

The Equal Employment Policy of Nixon Administration

【作者】 于金辉

【导师】 胡锦山;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 世界史, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 为了纠正就业领域的种族歧视,提高黑人等少数族裔的经济地位,从二战之后,美国历任总统都制定了相应的联邦干预政策,然而成效不大。尼克松入主白宫之后,根据就业领域的歧视现状、黑人民权运动的新特点以及国内的政治形势,提出了新的解决方案——费城计划,这一计划以少数族裔抗争和多元文化背景,通过政府强制干预的办法,从经济上对历史上遭受歧视的族裔和性别群体加以补偿。本论文以费城计划为切入点,通过对该计划执行始末的探讨,来分析和评价尼克松政府在黑人民权运动中的地位和贡献。文章以计划的出台、执行、废止的过程为线索,正文部分分四章来论述。第一章主要回溯尼克松之前、二战之后历任政府在少数族裔公平就业问题上的政府政策,归纳其发展趋势,分析其成效。第二章在分析了黑人民权运动新特点的基础上,阐述了费城计划的出台,并挖掘了该计划的实质。第三章重点论述了该计划引发的争论和联邦法院的司法判决。最后一章探讨了费城计划失败的原因,并力图客观公正地对尼克松政府在民权运动中的地位进行了评价。通过分析可见,尼克松政府的黑人民权状况是国内黑人研究中的薄弱环节,但该阶段绝非无足轻重。这一时期不仅巩固了五六十年代黑人民权运动取得的成果,而且以不同的方式将民权运动更加推进了。“费城计划”作为尼氏政府的一项重要民权政策,虽然本身充满了悖论,并最终成为政治上的牺牲品,没有取得实质的成效,但是,这种以族群为背景,以优待为手段,以提高经济地位为目的的思路却是一次有益的探索。这种探索可以为多族群国家解决族裔问题提供参考和借鉴,这也正是本文的写作目的和意义之所在。

【Abstract】 In order to erase the history of discrimination in employment, all governments have taken measures since World War II, however, they all had little effect. After Nixon Administration came into power, it put forward a new policy named Philadelphia Plan, this new solution was in the context of civil rights movements and cultural pluralism, using the forcible intervention of the government, to compensate the ethnic and gender group which were unequally treated in the employment. This thesis intends to discuss this plan from its coming out to the abolishment, and analyses the roles and effects that Nixon Administration played in black civil rights.Besides the preface and conclusion, this thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter summarizes the equal employment policies of every administration from World War II till Nixon Administration, and analyses its trend and results. The second chapter, basing on the new features of civil rights movement, elaborates the coming out of Philadelphia Plan. The next chapter puts emphasis on the disputes caused by the plan and judicial judgments made by the Federal Courts. The last chapter analyses the causes which bring on the failure of the plan, and try the best to objectively and fairly evaluate the status of Nixon Administration in the civil rights movement.This thesis tries to show that Nixon Administration was indeed very significant in civil rights movement. In this period the civil rights movement had not slow down, but was moving in a different manner in the same direction. Philadelphia Plan was a very important policy in civil rights movement of Nixon Administration. Though the plan was full of paradoxes and lack of achievements, it had refined and greatly extended affirmative action. This new manner can be used for reference to all countries which has many ethnic groups.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】F249.712
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】196

