

On Application Andconsummation of the Technical Detection in the Duty Crime

【作者】 李建国

【导师】 周伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着时代的进步和发展,各种智能犯罪和高科技犯罪凸现,如何充分利用技术侦查手段为办案服务就成为了当前形势迫切需要。在法治化的界域内,具有侵犯性特征的技术侦查不仅应当体现程序正当性,还要实现技术侦查措施有效性与合法性的平衡。在西方国家,侦查机关的侦查手段开始日益向技术化、高隐秘性方向发展。然而,在我国,技术侦查的法律规范却与侦查实践需要极不相称,有许多问题都有待于法律规制。目前,将科学技术手段运用于检察机关查办贪污贿赂、渎职侵权等职务犯罪案件显得尤为重要,司法实践中,由于受各种因素的影响,技术侦查问题还没有得到应有的关注和重视,以致于给目前查处职务犯罪案件带来困难。本文就检察机关在查办职务犯罪中运用技术侦查的一些相关问题及立法构想作了探析。

【Abstract】 Along with time progress and development,all kinds of intelligent crime and high tech crime appearing .How fully for handled the technical detection methods comes to be the current situation urgent need .Utilizes the technical technology methods to the procuratorial agency investigates and deals with accordingly duty crime and misprision cases, dereliction right infringement appears especially important .However, the technical detection legal standard actually needs with the detection practice not to be extremely symmetric, a great deal of problems all wait for the legal rules and regulations.In government by law border area, the infrigement characteristic the technical detection not only to have to manifest the procedure right, but also must realize the technical detection measure validity and the valid balance.The paper in investigated and dealt with accordingly in the duty crime on the procuratorial agency does using the technical detection some correlation questions and the legislation conception analysis.

  • 【分类号】D918.2
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】586

