

The Research of Transistor’s Modeling Technology

【作者】 菊卫东

【导师】 王家礼;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要进行晶体管建模技术的研究,其主要目的是建立GaAsFET大信号非线性电路模型,给出一个计算机非线性仿真模拟的平台。论文首先从传统的非线性的表征方法入手,对传统的非线性的表征方法进行了归纳总结。在对传统的非线性的表征方法进行总结后,论文提出一种新的非线性表征方法—非线性散射函数,并对其性质进行了一些试探性的讨论。在论文里还讨论了GaAsFET小信号模型参数的提取,对已有的建模方法进行了学习和研究,讨论了优化过程中目标函数的选取等问题,提出了一种复杂电路S参数的计算方法,成功地建立了GaAsFET的小信号模型。在小信号模型的基础上,讨论了晶体管大信号非线性建模。通过脉冲电流法测量GaAsFET的I-V特性,完成GaAsFET大信号非线性模型的建立。在建模的过程中,对原有的电流源模型进行了修正,在不增加高次项的基础得到一种新的修正模型,提高了拟合精度.这种新的模型能够更准确的描述晶体管的大信号特性。对于晶体管大信号的非线性分析有很大的作用和帮助。下一步我们要对此模型用谐波平衡进行大信号非线性分析,计算由于非线性产生的波成分,最后来验证非线性散射函数的理论。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly discusses the method of transistor modeling and the expression of non-linearity. The purpose is to establish a simulated platform of GaAs FET in computer for calculating the non- linearity of non- linear circuit (especially GaAs FET).The non- linearity of circuit is known for a long time, and can be expressed in many ways. After the traditional expression is concluded, a new expression of non-linear Scatter Function is presented, and it’s character being discussed.The extraction of parameter of GaAsFET in small-signal is discussed, And the already existed method of modeling of GaAsFET in small-signal is concluded. In the process of modeling in small-signal state, a new method to calculate S-parameters of a complex network is presented, and it’s easy to get the S-parameters of complex network by this method. At last, the model of GaAsFET in small-signal is successfully established. This paper also introduces methods to model GaAs FET in large-signal state. Based on the model of GaAsFET in small-signal, the non-linear model of GaAsFET in large-signal is successfully established by measuring GaAsFET in the way of pulse current and calculating non-linear character of GaAsFET. And there is a new modified model in large-signal in this paper. This model is more accurate than anyone else. It’s very useful to analyse non-linearity of transistor in large-signal. Next, we will analyse this model with harmonic balance method in order to verify non-linear Scatter Function.


