分析,通过背景研究和学理依据分析,阐明其他社会活动安全保障义务存在的必要性及合理性。第四章,义务认定和责任规制研究,阐述社会活动安全保障义务的性质、范围和内容,尝试确立更为可行的可预见性、可控制性、损害严重性等认定标准;最后,就义务的违反所产生的责任规制及实践中遇到的几个问题作出分析。全文的创新之处主要在于选题上,笔者选取学界较少论述的“其他社会活动”组织者安全保障义务这一角度,综合运用了比较分析、实证分析、价值分析等多种研究方法,对其他社会活动安全保障义务的基础理论、认定理论及责任规制进行了较为具体的论述,意图纠正学界只重视经营活动安全保障义务的研究偏颇,以助于进一步完善我国社会活动安全保障义务研究体系。

【Abstract】 Tort law faces new problems and challenges with the development of the society. Nowadays, one of the most important problems is that when the organizers who undertake social activities idle to take some reasonable actions, the persons suffering personal or property damages can not get the full and timely compensations. Aiming this issue and benefiting from others’researching experience , the author focuses on the safety-guard duty of“other social activities”besides business activities.There are four chapters besides Preface and Conclusions:Chapter one analyzes the current researches in china. First, the author clarifies the concept of safety-guard duty and related legislations in China, and then figures out the defects of our legislations, finally points out the importance of understanding and researching the safety-guard duty in“other social activities”besides business activities.All awareness and knowledge can be derived from comparison. The more you know the foreign laws, the better you understand the local laws. Therefore, in the second chapter, the author states the duty of safety-guard from the perspectives of comparative law. It tells us the similar regulations in German, France, Japan, England and American. Verifying that the safety-guard duty overseas has been extended to other social activities, but not limited to the field of business activities.Chapter three the author analyzes the theoretical basis, clarifies the necessity and reasonableness of the safety-guard duty by analyzing its background and academic basis.In the fourth chapter, after studying the characters, contents, scopes of the safety-guard duty, the author tries to establish some feasible criteria that can make the judgments of the safety-guard duty easier: predictability, controllability, seriousness of damages and so on. And intending to solve practical problems, the author analyzes the imputation of the safety-guard duty and discusses some difficult issues.The innovation of the thesis is as following: mainly choosing the safety-guard duty of“other social activities”that scholars are less concern about; comprehensive uses of various kinds of research methods, such as comparative analysis, empirical analysis, value analysis. In fact, the presentation of the safety-guard duty in other social activities is a rectification about the mistake of only paying attention to the safety-guard duty of business activities, and a chance for improving the safety-guard system in China.

【关键词】 安全保障义务组织者危险控制
【Key words】 The Safety-guard DutyOrganizerRisks Control
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】D912.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】288

