

The Design of E-Commerce Business Model and Market Strategy for FTNS Orporators

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 李海刚;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代通信技术的快速发展发展特别是移动通信技术、数字通信技术和网络技术的发展使得电信运营商不断地面临新的挑战,传统的信息网络资源服务已经陷入短兵相接的红海,并且远远跟不上现代通信服务的发展速度和企业自身发展的要求。为了摆脱不断升温的红海,提高综合竞争能力,各大电信运营商都将眼光放在增值业务的发展上,宽带、IPTV、小灵通、IDC等增值业务以其快速的增长率正不断成为开拓市场和吸引用户的亮点产品。电信运营商都希望能在各种增值业务中能够寻找到能够成为像世纪初移动通信这样的明星产品来增加自身的竞争力,乃至推动整个电信行业的发展。基于固定线路的两大通信服务通信运营商——中国电信和中国网通,都早已将企业转型提上议事日程,力求从提供基础服务的资源网络运营商转变为综合信息服务提供商,也就是说,仅仅提供信息网络的资源和线路已远远不能适应将来的企业发展需要,能提供直接满足最终用户需求的综合信息服务才是锁定用户、增加效益的关键,也是企业生存和发展的关键。电子商务作为一个诞生于上世纪末的新兴商业模式,经过10年的发展逐步趋向成熟,虽然在其发展过程中遇到了相当多的问题,但其特有的高效、便捷的商务交易方式使得众多企业非常关注,并正投入大量的调研和论证工作,准备将电子商务作为部分替代传统交易方式的销售渠道和采购渠道的商业模式。在固网运营商看来,电子商务作为IDC客户目前所提供的一种应用,具备非常大的潜力。目前对于固网运营商来说,电子商务业务的开展已经具备了一定的网络条件、设备条件和技术条件,但至今为止电子商务对固网运营商来说仅仅是一种为经营电子商务的企业提供机房、网络、维护等一些IDC的基础服务(ISP),电子商务也就是机房里托管服务器里的内容而已,并没有涉足电子商务领域里具体的服务提供(ICP)。而网上支付电信帐单、网上申请电信业务、网上购买电话卡等仅仅是营业厅的一个延伸,因此并不能作为固网运营商涉足电子商务领域的标志。本文从电信行业和电子商务行业发展的现状、发展趋势出发,深入分析电子商务商业化运作的商业模式和所遇到的问题。在第三章中结合固网运营商经营电子商务的实际市场环境,通过优劣势分析和竞争分析的理论方法,对固网运营商的各种资源优势进行分析,探讨了固网运营商经营电子商务的可行性。第四章设计了固网运营商经营电子商务的平台架构、商业模式、盈利模式和关键体系,并在第六章以实例制定电子商务正式商业化运作后初期的市场策略。第七章为研究结论和进一步的思考。

【Abstract】 Modern communication technology development, particularly the rapid development of mobile communication technology, digital communication technology and network technology makes telecom carriers constantly confronted with new challenges. The traditional network resource information services has been a fight at close competition in the Red Sea, and far failed to keep pace with the speed of modern communication and the requirement of telecom carriers’development.In order to keep from heating up the Red Sea, and improve their competitiveness, the major carriers are taking close look on the development of value-added services. Some value-added services such as broadband, IPTV, PHS, IDC, are growing rapidly and become star products. Telecom operators hope to develop value-added products which will become a star product as mobile communication service. So they can increase their competitiveness, and even promote the development of the entire telecommunications industry. Two major FTNS carriers based on fixed-line, China Telecom and China Netcom, have put restructuring on agenda. They are planning to restructuring from basic services provider into integrated information service provider. That means only provide network lines and resources is far from meeting the needs of enterprise development.E-commerce as a new business model birth form the end of last century, are gradually growing up after 10 years of development. Although encountered a lot of problems, its unique efficient and convenient business value attracts many enterprises which is making research and feasibility studies. They believe E-commerce will become an alternative sales channel of traditional business model.In the fixed network carriers’view, e-commerce is an application of IDC customers but have great potential. Currently e-commerce business already have network, equipment and technical conditions. But to FTNS operators, e-commerce is only a business which is to provide Computer Lab, networking, maintenance and other basic services to IDC (ISPs) so far. Internet bill payment system, Internet applying system and calling card sale system is only an extension of FTNS carriers’business apartment, which can not be a sign of running an e-commerce.This paper mainly analyzes development status, trends and major develop problems of e-commerce. The third chapter is about the actual market environment of FTNS carriers running e-commerce service, and then explores e-commerce business the feasibility by SWOT and competitive analysis. Chapter four is a design of platform structure, business model, profitability model and key systems for FTNS carriers. Chapter six is an example of official commercial operation market strategy for FTNS carriers. Chapter seven is the conclusion of the study and further thought.

  • 【分类号】F626;F724.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】330

