

Research on Oil/Water Separation Characteristic and Treatment in ASP Produced Water

【作者】 叶清

【导师】 朱南文;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的持续快速发展,我国石油需求量不断增加。为缓解石油供需之间的矛盾,在现有的油田中提高采收率,成为世界各国非常关注的问题。从油田开发的发展趋势来看,三次采油将成为21世纪主导开发方式,具有极其重要的战略意义。目前大庆油田已进入三次采油开发,采用不同的驱油方式来提高原油的采收率,包括注水驱油、注聚合物(聚丙烯酰胺)驱油、注三元驱油剂(碱、表面活性剂和聚丙烯酰胺)驱油。其中近年来开展的三元复合驱矿场实验取得了比水驱和聚合物驱分别提高采收率17%~20%和10%的良好效果,但是采出水中残留的碱、表面活性剂和聚合物也导致油水乳化程度加大,增加了采出水处理和除油的难度。因此,研究三元复合驱采出污水水质特性及影响其处理的主要因素以指导采出水处理技术工艺研究,具有重要意义。本课题首先对三元复合驱采出污水的水质特性进行跟踪测试,分析采出水性质变化对油水分离的影响,并通过室内模拟实验研究各因素如粘度、三元驱油剂含量、油珠粒径,离子强度等对采出水油水分离的影响。还通过对模拟采出水油水界面性质的研究,分析三元复合驱采出水的油珠稳定机理,揭示三元复合驱采出水处理困难的主要原因,进而寻求合适的处理方法。本课题的主要研究内容如下:1.三元驱采出污水水质特性的研究考察试验现场三元复合驱采出采出污水的经沉降后的水质状况,水质对采出水沉降特性的影响。实验结果表明三元驱油剂含量,污水初始含油量和pH值均对油水分离有较大的影响。2.模拟采出水油水分离特性及影响因素研究通过考察三元驱油剂含量、初始含油量、初始油珠粒径和污水中离子强度等对模拟三元复合驱采出水沉降特性的影响得出三元区油剂对油水分离影响为:聚合物>表面活性剂>碱。3.采出水流变性和界面性质测定及油珠稳定机理分析考察了模拟三元复合驱采出水中三元驱油剂含量对采水水相流变性及油水界面Zeta电位的影响。得出聚合物的加入导致污水粘度增大,表面活性剂和碱使油珠负电性强是油水分离困难的主要原因。4.三元复合驱采出水处理方法研究根据三元复合驱采出水油水分离特性的主要影响因素,用离心法、混凝-气浮法、超声破乳法和电解-气浮法处理三元复合驱采出水均取得较好的处理效果。

【Abstract】 As quick development of the national economy, the oil demand has risen increasingly. It was focus on Enhancing the oil exploitation ratio in existing oilfields for alleviate the contradiction between the oil apply and demand. The tertiary oil extraction technology will be the universal means of oil exploitation in 21st century; it is of important strategic meaning.In recent years, technologies for tertiary oil extraction have been developed in Daqing oilfield. Several methods involved in, polymer flooding and ASP (alkaline, surfactant and polymer) flooding have been used to enhance the oil exploitation. ASP flooding technology was developed recent years, which has been found to enhance oil recovery by 17%~20% and 10% than that of water flooding and polymer flooding respectively. Due to the use of alkaline, surfactant and polymer in the injected water in ASP flooding technology, wastewater from ASP flooding process contains some residual chemicals and it is more difficult to treat than that from water flooding. It is of important meaning to study on the oil /water separation characteristic and the influencing factors.In this experiment, the quality and oil/water separating characteristic was studied to define the major factors which effect the treatment of ASP flooding produced water, then study on the effect of factors on oil/water separation of simulated ASP flooding produced water. The stability mechanism of oil drops was showed up according to the analyzing of Oil-water interfacial characteristic, based on which, some effective methods were put forward to treat ASP flooding produced water. The major contents of this research are following:1. Analyzed the effect of water quality on oil/water separation, determined the main influencing factors. It was showed that ASP content; oil content and size of drops are main influencing factors2. Studied on the effect of factors such as ASP content, oil content, size of oil drops and icon concentration on oil/water separation of simulated ASP flooding produced water. Effct of polymer on the oil/water separation is more than that of surfactant and alkali according to the results;3. Researched on the effect of alkaline, surfactant and polymer on water phase rheology, tested Zeta potential in oil-water interfacial electrical double layer. High vicidity caused by polymer and lowerm Zeta potential caused by surfactant and alkali made the drops more stable.4. Some methods such as centrifugal, flocculating-flotation, ultrasonic and electrolytic methods are used to treat the ASP flooding produced water. All the methods treat the ASP flooding produced water effectively.

  • 【分类号】X741
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】780

