

The Research on Balance of Private Right and Public Power in the State Intellectual Property Strategy

【作者】 郭娟

【导师】 王先林;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 经济法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化发展的形势下,各国积极谋求对知识资源的创造、占有和运用,并力图使本国的知识产权在海外得到更加有力的保护。日本、美国等都制定了国家知识产权战略,推动本国的知识和科技不断创新、转移和扩散。同时,知识产权国际规则也不断强化和发展。我国虽然建立了知识产权法律体系,也对知识产权战略进行了研究和规划。但是,与发达国家相比,我们还处于起步阶段。要制定、实施科学、合理的知识产权战略,就必须解决知识产权私权与公权的关系。知识产权的属性是私权,但从其产生、发展来看,又带有公权的烙印。所以,我们既要对知识产权予以私权保护,但为了防止其滥用,又要运用公权力对它进行必要、合理的规制,最终实现二者的平衡。本文分为四个部分。首先,介绍了国家知识产权战略的相关概念,诸如涵义、特征、历史发展等;其次,对美、日、欧在知识产权战略中平衡私权与公权方面做了分析,并得出了一些启示;第三,对知识产权战略中私权与公权平衡的理论基础进行了深入分析;第四,对我国如何实现知识产权战略中私权与公权的平衡提出建议,这也是本文写作的归属所在。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic globalization, all countries strive for the creation, occupation and utilization of intellect resource, trying their best to protect the domestic intellectual property abroad. Lots of countries, such as USA and Japan, have formulated their state intellectual property strategies in order to promote the innovation, transfer and diffuse of the native knowledge, science and technology. At the same time, the international rules of intellectual property are keeping strengthening and developing. China has established the legal system of intellectual property and done some research and plan about the intellectual property strategy; however, compared with those developed countries, we are still at the initial stage.The scientific and rational intellectual property strategy relies on the clarification of relationship between private right and public power of the intellectual property. The intellectual property falls into the private right, but from the history of its emergence and development, it relates with the public power. As a result, we need to protect intellectual property from the viewpoint of private right. Meanwhile, we should use the public power to make necessary and reasonable regulation to prevent its abuse. This paper is going to study how to achieve the balance of private right and public power in the intellectual property.There are four parts of the paper. Firstly, it introduces correlative concepts of the state intellectual property strategy, such as its definition, characters, historical development and so on. Secondly, according to the analysis of the balance of private right and public power in the state intellectual property strategy in USA, Japan and Euro, some revelation was brought in. Thirdly, it makes some deep analysis on the theory elements of balance between private right and public power in intellectual property strategy. Lastly, it gives suggestions about how to achieve the balance of private right and public power in Chinese intellectual property strategy, which is the key point of this paper.

  • 【分类号】D923.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】206

