

The Transmutation and Development Research of Martial Arts between Taiwan and Fujian

【作者】 姜辉军

【导师】 林建华;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 体育教育与训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 闽台武术同宗同源,随着海峡两岸形势的缓和,闽台两地民间的武术交流也日趋频繁。深入系统地研究闽台武术渊源和交流嬗变的历史脉络及文化沿革不只是历史的要求,更成为时代政治趋势所需,对其进行研究有利于丰富闽台两地武术的内涵和形式,有利于加强海峡两岸民间文化交流,有利于推广中华武术等优良传统文化,有利于促进两岸的和平发展。本文采用文献资料法、实地考证法、逻辑分析法,结合当时的时代背景以及武术自身发展状况,将闽台武术交流的历史分为不同的阶段,再对闽台武术交流的特征进行深入的剖析,并得出新的研究成果。闽台武术交流在不同的历史阶段呈现特征不一:1.在明朝福建作为对海反倭和复台抗葡战争的前沿阵地,明朝派驻福建的军队将领带来中原武术,并与当地武术交流传播,从而丰富了福建武术的拳种。2.明末清初郑成功收复并驻守台湾,又将大陆武术带入台湾,台湾武术逐渐形成。3.清朝前期反清复明的地下组织发展迅速,活跃在闽台两地的“天地会”就是其中一个地下党会组织。该组织吸纳的许多民间武术人士和明朝将领并在闽台两地频繁活动,闽台武术借助党会的地下活动进行双向交流。4.清朝统一台湾后尤其施琅实施闽台人民自由来往的开发政策,进一步促进闽台武术交流。5.解放后,随着国民政府撤兵入台,军队中包含的许多武术社团,民间武术家进入台湾,把全国各地的武术体系和原来一些武术团体带到台湾,与当地的武术进行交流和融合,丰富了台湾武术。但自此也开始了台湾和大陆30年的两岸武术交流的分离。6.改革开放以来,两岸经贸往来频繁,扩大了两岸民间社团组织的交流渠道,使闽台两地武术双向的交流成为可能,闽台武术的交流呈现多元化的发展。这种民间的闽台武术交流有效的促进了闽台两地的政治对话和了解,也增进了两地的感情。本文通过分析得出以下结论:1.台海战事促进了福建武术发展2.台湾武术源于福建3.闽台武术交流没有因为地域原因而产生隔离,却因为政治的原因形成一些断续期4.闽台武术的血缘关系是二者实现双赢交流的良好基础。

【Abstract】 The Fujian Taiwan martial arts come from the same ancestry. with the ease-up of two sides across the Taiwan Strait, the exchangs of martial arts between Fujian and Taiwan is increasingly frequent. deep and Systematical studies of origin of the Fujian and Taiwan martial arts and the historical evolutionary exchange and the cultural evolution are not only the historical request, but also the politics tendency of the time, because the research of it will be advantageous in enriching the connotation and the forms of Fujian and Taiwan martial arts , in the enhancement of folk cultural exchange between two sides across the Taiwan Strait ,and be advantageous in promoting the Chinese martial arts and the fine tradition culture,thus be benefitial in promoting the peaceful development of both straits.This article uses the literature material method, textually researches method, the logical analytic method on the spot, with consideration of the background as well as the development of martial arts, and divides the Fujian and Taiwan martial arts into different historical stages, carries on the thorough analysis again towards characteristics of the Fujian and Taiwan martial arts exchange, thus obtaines the new research results.The Fujian and Taiwan martial arts exchanges has long history and the various characteristic in the different stage: 1. Fujian martial arts are broad and profound. in the Ming Dynasty Fujian stood front to resist the Portuguese aggression and Japanese attack on the sea, many famous martial arts masters and the military officers brought dissemination and exchange to enrich the Fujian martial arts.2. Taiwan has its own indigenous hunting embryonic form, but didn’t form the integrated martial arts sysstem and guards until end of the Ming dynasty when Zheng Chenggong reoccupy and guarded Taiwan. 3. In the earlier period of Qing Dynasty , the Oppose-Qing Dynasty underground organization develops rapidly, enlivens“Tian Di Society”is underground party can organize in the Fujian Taiwan two places. This organization absorb many folk martial arts public figures and Ming Dynasty ,and it military officer and in Fujian Taiwan two place frequent activities, Fujian-Taiwan martial arts exchanged by the underground organization.4. After the unification of Taiwan by the Qing Danasty,the leader Shilang implemented the policy of free come-and go between the two places, it promoted the Fujian Taiwan martial arts exchange. 5. After the liberation of China, withdrawed troops along with the Kuomintang to enter Taiwan, many martial arts mass organizations which in the army contains and the martial arts folk enter Taiwan.They bring martial arts of each place of China ,and the original some martial arts association belt Taiwan, carries on the exchange and the fusion with the local martial arts, has enriched the Taiwan martial arts.But also started Taiwan and the mainland for 30 year both banks martial arts exchange separation from now on. 6. Since reforming and opening up, Chinese mainland government has promoted exchanges between two straits positively, Both banks economics and trade intercourse was frequent, expanded the exchange channel which the both banks folk mass organization organized, caused the Fujian Taiwan two place martial arts bidirectional exchange into possible, the Fujian Taiwan martial arts exchange presented multiplex the development.This exchange effectively promoted the political dialogues and understanding between Fujian and Taiwan, and the placeful relationship.Through the religiouly diagnosis, this article draws the conclusion: 1. Conflicts of Taiwan straits promoted the Fujian martial arts to develop 2. Taiwan martial arts system originates in the Fujian 3. Fujian and Taiwan martial arts exchange have not been isolated because of the regional reason, but has been broken insistantly due to he politic cause 4.The blood relationship between Fujian and Taiwan martial arts are the two realization win-win exchange good foundation.

【关键词】 闽台武术交流嬗变发展
【Key words】 Fujian-TaiwanMartial arts TransmutationChangeDevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】G852
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】201

