

The Exploration of the Relationship between Judicatory and Arbitration

【作者】 邓金

【导师】 叶永禄;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 民事诉讼法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 司法与仲裁制度作为我国民商法体系中的重要组成部分,在和谐社会主义建设中起到了化解市场经济主体在经济活动中发生的利益冲突,保护当事人合法的民事权益,维护社会的经济秩序和生活秩序,保障市场经济的健康发展等积极作用。理论与实践,无论从哪个层面出发,司法与仲裁二者之间都存在着深刻的渊源。体现在仲裁的立法中,就表现为司法对仲裁的支持与协助,以及司法对仲裁的审查与控制。在形式上,司法对仲裁的参与制式既有支持,也有限制。司法对仲裁的支持使得仲裁的进行有了国家强制力的维护;同时,司法对仲裁的限制又给予了仲裁公正性的保障。本文通过深入审视与分析司法与仲裁之间的关系,力争在理念上形成更为深刻的认识,以求能够更好地平衡二者的地位。这在实现公正与效率并重的价值标准、实现司法介入但无干预的基本原则等方面具有一定的理论意义。在寻求最大限度发挥仲裁优势与作用的模式同时,又不削弱司法应有的权威,使仲裁与司法形成相辅相成、又互相牵制,在一定范围内开展竞争的态势。在实践中,司法和仲裁良性关系的形成及贯彻状况更是对国家经济和法制环境有着至关重要的影响力,完善而开放的司法与仲裁的关系体系可以让我国在国际经济竞争中取得优势地位,增强我国对外国贸易伙伴和投资者的吸引力。首先,本文对司法与仲裁的关系进行探源。从理论层面的高度对司法与仲裁进行概述,阐明其概念、性质、特点、历史发展以及相互存在的千丝万缕的联系。其次,在对司法与仲裁两组问题明析的基础上,延续历史的脉络,进一步深入阐释当代法制社会中,司法与仲裁真正形成的关系:支持与监督。同时从支持与监督两个方面进行剖析,力争全面解读二者的联系。然后,综合借鉴当代国际社会中有代表性的国家的仲裁制度,对司法与仲裁关系的相互作用进行世界范围内的比较和借鉴。最后,落实在当代我国法制建设的社会进程中,对我国法律系统中的司法与仲裁关系的积极以及消极方面进行思考和分析,对我国司法与仲裁关系的完善提出一点建议。

【Abstract】 The institution of judicatory and arbitration is the important constitution of our civil law system. In our harmonious society, the institution of judicatory and arbitration play the positive function not only in solving the conflict of interest among the member in the market economy and protecting the legal civil rights, but also in vindicating the system of economy and guarantying the healthy development of market economy. In any the field, the theory or the practice, there is profound origin between judicatory and arbitration. We can detect the embodiment of their relationship in our arbitration law, it described that judicatory sustain the arbitration while judicatory censor the arbitration. On one hand , the participating of judicatory in arbitration can assistant the process of arbitration, on the other hand, the participating of judicatory in arbitration can restrict the process of arbitration. The judicatory sustainment help the arbitration process get the protection from the powerful country enforcement, at the same time, the judicatory restriction give the arbitration the guarantee of the justice of arbitration. After analyze the relation between judicatory and arbitration, this article is desirous to find the balance point of both sides, especially from the view of the theory and practice. There must be some theoretic meaning in two areas, one is the value standard of the equal state between judicatory and arbitration, the other is basic principle of judicator participate without intervention. Realizing the pattern of judicatory keep its authority whiles maximum arbitration advantage and the state of supplementing and confining each other. In the practice particularly, the proper relation between judicatory and arbitration have the important impact on economy and law of country environmental, perfect open relationship between judicatory and arbitration can make our country superiority in the national economy rival, boost up our attraction to trade partner s and investors.Firstly, the paper introduces the relationship between judicatory and arbitration. Especially illustrate their concept、character、peculiarity、evolution and relations.Secondly, following the history development, explain the real relationship between judicatory and arbitration: support and monitor.Thirdly, after compare the typical arbitration institution, illuminate our institution relatively.Fourthly, through the consideration of positive and negative aspects, some suggestions involve the perfection of the relationship of judicatory and arbitration.

【关键词】 司法仲裁公正效率
【Key words】 judicatoryarbitrationjusticeefficiency
  • 【分类号】D925.7;D926
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】182

