

Design and Experimental of the Fine Turning Platform Control System Software for the Large Radio Telescope

【作者】 张战国

【导师】 段宝岩;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文根据新一代大射电望远镜光机电一体化创新设计方案,在分析大射电望远镜精调平台的需求和运动控制技术的研究现状和发展趋势的基础上,针对馈源指向跟踪系统高精度轨迹跟踪的要求,从工程实际出发,设计并实现了大射电望远镜精调Stewart平台控制系统硬件和软件,为复合控制的研究提供了实验平台。具体可归纳为以下三个方面:分析了运动控制技术的现状和发展趋势,采用关节式分布控制策略,设计基于SynqNet运动控制现场总线的大射电望远镜(FAST)精调Stewart平台的控制系统;根据项目要求,对精调Stewart平台控制专用软件进行了设计和具体开发,针对Stewart平台两种不同的工作状态,分别设计了固定基座Stewart平台控制软件和柔性支撑Stewart平台控制软件;进行了大量地实验与测试,实验验证了控制策和所开发的软件及硬件的工程有效性与可行性,取得了较好的效果。为实现两级复合控制打下了基础。

【Abstract】 Based on a completely new design project of next generation large radio telescope integrating tectonics and optics technologies proposed by Professor Duane, this paper first analyze the requirements of the radio telescope project called FAST and study the status of motion control network, then presents a design methodology for distributed motion control system based on SyneNet motion control network. Then designed and developed Software and hardware of control system of the Stewart platform. All these can be summarized as follows.To analyze the status and the development trend of motion control technology, adopt the distributed control strategy in the joint space, design distributed motion control system based on SyneNet motion control network for Stewart platform.To design and develop the hardware and software of the fine tuning Stewart platform control system, which are turn out to be reasonable in engineering application by experiments.A large number of experiments prove the proposed hardware and software to be of validity and feasibility in engineering. A firm foundation for constructing the new generation large radio telescope with the collecting area of 500m is placed from the theory and engineering.


