

A Study on the Land Boundary Issue of China and Vietnam from the Perspective of China(1949-2007)

【作者】 李桂华

【导师】 齐鹏飞;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 中共党史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中越两国是“山水相连、文化相通、理想相同、利益相关”(胡锦涛语)的邻国。两国的关系在漫长的历史发展中一直比较友好。但是,在中越交往的过程中,两国的陆地边界问题却曾经在相当长的一个历史阶段里没有得到妥善、合理的解决,直接影响了两国关系的健康发展,并成为阻碍两国关系正常发展的最主要因素之一。中越两国的陆地边界问题是中越两国交往过程中产生的一个历史问题。从968年越南脱离中国独立建国开始,中越之间就开始因为边界争端屡屡发生冲突。但是,由于在此期间越南一直作为中国的藩属国存在,边界没有受到双方太多的重视。因此,中越双方的陆地边界长期以来处于一种弹性状态或模糊状态。1886年至1897年,清政府与统治越南的法国政府通过条约的形式在历史上第一次全面划定了中越之间的陆地边界,中越边界从弹性边界变为条约边界。但是,由于这一边界线是由清朝政府与越南的宗主国法国签订,并在一定程度上损害了越南的领土主权。因此,越南国内对这一次中法划定中越边界的结果非常不满。这也为日后中越两国陆地边界争端埋下了伏笔。新中国成立后,中越两国在1969年以前的时间里基本上保持了一种“同志加兄弟”式的友好关系,中国在实际上担负起了对越南社会主义革命和建设进行指导和帮助的责任。在这种历史背景下,中越两国对两国的陆地边界问题均不愿谈及,采取了一种避讳的态度,将两国的陆地边界问题予以搁置。1969年以后,中越两国关系逐渐恶化。在这一时期,越南政府开始将两国的陆地边界问题公诸于众,并采用了一种极不理性的方式(在中越陆地边境地带的争议区进行骚扰、挑衅)表达其对两国边境地区争议地区的诉求。面对越南的不断骚扰和挑衅,中国政府提出与越南进行陆地边界谈判的要求,并得到了越南方面的同意。1977年至1979年,中越两国先后在北京和河内进行了两次多轮副外长级谈判,对两国之间包括陆地边界问题在内的诸多问题进行了协商、谈判。由于中越两国所关注的焦点存在根本性的差异,其关注点根本无法相交,中越之间的这两次副外长级谈判均以失败而告终。此次谈判后,中越两国关系持续恶化,两国已经不存在继续进行谈判协商的任何可能。因此,当越南政府于1981年向中国提出恢复两国副外长级谈判时,中国外交部于该年9月7日照会越南驻华大使馆,拒绝了这一提议。此后,针对越南重开谈判的提议和国际上有关中越进行秘密接触的传言,中国有关人士多次重申,在越南没有承诺和宣布从柬埔寨全部撤军并且付诸实际行动之前,中越之间不可能对话。此后直到1990年,中越两国再也没有就中越边界及其它问题进行任何谈判协商。1980年代末期以来,世界风云变幻,先是东欧巨变,后有苏联解体。中国与越南作为世界上为数不多的社会主义国家均深刻地感受到了形势的严峻。特别是越南,在失去了苏联这一靠山后,已经切实感受了威胁的存在。在这种历史背景下,越南开始转变外交策略,频频向中国示好,并做出决定,表示愿意从柬埔寨撤出所有越南军队。在此之后,横亘在中越两国及两党之间的对峙坚冰开始消融,中越两国正常化之门也即将打开。1990年,中越两国领导人举行“成都会谈”,使中越两国实现了“结束过去,开辟未来”的重要转变,并进一步推动了中越两国关系正常化的历史进程。1991年11月,中越双方举行了高级会晤,两国及两党关系实现正常。此后,中越陆地边界谈判正式开始。此后,为真正合理妥善地解决两国之间的陆地边界问题,中越两国先后举行了2轮专家级谈判、6轮政府级边界谈判、16轮陆地边界联合工作组会谈和3轮陆地边界条约起草工作组会谈,以推进谈判进程。同时,中越两国还适时的通过政府外交、党际外交、民间外交和议会外交等多种形式促进两国政府及民间的互信合作,从各个方面推动两国陆地边界谈判的积极发展。1999年12月30日,《中越陆地边界条约》在河内得以签署。中越两国最终通过和平方式,合理、妥善地解决了长期困扰两国政府和人民的陆地边界问题。2000年11月,中越联合勘界委员会开始组织中越陆地边界的勘界立碑工作。在勘界立碑工作进行之初,无论是两国政府还是负责具体勘界的技术人员,都对3年完成勘界工作的计划比较乐观。但由于边界地区自然条件和政治条件的双重限制,中越两国陆地边界谈判据举步维艰。在经过六年艰苦地实地勘测之后,至2007年12月31日,尚有15%的勘测、划定和立碑工作没有完成。对于勘界立碑中的上述困难,中越两国政府正在积极努力,并力争能够在2008年上半年全部完成陆地边界的划定和竖立界碑工作。中越关系正常化之后,两国在经历了九年的陆地边界谈判和近八年的边界勘界立碑工作之后,已经基本解决了两国之间的陆地边界问题。中越陆地边界问题的解决是中越关系发展史上的一件大事。它的意义主要包括以下几个方面内容:(1)它对于增进两国友好关系和政治互信的进一步发展,促进两国经贸合作关系的进一步发展,有非常重要的作用。(2)它对于稳定中国南部边疆的局势,解除中国南部边疆的国土安全威胁,意义重大。(3)中越陆地边界问题通过和平方式合理、妥善地解决,也有利于中国回击“中国威胁论”的无耻谰言,树立中国负责任大国的正面形象。(4)中越陆地边界问题的合理、妥善解决,对中国处理与印度、不丹的陆地边界问题,发展与周边国家关系,都具有极大的借鉴意义。除此之外,中越陆地边界问题的合理、妥善解决也有许多经验可供借鉴:(1)两国边界问题的合理解决必须以两国国家关系的正常为基本前提。(2)互谅互让原则是新中国自中缅边界谈判以来形成的边界谈判的一项重要原则,已经被广泛地应用到中国与周边国家包括边界问题在内的一切事务之中,并发挥着越来越重要的作用。(3)在处理与邻国的边界问题,特别是处理与社会主义邻国的边界问题时,正确处理党际外交与政府外交的关系,充分利用政府外交、政党外交、议会外交和民间外交等多种外交形式促进两国政府及民间互信与合作的发展,以加速边界问题的合理解决,是中越陆地边界谈判过程中的又一重要经验。我们应该注意到,在新中国处理与陆地邻国边界问题的过程中,不惟有经验和意义可资总结,亦有教训或是不足可供我们反思。主要问题或不足在于:(1)在外交实践中,新中国对包括与邻国的边界条约在内的一些不平等条约大都采取了承认和部分修改的原则,将之一律作为国际惯例、国家义务加以继承,这使新中国在处理与邻国的边界问题时长期陷于被动,并对新中国的领土主权造成了极其严重的损害。(2)历史实践证明,边界问题一般不是单纯由当事国的边界争端引发,而是国家关系正常与否的折射,是地缘邻国关系的晴雨表和试金石。因此,在与地缘邻国处理领土边界问题时,我们不应将更多的精力置于边界线的合理划分和划界时的互谅互让上,不应过分期待让步后的边界会给国家安全所带来的积极意义,而应将着力点置于中国与当事国之间在各个层次和各个领域之间互信合作关系的进一步推进上,并在此基础上发展与这些国家的更加深入和持久的友好关系。(3)二战以来,社会主义国家关系范式存在的制度性缺陷使各共产党执政国家的关系均处于不正常的上下级状态下,国家之间极易因为国家利益与国际主义原则的冲突而发生矛盾。这一制度性缺陷给二战后世界各共产党执政国家的关系带来了无法排解的矛盾,并严重影响了中国的国家统一进程,恶化了中国周边的国土安全环境。

【Abstract】 China and Vietnam are neighboring countries whose“mountains and rivers are connected, cultures are interlinked, the ideals are the same, the benefit is related”(from President Hu Jintao).The relationship between two countries has always been very friendly. However, the land boundary issue of the two countries has not been solved properly and reasonably in the process of communication between China and Vietnam for a rather long history, which has direct influence on the healthy development of the two country’s relationship and become the main factor that hinders the normal relationship development between the two countries.Chinese and Vietnamese land boundary issue is a historical problem aroused from the communication of the two countries. In 1968, the Ding Tribe established the“Da Qu Yue”Empire. Since then, the conflicts between China and Vietnam were commonly seen for the boundary dispute. However, as Vietnam has always been an auxiliary country of China under the Ancestor fence System, the boundary issue did not rouse much attention. As a result, the length of the boundary between China and Vietnam has always in elastic state or in a vogue state, which can also be called Elastic boundary or Vogue boundary. From 1886 to 1897, Qing dynasty government and the French government that governed the area at that time had ordain the land boundary wholly for the first time in the history, which made the boundary between China and Vietnam become Treaty Boundary. But as this boundary line was signed by the Qing dynasty government and the French government the Sovereign State, to some extent it harmed the territorial sovereignty of Vietnam. So, Vietnamese felt great dissatisfaction with the result of this compartment of Chinese and Vietnamese land boundary. This also became the foreshadowing of the conflicts of Chinese and Vietnamese land boundary.After the foundation of the New Government of China, China and Vietnam has kept friendly relationships as“comrade and brother”for a long time during 1949 to 1969, and in fact China has assumed the responsibility of directing and helping the development of Vietnamese’socialist revolution and constructions. Under that historical background, both two countries were not willing to refer to the boundary issue and dodged the problem.After 1969, the Chinese and Vietnamese relations worsen gradually. Once the two countries transformed the friendship of "comrades and brothers" into confrontation of“drawing the pistol to each other”. During this period, the Vietnamese Government started to make public Sino-Vietnamese land boundary issues to the world and selected an quite irrational method (such as making harassment and provoking in the disputed area) to express their demand for the disputed area of both countries land boundary. Facing the constant harassment and provocation of Vietnamese, the Chinese Government proposed that we could carry on the land boundary negotiations with Vietnam, and this suggestion was accepted by Vietnamese government. From 1977 to 1979, in Beijing and Hanoi China and Vietnam successively carried on two multi-wheel deputy ministers level negotiations about two countries international affairs, including land boundary problem’s many questions. As China and Vietnam had fundamental differences in their concerns and the focuses could not agreed at all by two countries, China and Vietnam’s two rounds vice foreign ministerial level talks ended in failure.After these negotiations, the Chinese and Vietnamese relations worsen continually, both countries already had not existed continue possibly to carry on the negotiations and consultation any longer. Therefore, when the Vietnamese Government in 1981 proposed to restore the two countries deputy minister-level negotiations with China, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted the Vietnamese Embassy Stationed in China in September 7 of this year and rejected this proposition. Hereafter, referring to the reopening negotiations of Vietnamese proposition and some rumor in the international community that China and Vietnam had the secret contact, the related Chinese officers reiterated many times that before Vietnam not promising and announcing that all troops would withdraw from Cambodia and putting into real actions, China and Vietnam would be impossible to talk. Since then until 1990, China and Vietnam hadn’t had any negotiations on the Sino-Vietnamese border and other issues with Vietnam. Since the late 1980s, the world has changed greatly and constantly, first was the Eastern European great change, and latter was Soviet Union to collapse. As quite few of socialist countries in the world, both China and Vietnam deeply felt the grim situation. Especially Vietnam, after having lost this backer of Soviet, had already earnestly felt the existence of threat. In this historical background, Vietnam started to change diplomatic policies, showed good will to china frequently and made a decision finally that Vietnam would withdraw all Vietnamese army from Cambodia. After this, solid ice of confrontations spanning between two governments and two parties of China and Vietnam is melting, gate of the Chinese and Vietnamese normalization is also soon being opened.In 1990, the leaders of Chinese and Vietnamese held "Chengdu Talks," which made China and Vietnam to achieve the great changes of "ending the past and opening the future", and further promoted the normalization of Sino-Vietnamese relations in the historical process. Since then, land boundary negotiations of Chinese and Vietnamese formally began. Then, in order to resolve the land boundary problems of both countries truly, reasonably and properly, China and Vietnam has held two round expert-level negotiations, six round government-level boundary negotiations, 16 round land boundary Joint working group talks and 3 round land working group talks on the affairs of drafting the Land Border Treaty, all these are just wanted to advance the negotiation process. At the same time, the governments of both Chinese and Vietnamese also timely adopted many kinds of forms, such as government diplomacy, the inter-party diplomacy, the civil diplomacy and the parliamentary diplomacy, etc. to enhance mutual trust and cooperation of both countries and civil, hoping to promote the positive development of the land border negotiations from each aspect. On December 30, 1999, "Chinese and Vietnamese Land Boundary Treaty" could sign in Hanoi. At last, China and Vietnam solved the land boundary problem reasonably, properly, through he peaceful means, the problem has puzzled both countries and their people for many years.According to the referred agreements of "Chinese and Vietnamese Land Boundary Treaty", the Chinese and Vietnamese Union Border Survey Committee started to organize the work of surveying and setting up stones in November, 2000. In the beginning of the work of demarcation built, both the two governments and the technical staff who were responsible for the specific demarcation felt quite optimistic for the plan which would complete the border survey work in three years. However, due to dual constraints of natural conditions and political conditions in the border areas, the Chinese and Vietnamese land boundary negotiations were hard to carry on. After six years in painstaking investigation in the boundary area, to December 31, 2007, there were still 15% of the survey, demarcation and as-built work not completed. For the above-mentioned difficulties producing in the process of surveying the border and setting up the boundary tablet, the Chinese and Vietnamese Government is actively working and striving to be in the first half of 2008 for completion of land border demarcation and erection of boundary markers work.After the relationship between China and Vietnam becoming normalization, both countries after having experienced nine-year land boundary negotiations and nearly eight-year border demarcation-built work, China and Vietnam has been basically resolved the land boundary issues. The solution of Chinese and Vietnamese land boundary issues a quite significant event in the history of the development. Its significance mainly includes the following aspects: (1) It plays a very important role in promoting the Sino-Vietnamese bilateral friendly relations, the further mutual political trust and bilateral economic and trade cooperation to get further development. (2) It is also very important for stabilizing the situation in Chinese southern border and relieving homeland security threat of Chinese southern border. (3) The Chinese and Vietnamese land boundary issues have been solved through the peacefully, reasonably and properly, it is also advantageous to counter-attack the shameless slander of“the Chinese deterrence theory”, and helpful to China establish a positive image as a responsible big country in the world. (4) It also are of great reference for China dealing with the land boundary issues of Chinese and Indian, Chinese and Bhutan, and developing of relations with neighboring countries. In addition, it also supplies many experiences to use for reference: (1)The both countries boundary issues’reasonable solution must take both countries country relations normalcy as the basic premise.(2)The principle of mutual understanding and accommodation is a very important principle which has formed in the Sino-Burma boundary negotiations after New China being founded, has been already applied widely to all affairs which were produced with Chinese and its surrounding countries, and is playing more and more important role. (3) In the process of dealing with border issues with neighboring countries, especially border issues with socialism neighboring countries, we should correctly handle relations between inter-party diplomacy and government diplomacy, and make full use of government diplomacy, political party diplomacy, parliamentary diplomacy and civil diplomacy and many other diplomatic forms to promote bilateral cooperation of mutual trust and development, so as to speed up the border issues resolved in a reasonable manner. This is another important experience in the process of the Sino-Vietnamese land border negotiations.The boundary problems between China and the surrounding countries including Chinese and Vietnams have been solved reasonably since the New China was established. It is an important action to develop national relations with the neighboring countries positively and to stable peripheral security environment. We should note that in the process of handling the boundary problems, the New China has not only the experience and the significance, but also has the lessons and insufficiency. The primary problems lie in: (1) Since the New China was established, the Chinese Government’s attitude treating the unequal treaty is ambiguous. (2)The historical practice proves that the boundary problem does not generally initiate purely by concerning countries’ boundary dispute, but is the refraction that the national relations are normal or not, are the barometer and the touchstone of geography neighboring country relations. Therefore, when handling the territory boundary problem with the geography neighboring countries, we should not put more energy in the reasonable division of the boundary line and mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, should not anticipate excessively the positive sense of the boundary after the concession to the national security, but should put in further advancement in mutual confidence and cooperation between China and the country concerned at each level and each domain, and develop more thorough and lasting friendly relations with these countries. (3)Since the World War II, institutional flaws existing in the socialist countries relations model have caused the relations between the countries communist parties being in power in the condition of abnormal upper and lower layers. The countries produce the contradiction extreme easily because of the national interests and conflicts of the internationalism principles.

  • 【分类号】D823
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