

The Desigh and Application of Condition Based Equipment Management System in Express Way Surveillance Center

【作者】 张勇敢

【导师】 季建华;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 快速路监控中心为了缓解上海市的交通矛盾,尤其是在“申”字形高架路网上的存在着交通流时间和空间的不均衡现象,建设了一套交通信息诱导系统。系统由一个复杂的体系构成,包含有大量的电子设备,既有许多专业设备,又有通用IT设备。但在系统投入运行后,相应的设备管理工作没有到位,出现了一些问题。因此,需要引入设备管理信息系统,以全面提高监控中心设备管理的综合能力,从而有力的保证监控中心的正常运行。本文主要分析了监控中心内部管理的实际情况,包括系统结构,组织架构,设备特点等,并提出了以状态检修为核心的设备维修管理模式,将设备监测和设备故障诊断作为其中心内容。据此,建立了监控中心以故障树为基础的诊断推理模型,确定了判别设备故障状态的指标。并且,根据状态检修的要求,建立了监控中心的业务流程,通过这种先进的管理模式可以大大降低监控中心设备的故障率,提高运行效率。在建立了设备维修管理模式的基础上,拓展分析了监控中心目前的设备管理状况,包括设备管理的内容及目的,并进一步梳理了主要的管理流程。随后,进行了设备运行管理系统的系统设计。通过设备管理系统的用户需求分析,实现了系统的总体功能设计,并详细设计了系统所提供的功能及相互关系,重点阐述了体现状态维修的故障管理模块,接着完成了系统的体系结构设计。最后给出了系统的应用效果,规范了监控中心的业务流程,保证了业务环节间数据的准确、一致,提高了工作效率,对于及时发现设备故障,合理维护设备提供了可靠的信息支持,达到了提高设备运行效率的目标。

【Abstract】 Shanghai express way center built up a traffic information system to meliorate the traffic congestion, especially the spatial-temporal disequilibrium on express network. This system consisted of many electric types of equipment, concluding special as well as common IT facilities. Due to the defective management, some problems emerged in operation. Thereby, an equipment management system should be introduced to raise the capability of management, and ensure normal operation.Firstly, this paper analyzes the management situation as system structure, organizational structure and equipment characteristics in express way center. Then, it proposes the mode of condition based equipment management with the kernel of equipment testing and fault diagnosis. Hereby, fault tree based diagnosis mode is set up besides index of equipment condition. Furthermore,operation flow is also adjusted in accordance with condition based equipment management.Secondly, this paper expands to the whole content of equipment management in express way center and settles main operation flows. Afterward, it makes the design of. on the requirement of users, it completes the whole function design, then goes deeper into the detail of sub function. According to condition based equipment management, it developed the component of fault diagnosis management. At the end, it figures out the system structure.Finally, the paper concludes the effect of implementing condition based equipment management system which meets the original expectation.

  • 【分类号】U495
  • 【下载频次】54

