

The Emotional Design Research of Ward Care Equipment

【作者】 章晓琴

【导师】 张帆;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着时代的进步,如今工业设计所关注的层面渐渐从技术的使用、功能的开发,转向了“软”的方面——审美、心理需求、合乎人性化的产品使用方法、与环境相协调等特性。感性设计理论就是在这样一种背景下形成并发展起来的。如今,感性设计的理念已经渗入到设计的各个领域,并且也取得了许多可喜的成果。但是,目前我国医疗设备的设计一直停留在比较落后的水平,其中关于感性的探讨更几乎是空白。所以,在这一领域引入感性设计的方法具有非常重要的现实意义。本课题立足于感性设计的理论,吸收了认知心理学、产品语意学、情感化设计以及感性工学等研究领域的知识,试图对感性设计理论、流程与方法进行探讨和梳理。然后,在分析病房护理设备使用者的心理需求、病房护理设备的特点以及影响感性认知的因素的基础上,总结医疗设备设计因素的应用原则。最后将感性设计的理念和方法引入病房护理设备色彩和形态设计的两个的实例研究当中。本课题的研究结果证明在病房护理设备的设计中引入感性设计的理念和方法是实际可行并且行之有效的。论文对国内医疗设备行业的感性设计实践具有一定的现实指导意义,对其他类型的产品导入感性设计思想也具有相应的参考价值,为后续研究提供了可能性。

【Abstract】 With the development of the society, the focus of today’s industrial design has turned from technology and function to aesthetic, psychological needs, user-friendly design, harmony with the environment, etc. The theory of emotional design is formed and developed in such a background. Nowadays, the concept of emotional design has infiltrated into many areas of design and has also made a number of encouraging results. However, at present, the design of medical equipment in our country remained on a relatively poor level. Moreover, the research on the emotional design in this area is almost blank. Therefore, the introduction of emotional design in this area has a very important practical significance.This thesis based on the emotional design theory, absorbing the knowledge of Cognitive Psychology, Product Semantics, Emotional Design , Kansei Engineering, and other research fields. The purpose is to explore the theory, process and methods of emotional design and then analysis the characteristics of ward care equipment, users’psychological needs of ward care equipment, and emotional factors in its design process. On the basis of these, the author summed up the application principles of design factors in wards care equipment design. Finally, the thesis presented two case studies about emotional design of wards care equipment.The results of this research prove that introducing the concept and practical methods of emotional design to the wards care equipment design is feasible and effective. This thesis has some practical significance as a guide to the domestic medical equipment design, and also has reference value of other design areas. Besides, it provides possibility of follow-up studies.

  • 【分类号】R197.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】271

