

An Empirical Study on Internet Consumption of China

【作者】 刘长青

【导师】 李新家; 王强东;

【作者基本信息】 广东省社会科学院 , 产业经济学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 网络消费是指一切利用互联网满足需要的过程。电子计算机网络为居民在网络上进行消费提供了技术基础,由计算机网络带来的交易成本的降低,是网络消费兴起的根本原因,而网络自身的方便快捷则是网络消费兴起的直接缘由。用大规模生产满足消费者,只是工业化条件限制下的特例,当物理条件上的限制去除后,消费者的真实需求才得到自然显露1。在网络条件下,消费者也是生产者。网络上许多商品符合长尾理论。长尾的根本生产机制是从专业化分工转向业余化融合。在长尾坐标中,一维是品种。头部是销售数量较大的少数品种:尾部是销售数量较小的多数品种。专业化分工的特长是提高效率,可以在单位时间生产更多单一品种的产品;而多样化产品的生产,更多取决于创造力和个人兴趣,因此业余爱好者相互交流成为廉价的生产方式2。因此,网络消费者面临的市场不是传统的稀缺经济的市场,而是丰饶(即要素边际成本趋零)经济下的市场。消费市场的细分是以个人兴趣为基础的。网络带来了新的消费方式,拓宽了消费领域,使得消费结构趋于合理,消费阶段向上提升,消费个性更强,消费者的满足感更高。网络消费的兴起也给社会带来了巨大的影响,同时对人的影响也不容忽视。根据中国互联网信息中心数据显示,我国的网络消费者从2000年的2250万人增加到了2006年的13700万人。近年来我国网络消费者人数稳步增长,显示了我国网络消费巨大的潜力。网络消费中网络游戏、网络购物、博客、即时通讯、网络教育、网络金融、数字杂志等都显示了巨大的发展潜力。然而我国网络消费较世界其他国家起步较晚,存在许多问题,如网络消费风险、信用问题、消费者自身素质不高、网络市场混乱以及一系列社会问题,如信息拜物教、网络综合症、网沟、网络消费能力低等,这些都阻碍着我国网络消费进一步的发展。有目共睹信息产业对国民经济的拉动作用,网络消费很大程度上是对网络信息的消费,它的发展势必会对国民经济起到推动作用,而且网络消费的发展可以带来消费结构的升级,进而带动经济发展;此外,网络消费这一新兴的消费方式可以提高经济运行的效率、丰富居民的生活。因此发展网络消费是意义非常重大。发达国家如美国、日本的网络消费政策为我国发展网络消费提供了借鉴:提升技术、加强安全防范;完善个人征信制度;完善与电子支付有关的法律、法规,从法律上明确对网络消费者权益的保护;政府加强引导,培育合理、健康、持续的网络消费是确保我国网络消费健康发展的必由之路。

【Abstract】 Internet Consumption is the use of the internet for all kinds of needs. Electronic computer network provides the residents with technical foundation on the consumption, and the fundamental reason for the use of internet consumption is the lower the cost of transactions while the direct reason for spreading of it is the convenience and efficiency of internet.Using mass production to satisfy consumers is the special case only in industrialization, but when the restrictions of physical conditions are removed, the demand of the consumer will be embodied better. In the internet, consumers are also producers. Many commodities in the internet is highly relevant with the theory of long tail. The fundamental mechanisms of production in long tail is from amateur to professional specialization of integration. Coordinate the tail, a dimension is number, the other is varieties. The head is the sales volume with fewer varieties, the tail is most varieties but with smaller volume. The advantage of specialized division is to improve efficiency, in unit time it can produce more varieties of a single product. While the diversification of production depends on more creativity and personal interests, therefore amateur exchanges become cheap modes of production. Thus, internet consumption faces a market which is not similar with the traditional scaricity of market economy, but with a market which is opulence economy(that is, the marginal cost of elements is almost zero). In the market the consumer is divided based on personal interest .Internet brings new patterns of consumption, expands the scope of consumption, makes the consumption structure reasonable, updates the consumption phase, makes consumption stronger individually and satisfies consumer higher. The rise of internet consumption also brings tremendous social impact and the influence on human beings should not be overlooked.Data from the China Internet Information Center show that China’s network consumer increased from 22.5 million in 2000 to 137 million in 2006. In recent years, the steady growth of China’s netizens shows that the potential of internet consumption is huge. All these show a great potential for development: online games, shopping networks, blog, instant communication, network education, financial networks, and digital magazines.However, as China’s internet develops later than other countries in the world, there are many problems, such as internet consumption risks, credit problems, quality of consumer, internet confusion in the market as well as a series of social problems, such as information fetishism, the internet of SARS, internet trenches, and low consumption power networks, which are impeding internet consumption further development.As the role of information industry in boosting the national economy is obvious, information consumption occupies largely in the internet consumption, its development is bound to play a role in promoting the national economy, and the development of internet consumption can bring about the upgrading of the consumption structure, which will stimulate economic development. In addition, the emerging network of consumption patterns can improve the efficiency of economic operations and enrich the lives of the residents. Therefore the development of the internet consumption is of great significance.Developed countries such as the United States, Japan, set good examples for China on internet consumption. Certain measures must be taken to improve the internet consumption by the government: upgrading technology, strengthening security; perfecting personal credit system, laws of electronic payment and regulations, forming a legal right network explicitly, protecting the rights of consumers, strengthening guidance and cultivating a rational, health network which is the way of development of the internet in our country.

  • 【分类号】F724.6
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】2257

