

Study of Emotional Design of Industrial Instrument and Meter

【作者】 张一杨

【导师】 刘国余; 赵佐良;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工业设计, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 科学技术与社会经济文化的发展奠定了时代的物质基础,物质上的富足使人们更加注重自我的情感需求;随着新设计哲学的兴起,产品设计日趋多元化,以充分重视人的内心情感需求和精神需要为基础的情感化设计已成为一种新的设计思潮。因此,如何深入理解情感化设计基本理论,在现代产品设计中导入情感化设计思想,已成为当今产品设计亟待解决的问题。本文选取工业类仪器仪表这种特定产品,作为具体导入情感化设计思想的研究对象,工业类仪器仪表是指应用于工业化生产及科学研究领域的专业化仪器仪表,一般为生产单位及科研机构所使用,专业性较强,主要包括通用分析仪器,实验室常用设备,行业专用仪器,工控仪表,传感器等。由于此类产品在用途,市场,针对用户的独特性,生产商往往过于注重实用,而忽略了设计上的情感化。长久以来,工业类仪器仪表造型以及人机互动的缺乏情感似乎被默认形成了一种约定俗成的风格,成为了凸现其专业化的代价。本文从哲学、科技、经济文化和社会心理学等方面探讨了情感化设计的必然性,从商业应用和理论发展两方面论述情感化设计的发展现状。通过对情感、情感化产品和情感化设计等概念及理论的解析,阐述了情感化设计与审美、人性化、个性化和时尚的关系,并对诺曼教授的情感化设计层次划分展开深入分析。最后分析国内工业类仪器仪表的现状、特点,找出仪器仪表情感化设计的切入点;并通过一系列经典设计案例的比较分析,归纳出仪器仪表情感化设计的基本表现类型,从形态角度提出了仪器仪表情感化设计的一般方法,用以指导国内仪器仪表设计。本课题的研究结果对国内仪器仪表的情感化设计具有一定的现实指导意义,对其他类型的产品导入情感化设计思想也具有相应的参考价值,为后续研究提供了可能性。

【Abstract】 The development of scientific technology and social economy and culture lays the material basis for the society. People start to attach more importance to the emotional need of them while the abundance in material is realized. With the emergence of new design philosophy and polarization in product design with each passing day, emotional design, which focuses on the internal emotional need and spiritual need of human being has become a new design trend. Therefore, deep exploration of the basic theory of emotional design and introduction of emotional design thoughts into the design of modern products have been considered as issues requiring urgent resolution in modern product design.In this article, the necessity of emotional design is discussed in the aspects of philosophy, scientific technology, economy, culture and social psychology. The development status of emotional design is described in both commercial application and theoretical development. The relationship among emotional design and aesthetic appreciation, humanization, individuation and fashion is expatiated on while the structural classification of emotional design of Doctor Norman is deeply analyzed through analysis of concepts and theories such as emotion, emotional product and emotional design. Finally, the current status and feature of domestic industrial instrument and meter is analyzed for the breakthrough point of emotional design of instrument and meter. Meanwhile, the basic form and the general means for emotional design of instrument and meter is concluded from the angle of shape through comparison and analysis of a series of classic design cases as the guidance for design of instrument and meter. Furthermore, it also presents reference value for introduction of emotional design thoughts to other types of products, which provides possibility for successive research.

  • 【分类号】TH702
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】278

