

Microassembly Robot Vision System Research Base on Image Transmission and Recognition

【作者】 陈仁

【导师】 李振波;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们对微小型设备需求的不断增长,微型无线图像传输系统成为当今科研领域的一大热点。它既可以应用于军事小区域战场侦查任务,又能应用于民用例如监控交通、勘察灾情以及地形地貌勘测等任务,还可应用于微型机器人的视觉监控和控制,在众多方面呈现巨大的应用前景。多媒体图像监控是当今监控领域的发展主流,既可用于工业过程和交通管制中的监测与控制,又可用于安全防卫中的监视与报警。通常情况下,视频监控涉及的图像所包含的信息最为丰富和有用,但同时图像数字化、压缩、传输及处理也较为复杂。在技术进步推动信息传递日趋无线化的背景下,无线图像传输也就成为图像监控的关键任务之一。图像传输无线化打破了传统同轴电缆和光纤图像监控受制于硬件连接的不利局面,具有更强的灵活性和方便性。ARM微处理器因其强大的处理能力、低功耗、较高的性价比成为当今应用开发的热点,该系统各项功能都通过ARM嵌入式系统得以实现,因此输入过程、传输过程和处理过程中,图像数据都将以数字信号形式存在,数字信号具有传输稳定,不易受外部信号干扰,以及易于被处理存储等优点。同时,无线互联网以及各种无线设备的兴起,又使得无线数据传输变得更易于实现,同时随着电子技术飞速发展,无线传输速率也得到飞速提升。介绍了一种应用于微型机器人的视觉采集和传输系统,详细介绍系统硬件模块,以及各模块之间接口设计,驱动原理,程序算法,该系统采用CMOS图像传感芯片进行图像采集,在ARM芯片外部总线上扩展USB模块,上位机方面通过编程完成接收USB接口数据和显示动态图像的功能。该系统具有体积小,功耗低,传输速率较高,可应用到微型机器人视觉系统以及微装配系统中,通过实验验证上位机能实时显示所接受的图像,实现了预期的图像传输功能。

【Abstract】 This thesis describes a vision grab and transmission system for microrobots based on 32-bit ARM microcontroller from the aspects of hardware and software, and present USB transmission methods onμC/OS-II and ARM micro controller. In addition, a GUI interface that can receive image from USB port and update the image was realized.CMOS Sensor has been used in the Microrobot Vision System, with wireless transmitting and USB interface, which is innovative in design, flexible in application and stable in performance. nRF wireless technology is a Short Range Wireless transceiver that aimes to realize the 2.4GHz wireless application. It supports multipoint communication and receives the data from two different channels at the same time.This thesis mainly explicates the theory of system realization and processes of the software and hardware realizations from the perspectives of wireless data transmission and USB interface system. The hardwares include the modules of power supply, signal acquisition, high-speed wireless multi-channel, USB interface, etc. The softwares include wireless data transmission, USB firmware, WDM driver procedure as well as upper PC application program. Based on the schematics of circuit design, the thesis addresses the anti-interference treatment and the preliminary debugging of the system. It can be concluded from the application that this data transmission system is characterized by low cost, small shape, easy operation and upgrading convenience of the firmware.

  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【下载频次】327

