

Symphony of Sanctity and Folk

【作者】 骆婧

【导师】 陈耕;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 打城戏,作为闽南独有的地方剧种之一,蒙着一层比梨园戏、高甲戏等其他剧种更神秘的面纱。一则它具有脱胎于宗教法事的特殊“身世”,二则它长期背负着“封建迷信”的骂名,默默隐藏在其他剧种的光环之下。然而,打城戏又是最能揭示中国宗教与民间戏曲不解之缘的特殊剧种,它从孕育到形成的过程是民间传统文化最生动的注脚。作为珍贵的非物质文化遗产,打城戏的历史文化价值甚至超越了其单纯的艺术价值。本文以打城戏的形成历史为研究对象,将剧种本体研究纳入戏剧人类学、戏曲生态学视野之中,主要从三个方面进行探究:第一,在重新梳理典籍史料的基础上对打城戏形成轨迹进行探讨;第二,在多次田野调查的基础上,对打城戏的艺术特质及其形成历史进行推断;第三,在深入学习和分析闽南民间戏曲形成历史的基础上,按其一般规律,分析影响打城戏形成的文化因素。从法事表演到独立剧种,打城戏的形成仰仗于两大因素:闽南民间信仰和闽南民间艺术。闽南民间“敬天法祖”的信仰观念促进了打城戏演出市场的形成,而闽南的戏曲、武术、百戏等诸多民间艺术又丰富和充实了打城戏的剧种特征。正是在闽南特殊的文化大环境中,宗教与戏曲达到了融合,形成独特魅力的打城戏。本文的创新点有三:一是对新史料的重新挖掘和考证;二是进行了数次田野调查,尝试以田野手段弥补史料研究的不足;三是根据戏剧形成的一般规律,对打城戏形成的生态环境进行考察。

【Abstract】 As the special local sort of opera, Dacheng opera has been always covered with a more mystery veil than other opera sorts such as Liyuan opera and Gaojia opera. On one hand, it is specially born by religious ceremony. On the other hand, it used to be criticized as blind worship and concealed under other operas’brightness for a long time. However, Dacheng Opera is the very one which can reveal close relationship between China religion and folk opera best. As one of the rare cultural legacies, Dacheng opera has more historical and cultural value rather than pure artistic one. This article is designed to study Dacheng opera’s forming history by three parts.First of all, Dacheng opera’s developing history is hackled from the foundation of earnest collection of historical materials. Secondly, its history and character are concluded through several times of campestral research. Thirdly, the factors which act on Dacheng opera’s forming are analyzed according common rule. The author will also convince that from ritual playing to independent opera, Dacheng opera has been improved by two essential factors as local religion and folk arts of southern Fujian Province. For the local religion of southern Fujian, the concept of worshiping heaven and ancestor improved the creation of Dacheng opera’s playing market. Also, various arts of southern Fujian such as puppet, wushu and acrobatism enriched the features of Dacheng opera. In a word, with the special cultural environment of southern Fujian , religion made an excellent amalgamation with opera and finally created the specially charming Dacheng opera.There are three innovations in this article. Firstly, several new historical materials are found and concluded. Furthermore, campestral researches are used to enrich history study. Another innovation is that the surrounding which acts on Dacheng opera’s forming is reviewed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】J825
  • 【下载频次】168

