

Study of Incidental Vocabulary Learning of Chinese Intermediate English Learners

【作者】 张琳

【导师】 何小凤;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,在二语词汇习得领域,词汇的附带习得引起了广大研究者越来越多的兴趣。在所有相关研究中,从阅读过程中附带习得词汇的理论尤其引人注目。众多国内外的研究者对促进阅读中词汇附带习得的各种因素进行了探讨。然而,针对不同阅读条件(如提供页边注释,提供字典等)对词汇附带习得影响的研究还不全面,另外,词汇量大小与词汇附带习得的关系也是有待进一步探寻的。通过部分地重复Hulstijn等人(1996)的实验并在此基础上加以改进,本研究力图探索对于中等英语水平的非英语专业学习者来说,不同的阅读条件(提供页边注释,提供字典,不提供任何帮助)和不同的词汇量大小对他们的词汇附带习得与词汇记忆的持续性会有怎样的影响。本实验抽取了某高校的97名大三的非英语专业学生作为实验对象。受试者分别来自于三个平行班,而且实验之前他们在人数上和词汇量上都是平衡的。受试者被随机分配到三种阅读条件下:第一种提供词义的页边注释(页边注释组);第二种提供字典(字典组);第三种不提供词义注释和字典(控制组)。词汇的附带习得是通过一项实验,两项词汇测试(即时测试和延时测试)和一项词汇量测试完成的。受试者的词汇量大小是根据《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》的大学英语参考词表测定的。通过让受试者完成一项以理解大意为主要内容的阅读任务并完成两项测试,来检测他们对目标词的习得与词汇记忆的持续性。实验数据通过SPSS11.5统计软件进行定量分析。本研究的主要发现有:(1)在三种不同的阅读条件下,提供页边注释比其他两种阅读条件更能促进单词的附带习得,但是字典组中那些在阅读过程中被查过的单词,习得效果甚至好于提供页边注释的单词。(2)对于词汇记忆的持续性,研究发现控制组与字典组遗忘的单词少于页边注释组,也就是说,通过上下文猜测和通过查字典而获得的词义在记忆中保持的更加长久。(3)学习者的词汇量的大小对词汇附带习得有显著影响,词汇量越大,习得的单词越多,单词记忆的持续性也越长久。本研究在理论和实践上对英语教学提供了一些启示。在阅读中,教师应该传授给学生从上下文中猜测词义的策略与技巧,培养学生养成良好的阅读习惯,另外,教师还要指导学生,特别是那些词汇量比较小的学生,将附带学习与刻意学习结合起来,以求获得更高的词汇习得效率。

【Abstract】 In the last few years, incidental vocabulary learning (IVL) has become an increasingly interesting topic of discussion for researchers, teachers involved in second language vocabulary acquisition. Among all the relevant studies, the issue of IVL through reading attracts greatest attention and many researchers at home and abroad have investigated several factors that may affect IVL during reading. However, it is found that the impact of reading situations (for example, reading with marginal glosses, reading with dictionary use, etc.) has not been comprehensively examined. Moreover, the relationship between vocabulary size and incidental vocabulary learning gain and retention requires further exploration. The present study, by partly replicating Hulstijn et al.’s (1996) research and making some changes to it, examines the difference in the IVL gains and retentions of Chinese intermediate English learners under different reading situations (reading with marginal glosses, reading with dictionary at one’s disposal and reading without any external aid). In addition, the impact of vocabulary size on their IVL is also investigated.Three parallel groups of 97 non-English majors participated in this research conducted at the beginning of their third academic year in college. The subjects, who were randomly assigned to the three groups (Marginal Glosses group, Dictionary group and Control group), were tested on their gains and retentions of the target words by performing a reading task then taking two vocabulary tests. A vocabulary size test was administered to assess subjects’vocabulary size. The data from all the subjects were analyzed quantitatively by SPSS 11.5.The findings of the current study are summarized as follows: (1) Under the three reading situations, the provision of marginal glosses is the most effective way in promoting IVL gain. However, when readers do use the dictionary, the incidence of IVL is even better than that when they are provided with marginal glosses. These results are compatible with those of Hulstijn et al.’s (1996). (2) The IVL retentions of the three groups are no longer as significantly different as their IVL gains. Nevertheless, as far as the retention rate is concerned, the Dictionary group and the Control group remain better incidental vocabulary retentions than the Marginal Glosses group. That is to say, words inferred or words looked up can be remembered better than word provided directly with meanings. (3) Learners’vocabulary size plays a positive role in IVL performance: learners with large vocabulary size obtain and retain more words than learners with small vocabulary size.The above findings have some practical pedagogical implications. For the purpose of improving learners’efficiency of IVL gains and retentions, teachers should impart the strategies and skills of meaning inference from context to students and help them cultivate good reading habits. Apart from that, it is advisable for teachers to help learners, especially those with small vocabulary size, integrate incidental and intentional learning together in their vocabulary studies.

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】253

