

A Study on Scenic Spots Employees: The Relationship between Work Value, Job Satisfaction and Employee Effort

【作者】 李鹤

【导师】 颜亚玉;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 旅游管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 工作价值观是组织文化的核心课题,它可以衡量员工的工作态度、行为。而推进员工工作满意度的提升是景区长存的命脉所在,与景区服务质量、游客满意度和经济利润直接相关的是员工的努力度。本研究旨在探讨景区员工工作价值观的认知差异,分析工作价值观、工作满意度及工作努力度三者之间的因果关系,主要了解工作价值观、工作满意度分别对工作努力度深层次的作用机制。这将有助于招聘适合景区的工作态度积极的员工,有助于景区管理层掌握员工的工作价值观取向,从个人和组织的内外因角度实施人力资源的高效管理。本研究运用访谈法,自行编制针对景区员工的工作满意度问卷,以X旅游集团的253名有代表性的员工作为被试,通过探索性因子分析、信度分析、单因素方差分析、相关分析、多元回归分析等相关统计方法对所获得数据进行分析,验证三者之间存在以下关系:1、组织集体观念因素和工作行为评价因素同工作满意度的各个维度显著正相关,具有正向预测力。个人要求因素在一定程度上对工作满意度具有负向影响;2、组织集体观念因素和工作行为评价因素同工作努力度显著正相关,具有正向预测力,其中以工作行为评价的预测作用最为显著。个人要求因素同工作努力度负相关;3、对工作内容、工作回报、个人发展、组织环境以及工作条件的满意度均可作为工作努力度的预测指标,其中以工作内容的预测力最大。根据调查结果,本研究得到启示和提出建议如下:(一)工作价值观方面对景区人力资源管理的启示:1、应该在景区内部树立和培植组织集体观念,引导员工形成正确的工作行为评价;2、充分重视员工的个人要求。(二)工作满意度方面对景区人力资源管理的建议:1、建立公平合理的薪酬制度;2、建立公平竞争的晋升机制;3、完善培训体系和职业生涯管理;4.工作内容的激励、5、改善绩效管理;6、管理者实行“人性化管理”;7、创造良好的组织氛围;8、针对竹筏工的有效激励。

【Abstract】 Work value is to weigh employee’s work attitude and action. Job satisfaction and employee effort have great effect on the development of scenic spots . The research is to explore the recognition difference of work value among employees and discuss the relationship of work value job satisfaction and employee effort in scenic spots,try to analyze how the two former variables affect the latter separately .The study would help to find out effective ways to upgrade human resource management of scenic spots.The study develop a applicable questionnaire,investigate 253 samples in X Scenic Spot, use the methods of exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, varianceanalysis, correlation, regression,etc. We find that:a.High belief of collectivism and belief of work behavior, high the all factors of job satisfaction.Belief of personal development has negative effect on job satisfaction.b.both belief of collectivism and belief of work behavior have positive effects on employee effort.Belief of work behavior plays the greatest role on predictions of employee effort.c.Job content satisfaction, job reward satisfaction,individual development satisfaction,organization environment satisfaction and job condition satisfaction are prediction indexes of employee effort. Job reward satisfaction plays the greatest role on predictions of employee effort.Finally, we get illumination and offer some comments as follows: X Scenic Spot should establish fair and reasonable salary system, introduce competitive promote system, perfect training programme and planing of career life of employees, enrich the content of work of employees, refine process of performance management, carry out people-oriented management, create a better working environment, inspire boatman with forceful measures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】F590
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】547

