

An Analysis of the Practice of Price Hearing and Its Problems in China

【作者】 蒋慧琼

【导师】 王云萍;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 行政管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 政府作为社会和公共事务的管理者,在做出影响公众利益的行政决定前,有义务告知并广泛听取社会公众的意见,提高决策的透明度。价格听证制度是最贴近公众生活的公民参与形式。实施价格听证制度,在政府价格决策过程中建立消费者、经营者和其他利益相关人共同参与、相互制约的新型价格决策机制有着重要的现实意义。目前,我国价格听证制度在全国范围内已经得到广泛应用,但仍旧存在一些问题,有待完善。基于我国政府价格决策听证的重要性和特殊性,作者试图通过分析自己亲身参与的厦门市管道空混气价格听证会的实践,以该案例为例,讨论价格听证这一价格决策机制在我国的发展情况,并针对价格听证制度应用中存在的问题提出对策,为我国价格听证制度的发展献计。全文共分为三个部分:第一部分为价格决策听证制度内涵,主要对价格听证的基本理论和发展沿革进行综述。包括我国价格听证制度的定义、原则和功能等。第二部分重点分析作者亲身参与的厦门市管道空混气价格调整听证会案例,包括听证会召开背景、听证程序过程分析、效果评估等方面内容。第三部分为我国价格听证制度的问题及对策。结合分析厦门市管道空混气价格听证会存在的问题,提出解决问题的方案,旨在为我国价格听证会制度今后的发展及科学应用提供建议。

【Abstract】 To better manage social and public affairs, the government has the duty to keep the public informed and to listen widely to the public opinion before any decisions which have impacts on public interest can be made. The price hearing system provides a way of citizen participation which is nearest to public life. Implementing price hearing system and establishing new price decision-making mechanism in the government price decision-making process in which the consumer, the operator and other benefit-related people participate with mutual restriction, has significance on administrative reality.At present, price hearing system has already obtained widespread application in the national scope in China. Nevertheless, there remain some problems. Given the importance and particularity of government price decision-making hearing in China, I attempted, by virtue of analyzing the case of Xiamen’s price hearing about the pipeline gas in which I participated myself, to discuss the current situation of price hearing in China and then propose some countermeasures concerned.The thesis was composed of the following three parts. The first part was a summary of the basic theories and the development of the price hearing system, including the definition, principle and function of the price hearing system.The second part was exclusively concerned with the case of Xiamen’s price hearing about the pipeline gas. I analyzed the case form the aspects of its background, participation, process, impact and current problems.The third part dealt with the problems of the practice of existing price hearing, in which I attempted to give some constructive suggestions on how to improve the operation of price hearing in China.

【关键词】 听证价格听证实践中国
【Key words】 hearingprice hearingpracticeChina
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期
  • 【分类号】F726
  • 【下载频次】233

