

Civil Liability of Oil Pollution Damage Arising from Collision between Ships at Sea

【作者】 徐伟

【导师】 萧凯;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 虽然现代航海技术已是今非昔比,但船舶碰撞仍难以避免。船舶碰撞通常会引起比较严重的后果,造成巨大的财产损失或者人生伤害。其中之一的巨大损害后果是碰撞导致的燃料油舱或者货油舱的泄漏,造成海面大面积污染,生态环境及渔业资源等其他自然资源的不可恢复性破坏.本文特别针对因为碰撞引起的油污事故,对其赔偿责任主体、损害赔偿的范围、赔偿责任限制等方面,国际公约的相关规定作出分析。综合国际公约和部分国家国内法的规定,对我国国内法关于油污赔偿体系的建立完善提出了一定的建议。本文还对于强制责任保险制度在油污损害赔偿立法中的重要作用,该制度的相关理论和立法进行论述,着重其中的立法沿革和具有现实意义的内容,以期对我国立法有相应的借鉴意义。本文以理论和立法两个角度为主线,运用整体分析、比较法的理论方法对油污的赔偿范围以及强制责任保险制度进行论述。全文约2万字,正文部分共五章。

【Abstract】 A possible consequence of a collision is oil pollution from a vessel carrying a cargo of oil, or from its bunkers. Oil pollution might arise as an accidental escape or from the conscious decision of the master to lighten his stricken vessel. The legal regime, both civil and criminal, which has been developed by this country and the international community, both on intergovernmental and non-governmental levels, to deal with oil pollution is detailed and complex and extends beyond pollution arising from collision. This thesis is designed to provide only a summary of the regimes for compensation of the victims of oil pollution and the criminal sanctions in respect of oil pollution. Although a large measure of international agreement has been achieved by the successful adoption of international conventions and at one time, the application of private industry schemes, there remain national variations and what follows is a summary of the position as applies under English law and procedure. This thesis will deal with the international conventions (i.e. the Civil Liability Convention of 1969 and 1992 and the Fund convention of 1971 and 1992) and refer briefly to the now defunct private industry schemes (i.e. .TOVALOP and CRISTAL), and with the common law.

【关键词】 船舶碰撞船舶油污责任赔偿
【Key words】 collision between shipsoil pollutionliabilityindemnity
  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】190

