

【作者】 赵明荣

【导师】 白巍;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 艺术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要分为四部分:第一部分研究综述,在对以往研究成果进行总结的基础上提出了本文的研究目标。第二部分对永安寺及其壁画进行了全面介绍。第三部分通过供养人和纹样两个角度对永安寺壁画的绘制年代问题进行了考证,得出了永安寺壁画绘制于清乾隆年间的结论。并针对前人提出的永安寺壁画是否绘制于不同时期和是否经过后人重描的问题进行了探讨。第四部分对永安寺壁画的图像源流进行了探寻,并通过对永安寺壁画所依据粉本的创绘年代和壁画的绘制年代的区分,阐述了永安寺壁画被学界公认为明代壁画的原因。本文除了对永安寺壁画绘制年代进行了专题性研究外,也对寺观壁画的断代方法进行了积极探索,提出了利用供养人和纹样对寺观壁画进行断代的方法。本文中还为学界提供了永安寺壁画的图片、榜题和题记资料,其中所附的永安寺十大明王像和永安寺壁画全景图等皆为首次以图版方式呈现在读者面前。

【Abstract】 The present consists of four parts. Part One includes a literature review and outlines the aims of this paper in the context of previous research. Part Two gives a thorough overview of the Yong An Temple and its murals. Part Three investigates into the dates of the Yong An Temple Murals by studying their patrons and patterns , reaching the conclusion that the Yong An Temple Murals were painted during the reign of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. Part Three also engages with previous speculations that the Yong An Temple Murals might have been painted in several different periods or that they had been repainted by later artists. Part Four examines the image origins of the Yong An Temple Murals and sets forth a distinction between the dates of the outline draft drawings (fenben) and the dates of the execution of the paintings. This distinction sheds light on the reason why the Yong An Temple Murals are generally believed by scholars to be works of the Ming Dynasty.This paper is based on the previous research in three aspects: 1) it focuses on the painting dates of the Yong An Temple Murals and presents the new view that these murals are painted during the reign of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty; 2) it actively explores ways of dating temple murals and introduces the new method of dating temple murals by studying patrons and patterns ; 3) this paper provides the field with photographic reproductions, inscriptions and prefaces relevant to the Yong An Temple Murals. Among them, the Portraits of the Ten Great Mingwang (Vajrahasa) and a panorama of the Yong An Temple Murals are adopted here for the first time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】K879.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】387

