

Problems of Criminal Subject of One-Person Company

【作者】 韩炳勋

【导师】 金泽刚;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 刑法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 民商事领域中,对一人公司的研究已经比较充分,但是由于刑法自身的滞后性与谦抑性,刑法学界并没有对一人公司犯罪主体问题进行过系统的探讨。新《公司法》颁布后,实务中迫切要求理论界对一人公司的犯罪问题做出回应。因此,笔者从一人公司能否成为单位犯罪主体的角度入手,对此问题进行研究,希望对司法实务有所裨益。本文通过对民事领域一人公司相关理论的梳理,选取了“区分人格”理论来探讨一人公司的本质。再由一人公司的本质出发,去研究一人公司与单位犯罪主体之间的关系,并认为:一人公司在通常情况下应当属于单位犯罪的主体;但也存在一人公司不能成为单位犯罪主体的若干情形。随后通过对比民事法人格否认制度和单位犯罪主体资格否定对一人公司的规制,探讨了不同的主体否认制度对一人公司的影响。最后本文讨论了一人公司单位犯罪成立后的刑事责任承担问题。前言介绍了本文的写作目的及写作思路。正文分为以下四个部分:第一部分,概括介绍一人公司的相关内容,采用“区分人格”理论分析一人公司的本质,并以此作为本文的立论基础。文章首先介绍了一人公司产生的背景与立法沿革;随后界定了一人公司的概念;然后运用“区分人格”理论重点研究了一人公司的本质;最后分析了刑法对一人公司予以关注的必要性。第二部分,论证了一人公司应当属于单位犯罪的主体。通过分析单位犯罪主体的构成要件和学界关于一人公司单位犯罪主体的观点,得出一人公司应当属于单位犯罪主体的结论。然后通过比较一人公司与个人独资企业在犯罪主体上的差别,进一步明晰一人公司应当属于单位犯罪主体。第三部分,讨论了一人公司不能成为单位犯罪主体的情形。首先讨论了一人公司制度存在的缺陷以及民事法人格否认制度对此进行的规制;随后论述了单位犯罪主体资格否定制度的适用以及一人公司不能作为单位犯罪主体的情形;最后研究了民、刑两种主体否认对一人公司的法律主体地位的影响。第四部分,讨论成立单位犯罪时,一人公司的刑事责任承担。首先论述了单位犯罪成员承担刑事责任的基础。随后具体到一人公司中研究其单位犯罪的刑事责任承担问题。最后是结语。

【Abstract】 The research of One-Person Company has been relatively full in the civil and commercial field; however, there are almost no systematic explorations into the problems of criminal subject of One-Person Company in the criminal theoretical circle because of the lag and the Modesty of Criminal Code itself. Therefore, after the enactment of the new“Company Law”, the establishment of One-Person Company system urgently requires response to the criminal problems of such subject in the field of criminal justice.Therefore, the author choose the angle of whether One-Person Company can become the subject of unit crime as the break-through point, hoping that it is useful to the judicial practice. Based on the study of characteristics of One-Person Company, the author select“distinct personality”theory as the main line and the theoretical basis in the full text and thus raise my views on problems of criminal subject of One-Person Company.The introduction of this paper introduces the ideas and the purpose of writing, and the following text is divided into four parts: The first part gives an overview of One-Person Company, and then demonstrates the essence of“distinct personality”, at last, analyses the necessities needed to be concerned by criminal law.The second part demonstrates that One-Person Company should belong to the subject of unit crime. First, the author analyzes the main elements and the standards of subject of unit crime. Then discuss different academic arguments about the subject of unit crime. At last, the author put forward his own viewpoints on and reasons for it through analysis and comparison, believing that One-Person Company should belong to the subject of unit crime.The third part discusses the special circumstances in which One-Person Company cannot become the subject of unit crime and the corresponding disposal of Criminal Law. First of all, demonstrate several characteristics of One-Person Company, and then put forward some disposal measures taken in the civil and criminal fields. Subsequently expound the regulatory function of“disregard of corporate personality”in the field of civil and commercial law and of“disregard of subject of unit crime”in the field of criminal law. Finally ,demonstrate the mutual influences of the two different“disregard”systems on legal status of One-Person Company.The fourth part discusses the assumption of criminal responsibility of One-Person Company. Firstly, demonstrate the foundation of criminal responsibility committed by different subjects in unit crime. Subsequently, discuss the specific responsibility commitment of different subjects in crime committed by a unit.Finally is the conclusion.

  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】216

